I had previously had House Finches nest in the wreath on our front door in 2010 and 2011. But before then, in 2008, they nested above this same rain gutter in the front NE corner of our house. So I figured what the heck, let's wedge the Bird-Cam in there (very tight fit) and see what we can get.
Once Mom lays her eggs, I expect her to be on the nest almost 7x24 ... so I got everything assembled and quickly put it in place when she wasn't there. The Dome Webcam doesn't move at all and I was glad (but not surprised) to see that Mom returned after it was installed. I also saw (as of May 21st) that she was not spending the night there ... but would come by mostly in the mornings to do some further tidy-up of the nest, but not much more "building" ... as it looks ready to go to me. I haven't seen much of the Dad ... except for a quick stop to (literally) "jump" on the Mom to mate!
As implied above, I was confident she would "accept" the (non-moving) webcam,
especially since she had invested time in the nest already.
I'm more worried
that a neighborhood hawk (there are many around!) (or even the family of foxes) will get her - lets hope not.
Momma Robin laid her first egg on May 22nd, the second on May 23rd, and the third one on May 25th. She was on the nest continuosly every night since May 22nd ... but flew off on June 2nd ... and has not been seen since ...:-(
A pair of Finches were checking out the nest, so on June 4th, I removed the eggs ... but I may have been a day late as I haven't seen them since - darn!