4,636 -
United Kingdom - Warrington 53.383°N 2.600°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/30 12:32:12
Hope you all have a great New Years Eve. Dont drink too much Kina KC...lol
4,635 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.166°N 94.826°W "Wild & Crazy Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/29 13:34:39
Hi guys. Did everyone have a nice Christmas? Hope New Year's Eve is safe and satisfying. Quite laughing Mr. H!!!
4,634 -
Russian Federation - Voronezh 51.666°N 39.170°E "mnorgovudkka" from (68.208.c10008-a53.dsl-dynamic.vsi.ru) wrote at 2008/12/28 20:03:10
Hy my name is mnorgovudkka Im from mongolia Buy
4,633 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "Mafioz" from (130120434.dialup.corbina.ru) wrote at 2008/12/28 02:20:39
Hello! All would like to congratulate on coming Christmas!
4,632 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "pie" from (c-98-209-97-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/26 16:50:27
new router what kind!
4,631 -
China - Changchun Jilin 43.880°N 125.322°E "Vince" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/26 14:48:09
Best links n
4,630 -
United States - Jackson Mississippi 32.365°N 90.111°W "Opceqszh" from (c-76-107-133-30.hsd1.ms.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/26 12:47:36
Hi, visit my link please,
4,629 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "vamkino" from (130120434.dialup.corbina.ru) wrote at 2008/12/25 13:08:15
Hello! Would like to congratulate to you with coming new year! And into the account of article that of drawings
4,628 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Mr H" from (adsl-76-212-154-221.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 16:42:03
I got a sneak peek at Santa's "Naughty or Nice" list and it looks like we've all been good this year. Except, of course, Ms Kina, who was near the top of the Naughty list. All she wants for Christmas this year is more Victoria Secret stuff. Gotta love her. Anyway, Merry Christmas to all my Grass Family. Hope Santa spoils you all rotten this year. Love you guys. XOXO
4,627 -
United States - Murfreesboro Tennessee 35.849°N 86.385°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-19-214-15.bna.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008/12/24 13:48:54
jeez you got more snow than we did down in tennessee.
4,626 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina in KC" from (mta-67-48-23-196.new.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/22 21:34:36
Mr. H, love the drink but how is your stomach the next morning? :) I prefer Bailey's myself. I like E&J Brandy too. Mr. Dave, have a great holiday season too.
4,625 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Mr H" from (adsl-76-244-163-101.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/22 15:25:20
Gosh, are you psychic Mr Dave? How did you know my drinks? Although, I usually mix them together then add a can of PBR and top it off with a festive umbrella. One of those usually knocks me on my grass! Thanks for the Christmas wishes. Hope you have a great Christmas too.
4,624 -
Jordan - Amman 31.950°N 35.933°E "Robert" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/22 03:51:14
hello, look my best links b
4,623 -
Jordan - Amman 31.950°N 35.933°E "Robert" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/21 08:15:23
Hello look best links .
4,622 -
United Kingdom - Leeds 53.800°N 1.583°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-103-47.opaltelecom.net.103.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/12/20 16:06:49
One Pint coming your way KC Kina...Whats your tipple MR H. Being a grandad is it a sherry or baileys....lol. Merry Xmas to you both and a prosperous 2009.
4,621 -
United States - Escondido California 33.134°N 117.041°W "Mr H" from (adsl-75-55-38-196.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/20 11:19:13
A pint? That's it Ms Kina? Only a pint? We always thought you were the "Wild and Crazy" one. Frankly, I'm a little disappointed. Oh wait...you probably meant a pint of Jack Daniels.
4,620 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.166°N 94.826°W "Kina in KCK" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/19 12:53:20
Hey Dave, stay warm and have a great holiday season. Tip a pint for me too.
4,619 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/19 00:41:51
Hey Mr H, KC KINA, hope you are all well. Its -2 degrees here but we have no snow only rain. As the saying goes..its to cold to snow!!! I never understood this...lol
4,618 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "Vitalikov" from (130120434.dialup.corbina.ru) wrote at 2008/12/18 15:38:12
Hello! Would like to congratulate to you with coming new year!
4,617 -
United States - Little Rock Arkansas 34.746°N 92.280°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/18 09:56:10
Hey, Woah!!! That grass is sneaking up on me!
4,616 -
United States - San Diego California 32.711°N 117.053°W "Mr H" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/17 15:33:36
I'm putting my house on the market, packing the U-Haul and heading for the Show Me State as we speak. I can't stand anymore of this miserable sunshine.
4,615 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.166°N 94.826°W "Kina in KCK" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/17 08:02:36
Hey Mr. H, 10 degrees and 3 inches of snow. Are you jealous yet??? :)
4,614 -
Germany - Erfurt Thuringen 50.983°N 11.033°E "Inithliat" from (ns.km13939-03.keymachine.de) wrote at 2008/12/17 04:07:44
Very usefull post, i think i will use it. Thanks.
4,613 -
Russian Federation - Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg City 59.894°N 30.264°E "sanakof*awa" from (o35users.well-com.net) wrote at 2008/12/16 17:37:39
album downloadable hip hop mp3 music audio download song artist download mp3 music soundtrack
4,612 -
Germany - Erfurt Thuringen 50.983°N 11.033°E "Inithliat" from (ns.km13939-03.keymachine.de) wrote at 2008/12/16 15:38:35
Very usefull post, i think i will use it. Thanks.
4,611 -
Germany - Seeth-ekholt Schleswig-Holstein 53.733°N 9.716°E "Anonymous" from (p5B10B6B5.dip.t-dialin.net) wrote at 2008/12/16 13:06:28
greetings from germany. i love your site keep it up! invi
4,610 -
United States - Mena Arkansas 34.591°N 94.195°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/15 14:47:00
keshia winger likes boys nice grass
4,609 -
United States - Little Rock Arkansas 34.746°N 92.280°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/15 09:09:37
4,608 -
United States - Little Rock Arkansas 34.746°N 92.280°W "Andrew Looney" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/15 08:45:31
OMG!!!!!!!!!! i totally just saw that car go by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i loved it!!! this site r beast!!!
4,607 -
China - Shanghai 31.005°N 121.408°E "Kathy" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/14 18:16:08
Fabrica de cubiertas de piscinas Fabrica de cubiertas de piscinas
4,606 -
United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.800°N 0.366°W "Neil Sleeman-Smith" from (host86-138-102-255.range86-138.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/14 13:35:47
OMG it's chilly there -16 oC, I thought it was cold here in jolly ol' England last night as -2
4,605 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina in KC" from (mta-67-48-23-196.new.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/13 08:19:43
4,604 -
United States - Saint Augustine Florida 29.808°N 81.267°W "Anonymous" from (c-76-106-136-121.hsd1.fl.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/12 23:29:30
grass ftw?
4,603 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "mameScutthume" from (adsl-68-120-224-3.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/12 21:31:04
da smart art institute of chicago museum universal horror night
4,602 -
Germany - Erfurt Thuringen 50.983°N 11.033°E "UNALLEYGEND" from (ns.km33707.keymachine.de) wrote at 2008/12/12 19:24:54
Hi! My name is Jessika!
4,601 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-209-97-3.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/12 13:33:33
Hey, Why is the webcam Offline???
Mr. Grass replies at 14:13 - I was installing a new wireless router so there was a brief interuption in the grass watching ... ;-)
4,600 -
United States - Lincoln Nebraska 40.820°N 96.680°W "RawrlyDoo" from (LPSDOws112.lps.org) wrote at 2008/12/12 10:22:47
Rawr you are one smart guy
4,599 -
Sweden - Eskilstuna Sodermanlands Lan 59.366°N 16.500°E "mr svensson" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/11 23:35:44
cool grass =)
4,598 -
Sweden - Eskilstuna Sodermanlands Lan 59.366°N 16.500°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/11 03:57:52
hej p dig
4,597 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Mr H" from (adsl-76-212-146-117.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/10 16:51:27
ILY2 Ms Kina. And hey, it's not always Shangrila here in Sun Diego. Today it was a chilly 74 degrees. Burrrr! And last week we got a real downpour of rain. Almost a tenth of an inch!
4,596 -
Germany - Oberhausen Nordrhein-Westfalen 51.466°N 6.850°E "Hannes" from (p508BAFA7.dip.t-dialin.net) wrote at 2008/12/10 16:51:08
look more, tnx Movies filmed in mississippi Movies filmed in mississippi
4,595 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "Antanida" from (130120434.dialup.corbina.ru) wrote at 2008/12/10 07:45:30
Thanks! gut text
4,594 -
United States - Salt Lake City Utah 40.724°N 111.878°W "Padathir" from (c-67-182-253-42.hsd1.ut.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/12/10 01:30:18
You, sir, are awesome. Keep up the good work.
4,593 -
Costa Rica - San Jose San Jose 9.933°N 84.083°W "Incetuact" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/09 15:18:39
Very usefull post, i think i will use it. Thanks.
4,592 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.166°N 94.826°W "Kina in KCK Snowy" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/12/09 09:39:42
Mr. H, I am watching it snow out my window and thinking of you in SUNNY SAN DIEGO WITH YOUR SUNSHINE AND SURF. I don't like you surf boy (not really, I still luv U). Mr. G, time to shovel AGAIN. :)
4,591 -
United Kingdom - Worthing West Sussex 50.800°N 0.366°W "Neil Sleeman-Smith" from (host86-138-102-190.range86-138.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/09 06:48:37
Woohooooo!!!!! More Snow!!!!! Better get the shovel out again Alek.
4,590 -
United States - Chesapeake Virginia 36.755°N 76.292°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-99-165-16.hr.hr.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/07 19:34:12
anyone else here?
4,589 -
United States - Chesapeake Virginia 36.755°N 76.292°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-99-165-16.hr.hr.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/07 19:29:05
I is here... watching grass grow!!
4,588 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Mr H" from (adsl-76-212-158-21.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/12/07 14:43:12
No comments for two days. Guess everyone's at the mall. Anyone see Santa while you were there?
4,587 -
Canada - Rosemere Quebec 45.633°N 73.816°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/05 13:17:34
4,586 -
United States - Little Rock Arkansas 34.746°N 92.280°W "andrew" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/05 08:10:15
i love watching grass grow!!!! but i guess since there is only snow right now, im watching snow melt :-)
4,585 -
United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.352°N 111.789°W "Austin" from (ip68-99-135-102.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/04 15:32:06
you finally got snoWWWW!!!! i eat my own poop. i have to poop right now... i guess its dinner time...
4,584 -
United States - Delmar New York 42.609°N 73.867°W "Lord Bismarck Del Quark" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/04 09:41:37
Wow, I can't believe it! Somebody finally made that dream where a lobster ate me come true!
4,583 -
United States - Delmar New York 42.609°N 73.867°W "Kc" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/04 07:34:01
Bye bye! I saw you leave!
4,582 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip72-208-165-162.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/04 07:30:28
Alek, maybe a snow plow instead of a lawnmower for your cursor? Just a thought.
4,581 -
Argentina - Rosario Santa Fe 32.951°S 60.666°W "Sounnikoura" from (host31.190-31-62.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/12/04 04:48:08
SNOW! BTW, is it foggy? A car passed by and it looked like a big red and white blur.
4,580 -
United Kingdom - Bolton 53.583°N 2.433°W "atomiclard" from (host86-136-149-146.range86-136.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/12/03 15:02:01
grass, its always good. btw, love your grass x
4,579 -
Norway - Elverum Hedmark 60.883°N 11.566°E "Anonymous" from (ti0060a340-1239.bb.online.no) wrote at 2008/12/03 10:43:25
grass!!!! we all love it.. but i want some action
4,578 -
United States - Delmar New York 42.609°N 73.867°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/03 09:42:36
I love your site! I love your grass! I forgot to put pants on...your lemonade stand was wierd! I love your drying water!
4,577 -
United States - Delmar New York 42.609°N 73.867°W "Kc" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/03 09:37:02
This site is awesome! I LOVE WATCHING GRASS GROW!
4,576 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.293°N 80.735°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/03 07:18:40
Just saw your neighbor put out his recycle bin.
4,575 -
United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.352°N 111.789°W "Austin" from (ip68-99-135-102.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/02 18:34:50
Grass is exciting!
4,574 -
United States - Gilbert Arizona 33.352°N 111.789°W "Austin" from (ip68-99-135-102.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/12/02 18:25:17
Hey Guys! I just found out about this and I am amazed! Ive been watching since 3:00PM today nonstop!!! (except for a few bathroom breaks and some food. nice decorations!
4,573 -
Canada - Waterloo Ontario 43.466°N 80.533°W "Chris Foster" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/02 17:24:28
I never stop watching the grass!!! Austin is my BFF
4,572 -
Canada - Waterloo Ontario 43.466°N 80.533°W "Chris Foster" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/12/02 17:20:25
Haha i love this website Austin is my BFF ()_() (___.___) (v v) m m
4,571 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.152°N 94.688°W "Wild and Crazy Kina in KCK" from (mta-67-48-23-196.new.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/12/01 17:30:49
Hey Everyone. Are you all still in a turkey coma? I didn't get the coma or any turkey this year :(
4,570 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/30 21:45:42
Mkay Mr.Grass, i gave it one last try to figure out the riddle of your email -.- hope everyone's thanksgiving was good!
4,569 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Anonymous" from (ppp-71-137-137-139.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 21:44:52
Yay I spy on ur neighborhood
4,568 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Anonymous" from (ppp-71-137-137-139.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 21:28:48
dis is fun!! wooooo...
4,567 -
United States - Groton Connecticut 41.353°N 72.038°W "Max P." from (host172-118.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 14:04:33
When cars go by, ho ho ho will be oh oh oh lol
4,566 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.220°N 115.145°W "Chris"tmas"" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/11/29 12:23:34
Awww wheres the Grass
4,565 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.152°N 94.688°W "Kina in KC" from (mta-67-48-23-196.new.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/28 17:00:49
Hey Noel do you have a holiday like our Thanksgiving Day in Hungary??
4,564 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (catv-89-133-146-183.catv.broadband.hu) wrote at 2008/11/28 10:26:25
happy belated thanksgiving my dearest wgg clan.
4,563 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Mr H" from (adsl-76-245-120-201.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/11/28 09:28:05
I love you too Ms Kina.
4,562 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.152°N 94.688°W "Wild and Crazy Kina in KCK" from (mta-67-48-23-196.new.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/27 00:35:28
Hey Mr. H, I'm not sure you aren't a "turkey" in another sense. LOL :)
4,561 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Mr H" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 18:11:04
Happy Thanksgiving to all the Grass Gang. You know what I'm most thankful for on Thanksgiving? I'm thankful that I'm not a turkey. Now, let's eat!!
4,560 -
United Kingdom - Leeds 53.800°N 1.583°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 16:24:47
Happy Thanksgiving to all our american grass fans from the other side of the pond....Have a great day
4,559 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/26 11:11:18
Happy Thanksgiving back to you Kina! and everyone else!
4,558 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.166°N 94.826°W "Wild and Crazy Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/11/26 09:45:42
Hello everyone. I just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all the WGG Clan. Can't wait for the Christmas Lights Mr. G. Thanks for everything. We love it all.
4,557 -
United States - Flint Michigan 43.026°N 83.703°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:59:12
Bye all..... Nice job ALex on the Lights
4,556 -
United States - Flint Michigan 43.026°N 83.703°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/26 08:42:05
Hello .047 you don't have to click on the relord button it actomatica reloard the image every 2 Sec or so
4,555 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.220°N 115.145°W "Chris"tmas"" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/11/25 16:56:36
alek you should put a reload webacam button so we dont have to reload the whole page
4,554 -
United States - Flushing New York 40.750°N 73.820°W "Anonymous" from (pool-72-89-203-243.nycmny.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/25 15:40:56
yha why ??
4,553 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/25 15:38:03
Hey Alex why is the webcam offline
4,552 -
United Kingdom - Winchester Hampshire 51.016°N 1.316°W "Anonymous" from (host-11.hants.gov.uk) wrote at 2008/11/25 05:12:24
were from england :D:D your all sadd :) atm dis girls groping a boys head:O:O hve fun
4,551 -
United States - Ypsilanti Michigan 42.239°N 83.611°W "Anon" from (c-68-42-123-120.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/23 11:10:57
more christmas decorations! woot
4,550 -
United States - Larchmont New York 40.933°N 73.756°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/23 11:01:57
lol i wish i"d thought of this...and somehow im watching this for hours on end... it would be cool if u put like a chat thing like cbox on your site so u can discuss wuts happening with other people
4,549 -
United States - Long Beach California 33.797°N 118.161°W "eso" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/23 10:06:42
It must be getting cold there Mr. Grass. It looks like the grass is going dormant for the winter...
4,548 -
United States - Flushing Michigan 43.073°N 83.860°W "pie" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/22 17:50:09
youtube live :o
4,547 -
Germany - Ludwigshafen Rheinland-Pfalz 49.481°N 8.435°E "Gina" from (p578F0E33.dip.t-dialin.net) wrote at 2008/11/22 16:00:30
Mr. G, your kids will surely catch a cold if they run about in T-shirts and short pants at 48 degrees.
4,546 -
United States - Battle Ground Washington 45.808°N 122.481°W "Anonymous" from (71-222-5-219.ptld.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/11/22 13:25:35
what the heck is the shadow across the street?!
4,545 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.214°N 115.213°W "Chris"tmas"" from (ip70-173-138-204.lv.lv.cox.net) wrote at 2008/11/22 11:39:47
i see your on the roof
4,544 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.293°N 80.735°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/22 06:56:29
Three papers Mr G? I barely have time to get through just one...
4,543 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.220°N 115.145°W "Chris"tmas"" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/11/21 21:27:35
Hey mr. g whats up? nice start on decorating i missed the start tho, please email me when you start decorating tommorow
4,542 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/11/21 21:07:54
WOW - everyone seems darn excited about the Christmas Stuff - a LOT more coming this weekend. How 'bout lets stay "grassy" on the grass blog and post the holiday related comments over on the christmas blog.
4,541 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/21 16:15:34
Yee Haaaa!!! Christmas deployment has begun!!!
4,540 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "katie" from (5ac0054d.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/11/21 14:17:59
I love christmas and this website is the best bit
4,539 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Neil Sleeman-Smith" from (host86-136-106-141.range86-136.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/21 14:15:47
The Christmas decorations are comming out...WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
4,538 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Ian UK" from (host-84-13-129-120.opaltelecom.net.129.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/11/21 13:54:36
I see you down there with your santa sleigh, nice hat there Mr Grass!!
4,537 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "katie" from (5ac0054d.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/11/21 12:35:54
Have you got your xmas decorations up because i can see an areo plane on the top of the shadow of your house
Mr. Grass replies at 21:53 - Nice spot - yep - the Santa Plane is ready for takeoff!
4,536 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/21 07:39:41
Weird....somebody's bots trying to spam you?
4,535 -
Netherlands - Leidschendam Zuid-Holland 52.083°N 4.400°E "name" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/20 22:43:19
4,534 -
Korea, Republic of - Seoul Seoul-t'ukpyolsi 37.566°N 126.999°E "name" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/20 20:43:53
4,533 -
China - Dongguan Guangdong 23.048°N 113.744°E "name" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/20 18:51:03
4,532 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Neil Sleeman-Smith" from (host86-136-106-141.range86-136.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/20 12:33:31
Pengi's got out of the tub at last.
Mr. Grass replies at 13:03 - Yep, it's been 72 hours, so time to let the penguin out of his water bath - he actually did grow quite a bit. For those that missed it, there are pictures and time-lapse videos of the amazing growing penguin cam!
4,531 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.166°N 94.826°W "Crazy KC Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/11/20 12:27:25
Hello Mr. G, Mr. H, Noel, Brandon, Dave, Luke and Gil, Mr. Piper and all the other WGG Clan. BTW, Mr. H, I have never been arrested. I am taking the 5th on the indecent exposure crack though. :)
4,530 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (catv-89-133-146-183.catv.broadband.hu) wrote at 2008/11/20 10:39:10
looks like heavy handed mr penguin tries to wave goodbye.
4,529 -
United States - Fayetteville North Carolina 35.171°N 78.895°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-065-191-118-135.nc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/20 00:14:38
I miss the grass :( !
Mr. Grass replies at 07:03 - Note there is a button to show the Grass Cam ... plus the Penguim Cam will be over at Noon today.
4,528 -
United States - Grapevine Texas 32.923°N 97.081°W "Robert" from (pool-71-170-17-133.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/19 23:58:15
mark, yeah it probably does grow faster laying down as it can absorb more water. Mr G where's the hulk at? I'm sure he'd like to keep the penguin company :D
Mr. Grass replies at 09:40 - Hulk might SMASH Mr. Penguin - D'OH! ;-)
4,527 -
United States - Rancho Santa Margarita California 33.619°N 117.611°W "name" from (ip70-187-139-33.oc.oc.cox.net) wrote at 2008/11/19 21:43:37
4,526 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/19 17:58:13
Nothing much, jsut freezing!
4,525 -
United States - San Diego California 32.818°N 117.196°W "Mr H" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/19 16:01:50
Hey Sir Luke, hope you're doing better. We're all thinking about you and praying for you. Tell that lovely Mum of yours that a big plate of cookies will make you feel better. Hello Ms Kina. I missed you. You gotta check in more often. Where were you? You didn't get thrown in jail for indecent exposure again did you? Hey to all the rest of the Grass Crew. Whassup?
4,524 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust16.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/11/19 13:41:24
Luke had his operation yesterday, he looks very sore and bruised. It was on his eardrum, he looks like Pudsy bear :-( This should cheer him up though, and going on his Exbox 360. Luke's mum.
4,523 -
United States - Royal Oak Michigan 42.505°N 83.152°W "Mark" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/19 13:11:32
I think it grows faster laying down
4,522 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Anonymous" from (5ac0054d.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/11/19 12:24:31
why have the webcams stoped
Mr. Grass replies at 12:56 - While the penguin keeps falling over, the webcam continues to work well ... as seen in the 48 hours elapsed footage - yes, the Penguin is getting bigger!
4,521 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/11/19 10:49:23
For those curious to see what the penguin-cam looks like, here's the setup in my basement crawlspace. A small light helps improve the image quality on the DCS-6620G wireless webcam. And R2-D2 and Buzz LightYear are keeping Mr. Penguin company.
4,520 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Neil Sleeman-Smith" from (host86-136-106-141.range86-136.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/19 04:33:41
Penguin seems to be doing the back stroke!
4,519 -
United States - Tinley Park Illinois 41.569°N 87.799°W "Trelorneync" from (c-24-14-31-247.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/19 01:58:59
In actual fact very good site...successes are in advancement
4,518 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.220°N 115.145°W "Chris"tmas"" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/11/18 20:09:54
Sorry i have not been here, when i cam on that penguin freaked me out, her Mr. G when will you start decortaing, post on my Christmas Light Put-Up Buisness so far ive earned about 400 gonna get me a IPod touch WOO-HOO!
4,517 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/11/18 12:58:35
Here's the 24 hour video of the growing penguin - he sure is taking his time to grow 600%! Note that the clock battery died around Midnight but I replaced it shortly after 8:00AM this morning.
4,516 -
United Kingdom - Blackburn Blackburn with Darwen 53.750°N 2.483°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/18 12:32:18
Hello KC Kina, we are doing fine over here in the UK, hope you are well over there. Its looks like things have gone pengiun mad while we have been away....
4,515 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/18 10:37:00
The second hand is fluttering on the 12 hour video, but not sure if that is due to the low battery, or the fact that each frame is 1 minute apart....oh, and the clock runs backwards, too )
4,514 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.166°N 94.826°W "Crazy KC Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/11/18 07:24:27
Hi Noel. Love the penguin cam. Very cool Mr. G but I am in agreement that the clock needs a battery. :) Mr. H, I know you are there. Come out, come out where ever you are. How are our friends in the UK doing? Cannot wait for Christmas and we have decorations going up here in KC too. Lots of houses with lights already. Wild!
Mr. Grass replies at 08:14 - OK - battery replaced and clock is working again - BTW, does anyone notice anything "funny" about the clock - especially if you watch the 12 hour video?!? ;-)
4,513 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "curtis" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/18 03:34:26
4,512 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Neil" from (host86-136-106-141.range86-136.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/18 03:20:16
Your clock's stopped, new battery needed me thinks.
4,511 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (catv-89-133-146-183.catv.broadband.hu) wrote at 2008/11/17 16:04:40
yep, it's sure taking its time. unlike the grass which is just whooshing out of the ground.
Mr. Grass replies at 16:59 - The package says it takes 72 hours for the penguin to grow - here's video of the first four hours.
4,510 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/17 14:08:55
It may be growing, but it sure is taking its sweet time....
4,509 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/11/17 13:05:58
As noted in post #4505, I had to drain some of the water since the penguin floats. And while he started out standing up nice & straight, he's starting to lean as he grows as seen in the first hour video.
4,508 -
United States - Broomfield Colorado 39.914°N 105.080°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/17 12:23:50
Thanks Steve, Angela, Matthew and Daniel.
4,507 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/17 11:59:02
Penguin, penguin, penguin!!!
4,506 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/17 11:53:57
I think you're gonna have to pull back the camera to get everything in frame....
4,505 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/11/17 11:17:11
My wife works at an adventure travel company and runs trips all over the world including Antarctica. One of her clients also has kids (almost the same ages as ours) and was nice enough to send us a "Growing Penguin" - thank you Steve, Angela, Matthew, and Daniel! This is immersed in water and "grows 600%" (my sons thought it was 600 times initially!) over 24-72 hours ... so I figured it would be more fun to set it up in front of a webcam to watch it live.
Update: I measured the penguin at 3 3/8" tall just before I dunked him in the water at Noon. Turned out he floated ... so I had to drain some water after the initial dunk so he hopefully will remain standing as he grows.
4,504 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/17 09:19:45
What is causing the big round shadow???
Mr. Grass replies at 10:02 - Ummm ... yea, that's kinda wild looking ... I had to go outside to check this out myself. Turns out there's a car parked in the driveway off-camera and with the low sun, it casts an interesting shadow!
4,503 -
United Kingdom - Burton Cumbria 54.166°N 2.716°W "Cody" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/17 04:44:25
4,502 -
United Kingdom - Burton Cumbria 54.166°N 2.716°W "Ashely Wagg" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/17 04:39:23
I love Grass
4,501 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-105-112.opaltelecom.net.105.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/11/15 14:16:38
Hello Mr H how r u. Hope u and ur family are good. Did u miss us while we were over at the halloween party....lol. I see the xmas tree at the rockerfeller centre is up..christmas must be coming..
4,500 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "chazz" from (88-106-114-207.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/11/15 13:18:13
if anyones online here plz tell us on the blog!!!i love andrew prescott!!!!!from chazz..
4,499 -
Hungary - Nyarlorinc Bacs-Kiskun 46.862°N 19.873°E "noel" from (78-131-66-61.pool.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/11/15 13:13:46
woohoo, ms kina's back.
4,498 -
United Kingdom - Milton Keynes 52.033°N 0.700°W "leglas dung heap" from (host86-129-196-82.range86-129.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/15 07:13:35
Hi i'm sorry to inf orm you i found thiswebsite LINK DELETED LINK DELETED/cgi-b in/grass-blog extreemly i fear you are steeling viewers from my website wat ching cheeze go blue, i am prepared to make a truce please mention my website in huge BOLD letters and more importantly PINK ORANGE letters you deside my fair man, my website is called LINK DELETED your sinsirly leglas dung heap
4,497 -
United Kingdom - Milton Keynes 52.033°N 0.700°W "Anonymous" from (host86-129-196-82.range86-129.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/15 06:52:23
i love this webby im that COOL!!! as you can tell im a bit of an idot with no life (i watched it for over three seconds it was the most boring time of my life!!!)
4,496 -
Argentina - San Jose Del Rincon Santa Fe 31.600°S 60.583°W "Sounnikoura" from (host88.190-31-227.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/11/14 11:24:38
To the buy below me: No u.
4,495 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "chazz" from (88-106-125-31.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/11/14 11:00:49
4,494 -
United States - Lincoln Nebraska 40.820°N 96.680°W "harry sack" from (LPSDOws112.lps.org) wrote at 2008/11/14 10:14:17
fun up but funny
4,493 -
United States - Lincoln Nebraska 40.820°N 96.680°W "Anonymous" from (LPSDOws112.lps.org) wrote at 2008/11/14 10:08:16
it needs more f***ing cars in it
4,492 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Neil" from (host86-136-106-141.range86-136.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/14 08:48:17
WOOOOHOOO!!!! Snow!!!! Christmas must be on the way. Have you sent your letter to Santa?
Mr. Grass replies at 14:39 - Yea, the first white stuff of the year showed up this morning ... although it was just a dusting ... but back up to 60°+ this weekend.
4,491 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.166°N 94.826°W "Crazy KC Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/11/14 08:37:34
Hey Mr. H, Mr. G, and all the WGG regulars. I have been away, busy and just lazy :( but here I am again and I want to say hello. Wasn't Halloween cool? Can't wait for the Red and Green lights too. Have a good day all.
4,490 -
United States - Lincoln Nebraska 40.779°N 96.700°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-76-84-14-200.neb.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/13 16:20:26
well now let not get to excited with all this grass grown and OMG i saw like 10 cars in 9 min AWESOME. i mean it's so AWESOME that i watch it at school
4,489 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/11/13 15:19:24
Getting back to the 'grass level' cam, you could always redeploy the high tech 'birdbox' enclosure you deployed back when you was redoing your rear deck.... (grin)
4,488 -
United Kingdom - Chelmsford Essex 51.733°N 0.483°E "Connor Clowes" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/13 07:58:30
A Good watch, 10/10
4,487 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-75-22-16-70.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/11/12 17:44:47
Whoa. Car passing the house at night means blinding light on webcam.
4,486 -
United States - Royal Oak Michigan 42.505°N 83.152°W "Mark" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/12 15:59:42
Hey Mr.G Have u ever thought about a grass level cam? Just an idea thought to put it out there and see what u would say about it.
Mr. Grass replies at 10:10 - Cool idea ... but would be hard to find a location that would provide a good view and also protection from the elements for the webcam.
4,485 -
United States - Brookfield Illinois 41.825°N 87.845°W "Eric" from (static-250-77-158-66.elmhurst205.org) wrote at 2008/11/12 09:06:02
This is so awesome!! I wish there was a better view!
4,484 -
Korea, Republic of - Seoul Seoul-t'ukpyolsi 37.566°N 126.999°E "dieteGainiDat" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/11 21:31:55
Hello! simply super!
4,483 -
Germany - Gunzenhausen Bayern 49.100°N 10.750°E "HairyMan" from (static. wrote at 2008/11/11 21:23:05
Not bad... Not bad.
4,482 -
Moldova, Republic of - Chisinau 47.005°N 28.857°E "EZWilliam" from (89-28-114-111.starnet.md) wrote at 2008/11/11 19:52:15
hmm interesting site. Sometimes I can't help but make a move with my right thought Wanna very nice joke?)) How do you keep a bagel from getting away? Put lox on it!
4,481 -
Germany - Gunzenhausen Bayern 49.100°N 10.750°E "YahooBot" from (static. wrote at 2008/11/11 15:37:00
Nice site, thanks for information!
4,480 -
United Kingdom - Norwich Norfolk 52.633°N 1.300°E "Jake Shannon" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/11 07:54:21
we all luv jordan mason :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
4,479 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/10 16:11:59
That makes me feel good Chris, I'm looking forward to working for senske when I'm old enough, I hear they pay well and I do need a better video card :D
4,478 -
Denmark - Roskilde 55.650°N 12.083°E "Ida" from (port656.ds1-ro.adsl.cybercity.dk) wrote at 2008/11/10 12:42:48
2 seconds camera rockx
4,477 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/11/10 11:57:49
OK - we are back to 2 second image updates - don't want anyone to miss some important grass growing! ;-)
4,476 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.172°N 115.209°W "Chris" from (ip70-173-138-204.lv.lv.cox.net) wrote at 2008/11/09 21:25:30
i'm good brandon!!! i started my buissness where i put up people's lights ive already made 200
4,475 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/11/09 16:33:42
I finally called the people that I'm going to decorate for, looks like next week! I've started putting mine up on the 1st, but now its been raining so I havent been out lately.... Anyways, how is everyone?
4,474 -
Belgium - Antwerp Antwerpen 51.216°N 4.416°E "Anon" from (d54C48312.access.telenet.be) wrote at 2008/11/07 11:19:14
Hye Grass grower, Would you kindly remove the leave that is in front of the camera... This leave is giving us exepectations of some action every day... thank you kind. Grass watchers from Belgium, Antwerp
4,473 -
Moldova, Republic of - Chisinau 47.005°N 28.857°E "dotaanaedly" from (89-28-114-111.starnet.md) wrote at 2008/11/07 10:00:05
Sounds crazy. Are you playing with my great flavor Wanna joke?) How can you make a slow horse fast? Stop feeding him!!
4,472 -
United Kingdom - Houghton Le Spring Durham 54.850°N 1.466°W "Anonymous" from (sunderlandschools.org) wrote at 2008/11/07 07:18:14
this website is amazing rock on grass grass grass grass grass
4,471 -
Argentina - Rosario Santa Fe 32.951°S 60.666°W "Sounnikoura" from (host247.190-30-46.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/11/07 01:57:20
Eh. 0.1 FPS aint worth it. Ill come back in a week or two.
4,470 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Mr H" from (adsl-75-55-36-203.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/11/06 18:12:06
Hey, where's all the locals? Halloween is over guys. Get back over here and check in. I wanna know what's up.
4,469 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/11/06 15:09:22
why is the grass cam offline?
4,468 -
United States - Dallas Texas 32.809°N 96.799°W "Robert" from (pool-71-170-17-133.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/06 14:56:36
Lots of action today, a bug, a purple car and a schoolbus!
4,467 -
Denmark - Roskilde 55.650°N 12.083°E "Ida" from (port656.ds1-ro.adsl.cybercity.dk) wrote at 2008/11/06 12:04:07
Why is it only updating every 10 seconds instead of every 2?
Mr. Grass replies at 14:58 - The grass doesn't grow as fast now, so I reduced the refresh rate! Actually, after the Halloween frenzy (and with Christmas craziness coming up), I thought I'd give the webcam/network a bit of a break. I'll crank it back up in a week or so.
4,466 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (catv-89-133-146-183.catv.broadband.hu) wrote at 2008/11/06 07:56:27
i once pointed out that chasing joggers with the mower cursor is pure fun. and that's the least this site is addictive.
4,465 -
United States - Dallas Texas 32.809°N 96.799°W "Robert" from (pool-71-170-17-133.dllstx.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/11/05 22:47:59
Did someone turn around in the driveway a few minutes ago, and are those lights (on the right side) from said car or am I imagining it. Brittany I understand, I stumbled upon this site yesterday and I'm back again today! Not sure what's wrong with me... hehe
4,464 -
United States - Poway California 32.977°N 117.023°W "Brittany" from (ip72-197-219-177.sd.sd.cox.net) wrote at 2008/11/05 18:23:39
I dont understand why I keep coming back to this site. but it is simply delightful. i saw an suv drop off your two kids a few days ago!
4,463 -
United States - Troy Michigan 42.556°N 83.176°W "Matt" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/05 16:22:42
THANKS YOU for turn it back on..
4,462 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/11/05 15:58:12
GrassCam is back online - I was messing with the wireless extender and forgot to plug it back - D'OH!
4,461 -
United States - Troy Michigan 42.556°N 83.176°W "Anonymous" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/05 15:28:32
Hey, Why is it the grass cam offline???
4,460 -
Denmark - Roskilde 55.650°N 12.083°E "Ida" from (port656.ds1-ro.adsl.cybercity.dk) wrote at 2008/11/05 15:25:21
The camera is offline. Why is it offline? MUST HAVE MY DAYLY GRASS!
4,459 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (catv-89-133-146-183.catv.broadband.hu) wrote at 2008/11/04 20:42:52
at last i found your house on google earth, mr g! i'm happy. how's election night, everyone?
4,458 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/11/04 17:30:34
Yay!! cant wait till you put up christmas decor when will you?
4,457 -
United States - Royal Oak Michigan 42.505°N 83.152°W "Mark" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/04 14:49:02
Noo don't take down the skulls
Mr. Grass replies at 15:03 - Sorry - time to retire the Halloween stuff and get ready for Christmas! ;-)
4,456 -
Czech Republic - Usti Ustecky Kraj 50.666°N 14.033°E "braimbili" from ( wrote at 2008/11/03 23:24:56
95-2104 12-4793 . G'night
4,455 -
Belgium - Antwerp Antwerpen 51.216°N 4.416°E "Bram" from (d54C48257.access.telenet.be) wrote at 2008/11/03 12:50:30
yes, thery are home!
4,454 -
Argentina - Rosario Santa Fe 32.951°S 60.666°W "Sounnikoura" from (host69.190-225-6.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/11/03 09:24:22
No u.
4,453 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (catv-89-133-146-183.catv.broadband.hu) wrote at 2008/11/03 07:50:07
sounnikoura. fail.
4,452 -
Argentina - Federal Entre Rios 30.950°S 58.800°W "Sounnikoura" from (host199.200-117-40.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/11/03 01:23:10
Alek? I thought he was Mr. Grass! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
4,451 -
United States - Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania 40.181°N 76.996°W "mnm" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/11/02 19:04:00
this is stupid but addicting at the same time.
4,450 -
United States - Troy Michigan 42.556°N 83.176°W "pie" from (c-68-62-22-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/11/02 17:57:13
dark out there without the halloween lights!!!
4,449 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/11/02 16:15:30
WOW!! Alek you got the halloween decorations down fast!!!! Can't wait till Christmas '08!! Hey alek did HULK win?
Mr. Grass replies at 08:51 - The decorations come down pretty quick ... plus a cold front is coming. The Hulk came in 3rd in the "election" ;-)
4,448 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "hail and grace" from (host81-129-202-169.range81-129.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/11/02 09:14:20
whats up with the skeleton guys?
4,447 -
United States - San Diego California 32.736°N 117.127°W "Mr H" from (adsl-76-244-160-15.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/10/31 15:34:11
Right back at ya Mr Brandon. Now lets head on over and watch all the Halloween action. Got a feeling it's going to be a wild one! Happy Halloween to all the Grassy regulars. Love you guys!
4,446 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/10/31 15:07:23
Happy Halloween Grass family!
4,445 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-168-240-110.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/30 23:15:45
is anyone here?
4,444 -
United States - Dallas Texas 32.787°N 96.800°W "Not Josh" from (186-193-245-216.reverse.lstn.net) wrote at 2008/10/30 22:20:33
You go die josh nyanya nya
4,443 -
Australia - Brisbane Queensland 27.500°S 153.016°E "Anonymous" from (203-206-187-167.perm.iinet.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/29 22:55:46
4,442 -
United States - San Diego California 32.901°N 117.207°W "Anonymous" from (69-64-67-99.dedicated.abac.net) wrote at 2008/10/29 14:12:00
check picture on camera at around 1409 38 cool bug shot
Mr. Grass replies at 14:53 - Nice spot - for about a full minute before this, the bug can be seen on the webcam buzzing around at a distance ... but then it zoomed up near the camera as seen below - probably a wasp as we have a few of those buzzing around.
4,441 -
United States - San Diego California 32.901°N 117.207°W "Anonymous" from (69-64-67-99.dedicated.abac.net) wrote at 2008/10/29 13:55:24
That was the Sanitation Engineer
4,440 -
United States - Kent Washington 47.408°N 122.195°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/29 12:18:00
4,439 -
United States - Houston Texas 29.752°N 95.367°W "Anonymous" from (hosted.by.alphared.com) wrote at 2008/10/28 12:04:50
You need to inflate the Inflatables. After all this is the week of Halloween. Where I come from if they are not inflated they are considered an EYE SORE. Which carries a stiff fine of 15 days and 15 dollars. Please do not make me snitch on you. Do the right thing.. Inflate
Mr. Grass replies at 12:54 - That was hilarious - expect some action this Friday on Halloween Day.
4,438 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "Aninnymouse" from (88-110-126-163.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/10/26 15:59:15
This is really addictive, is there a hypnotic rythmn in the music?
4,437 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/10/25 05:25:28
Ooooohhhhh! A ghost car!
4,436 -
United States - Mckinney Texas 33.176°N 96.698°W "Anonymous" from (76-227-109-196.lightspeed.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/10/24 21:02:37
I like you setting up that Tiki Party. My parents have Tiki Parties sometimes.
4,435 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/10/24 16:20:38
Yes, very peaceful & quiet...
4,434 -
United States - San Diego California 32.901°N 117.207°W "John Henry Holliday" from (69-64-67-99.dedicated.abac.net) wrote at 2008/10/24 09:13:31
Expect some MAJOR action one week from today- Halloween
4,433 -
United States - San Diego California 32.711°N 117.053°W "Mr H" from (adsl-76-244-163-120.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/10/23 17:13:08
I'm here with ya Mr Brandon. Us locals gotta keep an eye on the grass while everyone else is over there having fun. Isn't it peaceful and quite here?
4,432 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/10/23 16:17:39
Its getting lonely here at the Grass blog... Everyone is over at the H blog :l
4,431 -
Netherlands - Amsterdam Noord-Holland 52.350°N 4.916°E "john2025" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/23 02:26:51
6Z9dCX hi webmastters
4,430 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/20 20:15:31
4,429 -
United Kingdom - 54.000°N 2.000°W "ALison S" from (user251.resC151.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/10/19 17:21:06
Nice one Dan
4,428 -
United Kingdom - Bournemouth 50.716°N 1.883°W "dan" from (cpc1-char3-0-0-cust1012.sotn.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/10/17 09:55:51
hi grass fans this i.t. lesson i got bored and the substitute teacher sais "would you rather listen to me of watch grass grow? so i got up the internet and called up your site! after about 2 minuites i already had a crowd of about 6 people watchig grass grow and the teacher got quite irritated. but after about 15 more minuites half the class were crowwded aroung my compute laughing our heads off as we wached the supprisingly entertaining evaporating water and lemonade stand videos. by that time even the teacher had gone on the site and became addicted to watching grass grow!! the moral of the story... watching grass grow is better than going to school
Mr. Grass replies at 11:44 - That's AWESOME - thanks for sharing!
4,427 -
Latvia - 57.000°N 25.000°E "JeyramoXRu" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/17 05:47:04
Hello boys :-) Somebody can give me link to the XRumer's homepage? Or maybe some information... Thank you very much!!!
4,426 -
United Kingdom - Chelmsford Essex 51.733°N 0.483°E "Deanne - Flegg" from (host86-149-182-144.range86-149.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/10/16 12:56:03
Me and josh watched this all through science and now me and sam are hooked on it... btw CAR!!! xD
4,425 -
United States - Mukilteo Washington 47.913°N 122.304°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/16 12:54:58
thats grassome (awesome but cleverly molded into something great and grass related)
4,424 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl4E5CDD49.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/10/16 09:12:07
hey, what's up with everyone? missing the clan.
4,423 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/10/14 21:04:30
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been here for a while. Miss you all!
4,422 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/13 18:25:31
hi jesikka how are you?
4,421 -
Germany - Erfurt Thuringen 50.983°N 11.033°E "HawlHaura" from (ns.km14043.keymachine.de) wrote at 2008/10/13 17:48:23
Hi! My name is Jessika!
4,420 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/13 15:00:01
lol no affence but how sad can u be 2 make a painting and a gass thing but its quite fun cuzz all sorts of thngs happens lol im gunna set this as my homepage for the internet lol . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4,419 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip72-208-165-162.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/10/13 08:52:13
I never thought about that way.
4,418 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (78-131-66-61.pool.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/10/13 04:25:33
such a small world. yet i never run into natalie portman.
4,417 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/11 16:19:06
its cold in Las Vegas too! WOW!!!
4,416 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris this is cool" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/11 16:13:17
___center______p style=
4,415 -
United States - Carlsbad California 33.162°N 117.348°W "Mr H" from (adsl-76-212-157-110.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/10/11 11:10:25
Ahhhh! Three day weekend. Yes! Gonna put my feet up, relax and keep an eye on the grass. What are you guys up to?
4,414 -
Germany - Bochum Nordrhein-Westfalen 51.483°N 7.216°E "DedmeaveKef" from (ns.km30924.keymachine.de) wrote at 2008/10/10 23:22:47
Hello. :) The natural photo of the new arrival, taken by Emma Tallulah's dad, Bye.
4,413 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/10/10 10:46:51
44 Degrees F right before lunch! Gonna be frost on those pumpkins soon, if not already.....
4,412 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/10/09 20:22:09
Okay, I give up with your email. I've tried just about everything I could think of.
4,411 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (apn-89-223-180-207.vodafone.hu) wrote at 2008/10/08 07:28:07
aww, you put the second garbage can behind the skull, mr g.
4,410 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/07 18:07:53
Balisco,Anonymous,Raguletto, we know your the same person. ive asked before please stop doing that this is a family website and your cusing. now you either quit doing that or you leave and don't comment
4,409 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/10/07 06:15:03
Now, behave children....
4,408 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-180-86-251.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/07 04:37:10
4,407 -
Australia - Panmure Victoria 38.333°S 142.733°E "BALISCO" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/10/07 04:00:06
Please welcme the new BALISCO
4,406 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "RAGULETTO" from (CPE-124-180-86-251.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/07 02:14:52
4,405 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (78-131-66-61.pool.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/10/07 00:49:30
it came back positive for me. woohoo. don't give up, mr brandon (:
4,404 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/10/06 16:43:47
Mr.G, I know the contact info is on that page. Ive sent you emails but I get a thing saying that address doesnt exist. I'm sending them to Mr.Grass
Mr. Grass replies at 18:36 - Look at the page closely ... it's an "intelligence test" to see if you can figure out how the right address to send Email ... ;-)
4,403 -
United States - Sayreville New Jersey 40.461°N 74.356°W "name" from ( wrote at 2008/10/06 16:01:11
4,402 -
United States - Sayreville New Jersey 40.461°N 74.356°W "name" from ( wrote at 2008/10/06 13:29:23
4,401 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/10/05 21:24:27
Alek, I have tried emailing you a few times but I haven't heard anything back. I dont think I'm getting it right. Please be more clear as to what your email is, or email me. I'll put mine in the box.
Mr. Grass replies at 08:34 - Contact info is on the About page ...
4,400 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris "the helpful one"" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/05 20:02:28
Anonymous go to komar.org then go down and it will say Halloween webcam controllable lights and click it then your there!
4,399 -
United States - Johnston Rhode Island 41.828°N 71.518°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-14-4-224.ri.ri.cox.net) wrote at 2008/10/05 19:54:25
wheres the place or web site where you get to control the halloween decorations!?
4,398 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Neil" from (host86-160-223-110.range86-160.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/10/05 07:39:24
Hey Alek, when are the other 2 cameras going to be up and running?
4,397 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/04 10:14:46
Hulk mobile where?
Mr. Grass replies at 12:05 - The Hulkmobile is back from providing a "green" ride to my kids' Cub Scout troop in our "SmallTown USA" parade - tons of SMASHING fun! ;-)
4,396 -
United States - Groton Connecticut 41.353°N 72.038°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/10/04 08:58:38
4,395 -
Australia - Shepparton Victoria 36.383°S 145.400°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-181-69-40.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/04 08:57:24
it's mr grass's
4,394 -
United States - Groton Connecticut 41.353°N 72.038°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/10/04 08:53:32
Whose brown car is that next to the driveway?
4,393 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "Anonymous" from (ip72-208-165-162.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/10/04 06:07:33
HALLOWEEN is alright, too.
4,392 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/03 17:59:01
hallowen is thy best!
4,391 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris' little bro" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/03 17:44:25
4,390 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/03 16:56:23
how many inflateables do you have alek?
4,389 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/03 16:48:37
i hope Cam2 works perfect tonight!!!Alek replies at 16:50- Me too! since last night it kept going offline:)
4,388 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/03 15:43:48
see yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
4,387 -
Australia - 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/03 15:39:28
see ya all....raguletto is off
4,386 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/03 15:28:52
alright seee you later dude or dudeet
4,385 -
Australia - 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/03 15:25:30
No problem, anytime! have fun people!
4,384 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/03 15:12:21
thank you raguletto!
4,383 -
Australia - 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/03 15:09:05
4,382 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/03 13:09:50
thats exactly what i think Sounnikoura!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4,381 -
Argentina - Posadas Misiones 27.383°S 55.883°W "Sounnikoura" from (host161.190-136-210.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/10/03 12:47:14
Raguletto, to be honest, you're dumb enough to be a moron when people can see your IP.
4,380 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-52-58-47.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/10/03 11:25:43
Halloween is so the best!!! please stop RAGULETTO im asking you nicely
4,379 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-180-138-231.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/03 00:57:59
4,378 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "RAGULETTO" from (CPE-124-180-138-231.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/03 00:47:56
4,377 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "RAGULETTO" from (CPE-124-180-138-231.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/02 22:06:03
4,376 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "pie" from (c-98-209-97-64.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/10/02 21:00:24
:( i had to open my pie hole
4,375 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/10/02 20:55:29
He did.....
4,374 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "pie" from (c-98-209-97-64.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/10/02 20:40:42
im just glad raguletto hasn't found the halloween site :)
4,373 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "RAGULETTO" from (CPE-124-180-138-231.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/02 20:22:26
its my name too....RAGULETTOOO!
4,372 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "He who knows his things" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/02 20:17:30
Raguletto is a brand of pasta sauce, look it up
4,371 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.172°N 115.209°W "Chris" from (ip70-173-138-204.lv.lv.cox.net) wrote at 2008/10/02 19:46:44
be freaken quiet raguletto
4,370 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-180-138-231.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/02 19:10:46
4,369 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/10/02 17:08:35
4,364. I agree. This is my last comment on this issue.
4,368 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.252°N 80.692°W "Sarah" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/10/02 16:26:02
Hi, Mr G! Just saw you on the cam with one of your sons. So, "Hi, Mini-G!" also.
4,367 -
Australia - Ringwood Victoria 37.816°S 145.233°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-181-68-99.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/02 16:05:55
4,366 -
Australia - Ringwood Victoria 37.816°S 145.233°E "Raguletto" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/02 15:04:55
um yeah raguletto does, doesn't he.....
4,365 -
United States - Nortonville Kentucky 37.178°N 87.481°W "GMAN" from (adsl-234-180-64.owb.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008/10/02 15:03:50
Dude Ive seen the grass grow ROCK ON. GRASS IS s* Y
4,364 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/10/02 08:30:27
Raguletto, you need to get a life...
4,363 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "RAGULETTO" from (CPE-121-219-163-254.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/02 08:09:53
Raguletto je skv___l___ ragulettin v m___st___. RAGULETTO pod___kovat v___em RAGULETTO je zp___tky na tr___vu!
4,362 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "RAGULETTO" from (CPE-121-219-163-254.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/02 08:04:46
4,361 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/02 06:59:00
4,360 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-163-254.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/02 06:54:08
Sun is shining, weathers fining, the grass is ready to grow, morning breaks and the birds are ready to fly, over the grass of the neighbourhood grass. and we sing: grass grass grass, its growing very fast, grass grass grass, its smaller than your a* . IT DOESN'TTTTTTT REQUIRRREEEEE THINGSSS!
4,359 -
United States - Cincinnati Ohio 39.169°N 84.485°W "chuck" from (na6dccfw01.fidelity.com) wrote at 2008/10/01 17:39:24
The skull is cool, that wasn't there last night was it?
4,358 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/10/01 11:49:09
The inflatables look like someone went over them with a pavement roller!
Mr. Grass replies at 23:47 - Welllll ... that's what they look like with no air inside of 'em!
4,357 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Uninterested Observer" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/10/01 07:31:25
This is boring, i guess thats why its a grass growing site. why couldn't we watch plants grow or something, because i am actually a certified Herb specialist in Kansas and would like to see plants growing throughout your varying seasons over there in Colorado! Thanks for accepting my two cents, now ill be off to the nursery! have fun everyone!
4,356 -
Australia - Mornington Victoria 38.216°S 145.033°E "GRASS PERSON" from (CPE-58-167-43-156.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/10/01 07:25:46
4,355 -
Australia - Mornington Victoria 38.216°S 145.033°E "RAGULETTO" from (CPE-58-167-43-156.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/30 23:28:37
4,354 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Jerry" from (CPE-58-165-5-5.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/30 23:21:06
woohooo watch that grass go, i'm cheering on grass blade No.3956 . GO 3956 YOU CAN DO IT!
4,353 -
Australia - Mornington Victoria 38.216°S 145.033°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-167-43-156.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/30 21:48:16
4,352 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/30 21:30:31
thats what i thought raguletto
4,351 -
Australia - Mornington Victoria 38.216°S 145.033°E "RAGULETTO" from (CPE-58-167-43-156.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/30 21:21:55
4,350 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/30 20:17:11
yes i can reguleto yes i can
4,349 -
Australia - Mornington Victoria 38.216°S 145.033°E "RAGULETTO" from (CPE-58-167-43-156.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/30 20:10:24
4,348 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/30 19:59:22
shut up reguletto!
4,347 -
Australia - Mornington Victoria 38.216°S 145.033°E "RAGULETTO!" from (CPE-58-167-43-156.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/30 18:49:45
4,346 -
United States - Cincinnati Ohio 39.169°N 84.485°W "Anonymous" from (na6dccfw01.fidelity.com) wrote at 2008/09/30 18:12:22
Fidelity employees love this
4,345 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/30 17:03:33
4,344 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/30 15:06:12
is that a bee?
4,343 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (apn-89-223-235-145.vodafone.hu) wrote at 2008/09/30 09:55:47
at last someone. hag sameach, mr piper and everyone.
4,342 -
Canada - Kitchener Ontario 43.450°N 80.500°W "Anonymous" from (gateway.conestogac.on.ca) wrote at 2008/09/30 08:13:35
I like grass.
4,341 -
United States - Port Ludlow Washington 47.898°N 122.699°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/09/30 07:03:25
Oh, and Shana Tova to all!
4,340 -
United States - Port Ludlow Washington 47.898°N 122.699°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/09/30 06:58:19
I got my lawn mowed yesterday as well. We've had a couple of exceptional days warm and sunny. It may well be the last chance I get to get it done this season.
4,339 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (apn-89-223-164-60.vodafone.hu) wrote at 2008/09/29 20:23:55
still laughing at last video. benny hill is alive!!
4,338 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "JukaVukassZ" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/29 19:57:52
Huh... interesting site... Where search-page on your site. Can you help to me!? P.S. Anybody know about ___b___XRumer 5.0___/b___ software? Need a link to it...
4,337 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/29 19:14:25
whats with all the darkness. turn on the inflateables please!!!
4,336 -
Australia - Perth Western Australia 31.933°S 115.833°E "AARON" from (124-169-8-88.dyn.iinet.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/29 18:01:54
HALOWEEN yay this looks so kool
4,335 -
Canada - Masset British Columbia 54.016°N 132.150°W "johnny last" from (h118.157.34.207.cable.mset.cablerocket.net) wrote at 2008/09/29 17:58:17
cool setting up stuff
4,334 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/29 16:57:23
why does the webcam take breaks Mr. G?
4,333 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/29 16:14:11
yay he's decorating whoop whoop!!
4,332 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/09/29 10:12:04
awwww maby you can mow the tree first ???? haha
4,331 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "katie" from (5ac5774a.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/09/29 10:09:59
its 10:09 lol
4,330 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/09/29 09:54:25
mr. g, could you turn webcam 1 on so we can have the ultimate watching-grass-being-mowed experience please ??
Mr. Grass replies at 09:59 - The webcam1 view of the front lawn is blocked by Aspen leaves that haven't fallen yet ... so you wouldn't be able to see anything. BTW, I'm wrapping up another project - mowing should start at about 10:10.
UPDATE: For those that missed the excitement (I did both vertical and horizonal mowing!), here's the time-lapse video.
4,329 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Interested observer" from (CPE-58-165-5-5.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/29 09:25:05
Ahhh bummer, i'm going to mis sout on the mow, i tried but im afraid my tiredness go the better of me. Grass observers of the world would love to watch this event, unfortunately me being one of them, will miss out.
4,328 -
Australia - Sunbury Victoria 37.583°S 144.733°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-38-215.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/29 07:38:50
4,327 -
Australia - Sunbury Victoria 37.583°S 144.733°E "RAGULETTO" from (CPE-121-219-38-215.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/29 00:19:15
4,326 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Interested observer" from (CPE-58-165-5-5.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/29 00:06:38
i can't wait to watch ya do your final mowing, with the time differences it may be a bit difficult for me to watch, but i'll try my hardest!
4,325 -
Australia - Sunbury Victoria 37.583°S 144.733°E "RAGULETTO" from (CPE-121-219-38-215.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/28 23:09:33
4,324 -
Australia - Sunbury Victoria 37.583°S 144.733°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-38-215.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/28 21:08:08
4,323 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/28 16:25:55
Mr. G your pumpkin in the bush on the right fell.
4,322 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/28 15:48:59
thats being rude either you stop or get the heck out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4,321 -
Australia - Ebbw Vale Queensland 27.600°S 152.816°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/28 15:40:00
Wow, you just wasted 30 to 45 seconds of my life.
4,320 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/28 15:22:58
looks like one Piobaireachd
4,319 -
United States - Port Ludlow Washington 47.898°N 122.699°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/09/28 15:14:01
Is that a bird standing on the skull (left)?
Mr. Grass replies at 19:04 - I didn't see a bird - probably just one of the roof icicle lights blowing in the wind and looking like a bird (?)
4,318 -
United States - Port Ludlow Washington 47.898°N 122.699°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/09/28 12:46:07
At the doughnut shop?
4,317 -
United States - Carlisle Pennsylvania 40.180°N 77.213°W "Anonymous" from (pa-67-235-80-169.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/28 09:54:24
That car was sp**ding!! wheres a cop when you need one.
4,316 -
Australia - 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/28 07:03:38
4,315 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/27 22:35:52
alek will you have a time-lapse video of you mowing the lawn?
4,314 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/27 21:40:53
8 hours for me
4,313 -
Canada - Masset British Columbia 54.016°N 132.150°W "johnny last" from (h118.157.34.207.cable.mset.cablerocket.net) wrote at 2008/09/27 21:02:24
man i have been here for like 2 hours
4,312 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/27 20:49:25
its cool. yeah Anonymous from zealand is annoying to me too. i just got done decorating today now i have to do the inside!!!!!!!
4,311 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/27 19:05:31
Sorry to hear that Chris. Ok Alek, I'll do my best to ignore them (:
4,310 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/27 18:59:52
i just got stung by a bee.
4,309 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/27 17:30:34
its just a pumpkin decoration probably nothing. i just got done getting the halloween!!!!
4,308 -
United States - Johnston Rhode Island 41.828°N 71.518°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-14-4-224.ri.ri.cox.net) wrote at 2008/09/27 17:23:59
what is he doing with the pumpkin?
4,307 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/27 17:02:11
why were the skulls shrinking?
4,306 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/27 16:43:30
Alek, Can I request a ban on the blog for and And hope everyone's weekend is going well!
Alek replies at 17:05 - Yea, they seem to have a lot to say ... the best approach is to let 'em say their two cents and not let 'em get you riled up.
4,305 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/09/27 16:30:03
Actually, I have one last mowing to do before the front yard decorations and inflatables go up. Surf on by at 10:00AM MDT to see live action!
4,304 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/27 16:14:50
Yep, Optional - Cam 1 was running earlier and definitely some spooky characters up there! eeek! Sorry, I didn't mean KILL the grass...it just goes into hibernation for the winter!
4,303 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/27 16:14:35
Halloween rules well im going to go decorate for halloween
4,302 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/27 16:09:45
Probably no more mowing now that decorations are starting to go up. Frost will hit and kill off the grass before too long...
4,301 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/09/27 16:07:15
looking at the shadow off the roof earlier there is something spooky up there
4,300 -
United States - Johnston Rhode Island 41.828°N 71.518°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-14-4-224.ri.ri.cox.net) wrote at 2008/09/27 16:06:43
I'm number 4,300, 700 more comments until 5,000!
4,299 -
United States - Johnston Rhode Island 41.828°N 71.518°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-14-4-224.ri.ri.cox.net) wrote at 2008/09/27 16:00:16
Are you going to mow the lawn anymore?
4,298 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/27 15:28:40
i like halloween im decorating today
4,297 -
Argentina - Rosario Santa Fe 32.951°S 60.666°W "Sounnikoura" from (host33.190-31-61.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/09/27 14:12:53
I just saw your neighbour's car getting out of the garage!
4,296 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.252°N 80.692°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/27 12:34:37
Mr G, what do your neighbors think of your decorations throughout the year?
Mr. Grass replies at 19:57 - Neighbors think it is a hoot - needless to say, their kids love it!
4,295 -
United States - Port Ludlow Washington 47.898°N 122.699°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/09/27 12:13:51
Wow, I never would have believed Australia would become the new China when it comes to inane spam.
4,294 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/27 09:22:12
hey raguletto u australian piece of s*** p*** of
4,293 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/27 07:16:28
morning and the grass can shine!
4,292 -
Australia - 27.000°S 133.000°E "RAGULETTO!" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/27 07:06:28
4,291 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/27 06:57:51
4,290 -
Australia - 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/27 06:04:50
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
4,289 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "oeupfhefbfyug f" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/27 05:37:02
ghghdfhwiudwwelkdnjh fjd fyfg w djeyui fg gefqgywo fiuf egshbfqewf swdkj wesaig b eywfug dbehjde w sdebhwdehdjb dfhbg efehjfbg ewfhjgb fhjfgw fwhegfefj kff fhf uih 4i3u3hq y3ugf brejfn98413yh2845 yuifrejnf rufihr bfekjnf 3uewhfijqwenfm uq3rih wefnqewf iquewf h3riew fu13ejw f
4,288 -
Australia - 27.000°S 133.000°E "RAGULETTO" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/27 05:15:39
4,287 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/27 05:10:46
Oh you should all see how i chopped up my chips today.. haha it was during work, so no nap time for me.. crud
4,286 -
Australia - 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/27 05:09:20
4,285 -
Australia - 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/27 05:02:38
Ahhhh....just polished off a chicken and cheese sandwich and now it's time for a nap...no, wait...I'm at work...crud!
4,284 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/27 05:00:45
Look were watching events on the web cam as we speak. ahaha Back to eating grass in my troft, oppps i mean sleep.
4,283 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/27 01:51:02
oh yes i believe there are MANY exciting events to be seen on the webcam this week! Its the most exciting thing ever, well for your type anyway....
4,282 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/26 17:31:01
mr. g its almost 0ctober 1st wheres the decorations. your lacking
4,281 -
United States - Johnston Rhode Island 41.828°N 71.518°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-14-4-224.ri.ri.cox.net) wrote at 2008/09/26 16:42:45
Are there going to be any events coming up, that we can see in the webcam?
4,280 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/26 15:46:43
Hopefully it is more neat H'ween decorations! :)
Mr. Grass replies at 07:35 -
Actually, it was my friend Dave (pictured below) dropping off a case of Corona beer to thank me for helping with his trailer - watch the time-lapse video of us doing the final assembly.
4,279 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/26 15:43:52
whats that box?
4,278 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/26 12:58:23
Ahhhh....just polished off a Subway sandwich and now it's time for a nap...no, wait...I'm at work...crud!
4,277 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (apn-89-223-182-150.vodafone.hu) wrote at 2008/09/26 09:17:36
yowza, mr g rambo style. what are you doing in there?
Mr. Grass replies at 12:51 - I was having the monster juniper bush trimmed. I normally do these myself, but this one is out of control and Mrs. Grass wanted it to look especially nice ... so she had someone come by to do it. Some video footage of them pruning the juniper and then feeding it into the chipper.
4,276 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/26 07:23:32
Boooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!1 hahahah scared ya grass
4,275 -
United States - Fort Lee New Jersey 40.848°N 73.972°W "Anonymous" from (agrestic.vectro.com) wrote at 2008/09/26 07:20:12
Go and sing in ur own head!
4,274 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-30-117.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/26 07:17:37
Rain on the green grass. Rain on the tree. Rain on the house top, But not upon me!
4,273 -
United States - Fort Lee New Jersey 40.848°N 73.972°W "Anonymous" from (agrestic.vectro.com) wrote at 2008/09/26 07:15:08
Rain on the green grass. Rain on the tree. Rain on the house top, But not upon me!
4,272 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/26 07:09:42
Rain on the green grass. Rain on the tree. Rain on the house top, But not upon me!
4,271 -
United States - Fort Lee New Jersey 40.848°N 73.972°W "Anonymous" from (agrestic.vectro.com) wrote at 2008/09/26 07:09:26
Rain on the green grass. Rain on the tree. Rain on the house top, But not upon me!
4,270 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-30-117.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/26 07:08:56
Rain on the green grass. Rain on the tree. Rain on the house top, But not upon me!
4,269 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/26 07:01:45
Rain on the green grass. Rain on the tree. Rain on the house top, But not upon me!
4,268 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-30-117.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/26 06:57:34
Rain on the green grass. Rain on the tree. Rain on the house top, But not upon me!
4,267 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/26 01:10:12
be quiet you!
4,266 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/25 16:46:46
is the trailer going to be a decoration?
4,265 -
United States - 38.000°N 97.000°W "n10cities" from (wsip-98-175-205-143.fv.ks.cox.net) wrote at 2008/09/25 16:28:39
Looks like the trailer is coming along....
4,264 -
United States - Mystic Connecticut 41.374°N 71.976°W "Anonymous" from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/09/25 14:42:23
What were you doing around 2:41?
4,263 -
Australia - Truganina Victoria 37.816°S 144.750°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-1-188.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/25 03:37:41
this website scares me....
4,262 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (apn-89-223-228-17.vodafone.hu) wrote at 2008/09/24 17:59:07
skulls scared me again. every year...
4,261 -
Australia - Truganina Victoria 37.816°S 144.750°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-1-188.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/24 17:57:22
nah thats mine, sorry
4,260 -
United States - Lavaca Arkansas 35.357°N 94.188°W "n10cities" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/24 17:03:05
Is that the trailer you were mentioning the other day?
4,259 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/24 16:44:16
inflateables please?
4,258 -
Germany - Frankfurt Am Main Hessen 50.116°N 8.683°E "Controller_Jonn" from (89-149-228-93.internetserviceteam.com) wrote at 2008/09/24 16:36:28
switch in check [Mr. Grass Edits out the same words repeated dozens of times ...]
4,257 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/24 15:30:09
whoever thinks Mr.G should put a inflateable on the lawn type: Halloween
4,256 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-209-97-64.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/09/24 13:55:58
-_-' is anyone else tired of the spam
4,255 -
Australia - Kingston Victoria 37.350°S 143.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-181-25-207.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/24 09:11:04
now, go play on ya goanna shaped slide and swing set
4,254 -
Australia - Kingston Victoria 37.350°S 143.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-181-25-207.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/24 08:59:18
how about a new site by you called "watching my p**** grow", i heard it needs a bit of encouragment!
4,253 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/24 08:57:18
Well comment 1 is mine. Oh yer this is on my new website, watching dirt grow :).
4,252 -
Australia - Kingston Victoria 37.350°S 143.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-181-25-207.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/24 08:52:28
and who are you to make the rules around here, you tossbag? i will post it, even if i have to sit here at this computer non stop without sleeping, going to the toilet or anything until i do! i also will be taking comment 16,482. thanks
4,251 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/24 08:49:30
4,250th comment! Dude! the 5000th comment is mine, any one of u punks take it and i will weed you for life! Understand? Yer!
4,250 -
Australia - Kingston Victoria 37.350°S 143.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-181-25-207.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/24 08:42:54
yes i agree, go do something, you know, like away from the grass
4,249 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/24 08:41:09
When u leave.. hahhaha
4,248 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/23 18:11:12
when will you put more decorations up?
4,247 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.252°N 80.692°W "Sarah" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/23 16:46:21
Will we be able to control some of the decorations like at Christmas?
Mr. Grass replies at 17:01 - Probably a better idea to post these types of comments/questions over on the Halloween Blog ... but not only will you be able to control the lights/decorations, but you'll also be able to "vote" - Obama, McCain, or Hulk for President! ;-)
4,246 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/23 16:19:50
you should put a inflateable out. please!?!
4,245 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/23 16:05:39
are those your kids?
4,244 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/23 12:39:11
First decorations! Now we talkin'! :)
4,243 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/09/23 11:58:10
sculls, skulls, smulls, whatever ... but yea, that's the first deployment of (lotsa) halloween decorations that you'll start seeing in the next week or so. Here's a view of the two skulls (turned around) looking back up at 'em (and the webcam) from the grass.
4,242 -
United Kingdom - Ipswich Suffolk 52.083°N 1.166°E "James" from (5ad1b3c6.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/09/23 11:34:11
And I spelt it wrong, skulls.
4,241 -
United Kingdom - Ipswich Suffolk 52.083°N 1.166°E "James" from (5ad1b3c6.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/09/23 11:15:34
Yeah, sculls !!!!
4,240 -
United States - 38.000°N 97.000°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/09/23 10:02:53
Mr. H, HAPPY BELATED, BELATED BIRTHDAY AND I am so jealous. I can't wait to go see Mickie again in FL. You must be what, 40 by now???
4,239 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Grass Person" from (CPE-121-219-142-55.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/23 05:39:15
What's the best time for seeding lawns? Your supplier will know, being an expert on the grass type you'll be purchasing. Ask about the best time for starting lawns in your area. Obviously, Step #2 can be executed only during those months when the ground is not frozen. At the other extreme, mid-summer hardly ideal for starting new lawns, since hot weather dries soil quickly....
4,238 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/23 05:38:55
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
4,237 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "RAGULETTO!" from (CPE-121-219-142-55.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/23 05:23:30
4,236 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Interested observer" from (CPE-58-165-5-5.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/23 05:19:38
I'm sorry you feel that way, but just so you know, i don't own ferrets.
4,235 -
United States - Fort Lee New Jersey 40.848°N 73.972°W "RAGULETTO IS BETTER THAN F_________K JOB ANTI-RAGULETTO!" from (agrestic.vectro.com) wrote at 2008/09/23 05:14:55
4,234 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anti-Raguletto" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/23 05:08:42
You Raguletto are ridiculous.
4,233 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "RAGULETTO" from (CPE-121-219-142-55.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/23 05:02:37
4,232 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Interested observer" from (CPE-58-165-5-5.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/23 05:00:32
Well i myself beleive that this grass is certainly some of the most interesting grass i myself have watched in all my 25years of being a professional watcher of growing grass.
4,231 -
United States - Fort Lee New Jersey 40.848°N 73.972°W "RAGULETTO" from (agrestic.vectro.com) wrote at 2008/09/22 21:59:41
my name is RAGULETTO!
4,230 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-168-172-243.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/22 21:58:16
4,229 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/22 21:49:15
If i catch u weeing on the grass again, ill weed you for life!!
4,228 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/22 21:39:00
4,227 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/22 18:42:47
Ooooo, multiple no-lifers.
4,226 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.252°N 80.692°W "Sarah" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/22 18:11:07
Ooooo, multiple cars. :)
4,225 -
United States - West Branch Michigan 44.341°N 84.187°W "Anonymous" from (97-83-119-122.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/09/22 16:49:08
Waching grassgrow is fun at LINK DELETED
4,224 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/22 16:46:53
no its mine!
4,223 -
United States - Mystic Connecticut 41.374°N 71.976°W "Anonymous" from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/09/22 14:15:19
5000th post is mine
4,222 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/09/22 11:21:28
mr g, I think that monday mornin counts as "early next week" so C'mon lets c some action!!!!!!!!1
4,221 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/22 10:32:24
Whatever.....still waiting for H'ween decorations! :)
4,220 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "RAGULETTO" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/22 00:04:59
4,219 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/21 23:48:37
4,218 -
United States - Fort Lee New Jersey 40.848°N 73.972°W "Kledus" from (agrestic.vectro.com) wrote at 2008/09/21 23:44:59
Well who ever you are. I am enjoying watching grass grow i have been doing for the past 13hrs, that was kindly donated from Mr G. so why dont u just go and smoke a cigreete in a pipe and DIE!
4,217 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/21 23:33:29
4,216 -
United States - Fort Lee New Jersey 40.848°N 73.972°W "Anonymous" from (agrestic.vectro.com) wrote at 2008/09/21 23:29:39
I wish i cold just watch grass in peace!
4,215 -
United States - Fort Lee New Jersey 40.848°N 73.972°W "Anonymous" from (agrestic.vectro.com) wrote at 2008/09/21 23:14:34
Grr I hate spammers! I agree with you Mr. grass, If only we could send them weeds for life!
4,214 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/21 23:07:17
4,214..... ...... ....... ........ ...... .......... ......... ..... .... ...... ..... ....... .......... ... ... ...... ....... ..... ...... ... ..... .......... .... .... ....... ...... .... ...................... ..... ...... ... ..... ... ... .... ... .... .... ......... ....... ... ...... ......... ....... ........... .... .... .......... ......... .......... ... ....... .......... ....... ....... ... ..... ..... .... .... .... ... ....... ... ...... .... .... ... ...... ... ... ..... ...... ....... ...... ....... ... ..... .... .... .... ... ..... .... ..... ... .... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .... ..... .... ... ...... ...... .. ..... ..... .. .. ......... ..... ....... ...... ...... ..... ....... .... ..... ...... ....... ..... .... ........ .... .... .... .... ..... ....... .... ....... .... .... .... ........ ...... ..... ......... ....... ....... ......... ....... ..... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ...... ... .. .... .... KEEP ENJOYING YA GRASS EVERYONE!
4,213 -
Australia - Briar Hill Victoria 37.716°S 145.116°E "Not Anonymous" from (CPE-124-176-170-9.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/21 22:43:54
Fish Ice Cream, perfect summer treat! Get your orders in quick, or you'll miss out!
4,212 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.637°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/21 22:15:53
4,211 -
United States - Fort Lee New Jersey 40.848°N 73.972°W "Anonymous" from (agrestic.vectro.com) wrote at 2008/09/21 21:56:51
watching the grass is awesome!
4,210 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/21 21:20:47
i know it is huh?
4,209 -
United States - Ewa Beach Hawaii 21.346°N 158.018°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-98-150-153-78.hawaii.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/21 21:19:22
This is the most intense thing I've watched all day.
4,208 -
Australia - Briar Hill Victoria 37.716°S 145.116°E "Tim" from (CPE-124-176-170-9.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/21 20:31:39
how can you be sure anonymous wasn't talking about grass? you can't because you are not anonymous.
4,207 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/21 20:20:51
anonymous kept putting b b b b b b b b bbb b b b b b b. that has nothing to do with freakin grass okay?
4,206 -
Australia - Moonee Ponds Victoria 37.766°S 144.916°E "Tim" from (CPE-121-220-8-208.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/21 18:17:16
anonymous is just expressing his opinion of the grass, be respectful of each others thoughts
4,205 -
United States - Jacksonville North Carolina 34.798°N 77.359°W "Xeddie93" from (cpe-075-178-076-103.ec.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/21 17:49:32
The music is epic lol
4,204 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/21 16:56:54
anonymous your spamming.
4,203 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/21 05:28:58
b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b bb b b b b b b b b bb b b b b b b b b bb b b b b b b b
4,202 -
United States - Jacksonville North Carolina 34.798°N 77.359°W "Xeddie93" from (cpe-075-178-076-103.ec.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/20 21:00:01
lol 20 other ppl are watching grass grow with me =D.
4,201 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/20 19:54:28
Agreed H.... I'm tired of reading about 20 comments every time I come on here.
4,200 -
United States - Murfreesboro Tennessee 35.849°N 86.385°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-241-172-133.bna.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008/09/20 19:38:39
what state is this in?
4,199 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.252°N 80.692°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/20 17:58:51
Give him a santa hat and possibly a long white beard. I don't think they make Hulk sized ski jackets. :)
4,198 -
United Kingdom - Martin Lincolnshire 53.116°N 0.333°W "Alison S" from (user115.resC136.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/09/20 15:25:22
I think hulk should be skiing for Xmas. That would be different. lol
4,197 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.252°N 80.692°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/20 13:59:03
Hey, where did Hulk go? :)
4,196 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-112-205.opaltelecom.net.112.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/09/20 11:53:08
Here Here Mr H one does agree.......
4,195 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H" from (adsl-76-212-154-137.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/09/20 10:58:18
A quote from a famous American hero, "Quality is better than quantity when it comes to blog posting".
4,194 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-69-34.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/20 07:35:25
4,193 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-69-34.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/20 07:24:48
4,192 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/20 07:22:59
moring and the grass can shine
4,191 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/20 05:22:09
Its only the 4th of july though?
4,190 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-69-34.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/20 05:21:09
We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Good tidings we bring to you and your kin Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year. GOTTA LOVE YA GRASS!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!
4,189 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/20 05:16:19
Soda and vegemite.. ,Mmmhmh Mihty tastsy!
4,188 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-69-34.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/20 05:13:05
Hello there everyone, hope the grass is treating ya mighty fine, just like the cheese is treating the chicken in that sandwich, hmm it seems like its still here, and its got grass growing on it! what a coincidence, oh well bosistos everybody
4,187 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/20 05:09:49
Hello all grass fans. Just in! Gras is growing!
4,186 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-69-34.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/20 05:07:54
I found it: Advanced Diploma in Commercial Grass Mowing and Grass Development.
4,185 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-69-34.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/20 05:02:42
does anyone know where i can get a degree in grass? i want to have a career in the grass industry...
4,184 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-69-34.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/20 04:29:10
really? how long did ya watch it for? i watch mine grow for 10.5 hours...i think it needs mowing now!
4,183 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/20 04:27:22
My grass is growing rapidly. I was out watching it this morning, because i was bored.. Hmmm
4,182 -
United States - West Branch Michigan 44.341°N 84.187°W "Anonymous" from (97-83-119-122.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/09/19 14:06:52
hi kids hope you have a good weekend
4,181 -
United States - West Branch Michigan 44.341°N 84.187°W "Anonymous" from (97-83-119-122.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/09/19 13:02:10
hlowenn is comeing
4,180 -
United States - West Branch Michigan 44.341°N 84.187°W "Anonymous" from (97-83-119-122.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/09/19 13:02:03
hlowenn is comeing
4,179 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Neil" from (host86-136-64-79.range86-136.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/09/19 12:58:44
looks like Hulk's been on the Beers. Has someone tried giving him CPR?
4,178 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/09/19 09:00:52
watch thoose spikes near your foot hulk or it would be a deflating halloween : - )
4,177 -
United States - Forest Lake Minnesota 45.267°N 93.019°W "Anonymous" from (s197-146.forestlake.k12.mn.us) wrote at 2008/09/19 08:32:14
This site is amazing lol
4,176 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/09/19 08:07:43
For those wondering about the wood slats, I'm just helping a friend build a frame for his trailer (you'll see us working on it later this morning) ... but yea Mr. H, they make a nice set of Hulk-sized skies! ;-)
4,175 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-176-253-139.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/19 07:38:54
I don't want to alarm you Mr. Grass, but there's a big green thing in your driveway. Just incase you didn't know and you were suprised when you next went out to check the grass is still there!
4,174 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/19 07:37:55
Go and eat your grass Mr G.
4,173 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/19 07:30:27
i guess its 07:26:02 mountain time.. time for bed.
4,172 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/19 07:25:02
Oh looks like some dop-kick kids have been on here spamming, Mr G? thats not grass like
4,171 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-176-253-139.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/19 06:49:15
I just popped by to put in my two cents, as suggested to the right. Anyone ever tried bosistos with ice cream? I tell ya, you'll want it everyday!
4,170 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-176-253-139.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/19 06:43:40
Watch out those planks of wood might kill the grass! Then what will everyone do?
4,169 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-176-253-139.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/19 06:38:07
Woah, It's 69.5 degrees fanfells, thats warm!!!
4,168 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-176-253-139.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/19 05:19:14
chicken and cheese sandwich, as good as it gets mmm
4,167 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-176-253-139.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/19 05:13:33
4,166 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/18 18:48:50
why is there wood? please reply.
4,165 -
United States - Mystic Connecticut 41.374°N 71.976°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/09/18 17:53:54
Mr G, why are there pices of wood on the driveway?
4,164 -
United States - San Diego California 32.807°N 117.164°W "H" from (adsl-76-212-156-139.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/09/18 17:19:39
Looks like Hulk is getting ready to hit the slopes. I see his skis laying in the driveway.
4,163 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris is happy now" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/18 15:55:25
i think october 1st.
4,162 -
United States - Monterey California 36.369°N 121.840°W "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2008/09/18 11:05:08
when is the halloween cam going up?
4,161 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/18 07:54:30
My bad....looks like wooden slats...starting on the H'ween decorations?
4,160 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/18 07:49:27
Whoa! What is that long skinny box you just got from the black SUV?
4,159 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/18 07:49:23
Whoa! What is that long skinny box you just got from the black SUV?
4,158 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl5402D6D1.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/09/18 07:29:51
was wgg on that aussie radio show again?
4,157 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-56-92.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/18 06:31:39
watching grass grow is tedious work///
4,156 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/18 06:29:45
im a bit weedy about this website...
4,155 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/18 06:21:49
I need grass.. Im depressed
4,154 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-56-92.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/18 06:19:34
so how's everyone's life going on here? great i bet
4,153 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-56-92.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/18 06:06:50
How often should I mow? Once a week is normally sufficient. It is possible in spring, when growth is more rapid that twice a week may be necessary. How high to mow? Always ensure that you do not cut off more than 1/3 of the length of grass in one mow. If growth is quick then mow again in a few days time but ensure that 2/3 of the grass length is always left. Try and keep your mower at a high setting especially during hot weather.
4,152 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-56-92.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/18 06:01:41
Grass, you mean so much to me and i don't know where i'd be without you. We've been together through the happy times and have enjoyed them together. You are the best partner a person could have. That is why i invite you to accept my hand in marriage. So grass, will you marry me?
4,151 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/18 06:01:12
I want to grow dirt? Please help
4,150 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/18 05:55:43
Did u know: Grass is the common word that generally describes monocotyledonous green plants
4,149 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-56-92.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/18 05:55:18
Well mr grass, first of all you must have a suitable grass growing area, away from grass rain. Because grass rain is what causes green polkadot grass, so watch out.
4,148 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/18 05:50:32
Hi, My name is grass, and i want to know how to grow grass? I dont want no green grass with poka dots, just normal grass...
4,147 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-56-92.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/18 05:49:35
Using preemergent herbicides is the best way of killing crabgrass, and killing the weed begins with proper identification, to which end I provide pictures of crabgrass. By the way, an organic preemergent herbicide is corn gluten. But the best way to achieve crabgrass control overall is simply to have healthy lawn grass -- it will compete successfully with crabgrass and crowd it out.
4,146 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris is even more mad" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/17 18:29:48
this might be the last time im on this website. thanks alek. not!
4,145 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (cpe-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/17 17:00:46
Yes, he will. Hi everyone! 46 i think anyways....
4,144 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/17 16:47:22
will you still have the watching grass grow webcam when you put out halloween stuff? please reply
4,143 -
United States - Mystic Connecticut 41.374°N 71.976°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/09/17 13:44:04
Mr G, who was sprinting out of your house?
Mr. Grass replies at 15:37 - I was walking out to get the mail ... and the webcam must make me appear to move faster than I actually do since I wasn't sprinting.
4,142 -
United Kingdom - Martin Lincolnshire 53.116°N 0.333°W "Alison S" from (user201.resC150.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/09/17 12:32:43
Mr G have you ever counted how many bulbs actually go into your displays?
Mr. Grass replies at 15:35 - I do a fairly accurate estimate - last year, it was 17,000 lights for Christmas! ;-)
4,141 -
Australia - Oakleigh Victoria 37.900°S 145.100°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-147-67.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/17 08:12:19
that guy from terang must have a few grass problems though. I suggest he contact a local grass person to sort out his problems...
4,140 -
Australia - Oakleigh Victoria 37.900°S 145.100°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-147-67.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/17 08:06:24
I can't afford grass...
4,139 -
Australia - Terang Victoria 38.233°S 142.933°E "Anonymous" from (202-153-209-18.cust.westvic.com.au) wrote at 2008/09/17 08:03:49
Well........... ...................... .................. ................. ................... ................... ................ ................. ............... .................. .................. ........... ................. .......................... .............. ............... .......... . MY GRASS IS GREEN WITH GREEN POKA DOTS!!!
4,138 -
Australia - Oakleigh Victoria 37.900°S 145.100°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-147-67.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/17 07:59:50
my grass is green and i think its good
4,137 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-5-5.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/17 01:25:01
Woah i do too, good stuff
4,136 -
Australia - Oakleigh Victoria 37.900°S 145.100°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-219-147-67.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/09/17 01:21:44
Hey i have grass at my house too
4,135 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/16 16:37:27
thanks! do you like decorating? how many decorations do u have?
4,134 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-50-84-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/09/16 16:20:54
when will you start decorating for halloween? Because i want to see the before the scenes. please reply.
Mr. Grass replies at 16:29 - Per post #4,127, I'll plan to start tossing stuff out there early next week.
4,133 -
United Kingdom - Exeter Devon 50.700°N 3.533°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/15 13:36:18
Happy Birthday Mr H. Late as usual I'm sorry. How was your day at the mouse house? Your forgiven for going without me, but only because my pal has just got from mouse house Paris and bought me 15th anniversary pressies. Oh yeh!)
4,132 -
Hungary - Balassagyarmat Nograd 48.083°N 19.300°E "noel" from (53d82f44.adsl.enternet.hu) wrote at 2008/09/15 10:07:24
d'oh. false alarm, it's just the lawncare guys. hello, mr sprinkler.
Mr. Grass replies at 10:16 - Yep ... you certainly would not want ice cream from this truck! ;-)
4,131 -
Hungary - Balassagyarmat Nograd 48.083°N 19.300°E "noel" from (53d82f44.adsl.enternet.hu) wrote at 2008/09/15 10:02:17
ice cream truck! ice cream truck?
4,130 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/09/15 08:19:06
thanks mr. G, could ya put the skulls up as well : - )
4,129 -
United States - West Branch Michigan 44.341°N 84.187°W "Anonymous" from (97-83-119-122.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/09/14 17:28:23
Hi every one
4,128 -
United Kingdom - Stafford Staffordshire 52.800°N 2.100°W "Anonymous" from (5ad066e7.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/09/14 08:09:17
it might snow on here soon its only 7.4c
4,127 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/09/13 20:01:49
mr g, could you put Frankie or homer on the lawn tomorrow to get us in the halloween spirit pleaseeeeee
Mr. Grass replies at 21:38 - That's not a bad idea ... probably sometime next week I'll toss something out there on the front lawn ...
4,126 -
United States - Meriden Connecticut 41.539°N 72.799°W "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2008/09/13 12:10:22
my cousin has celiac disease he has to have rice products
4,125 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (CPE-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/13 11:53:49
Happy birthday H!
4,124 -
United States - Meriden Connecticut 41.539°N 72.799°W "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2008/09/13 11:44:57
when are the christmas and halloween decorations going up???
4,123 -
United States - San Diego California 32.807°N 117.164°W "H appy" from (adsl-76-212-156-174.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/09/13 11:20:15
Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear me, happy birthday to me! Guess where I'm going for my Happy Birthday? To the "Happiest Place on Earth" of course. Don't hate me Ms Alison.
4,122 -
United Kingdom - Stafford Staffordshire 52.800°N 2.100°W "Anonymous" from (5ad066f4.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/09/13 06:11:24
sorry im thick. at stuff so im not as clever as others
4,121 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/12 14:17:48
Your newspapers are getting SOAKED!
4,120 -
Hungary - Balassagyarmat Nograd 48.083°N 19.300°E "noel" from (53d82f44.adsl.enternet.hu) wrote at 2008/09/12 11:38:21
oh my god, the postman came with an ambulance? is he ok? ___satire___
4,119 -
United Kingdom - Stafford Staffordshire 52.800°N 2.100°W "Anonymous" from (5ad066eb.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/09/12 10:40:53
was that an ambulance go past mr grass check 10:40am
Mr. Grass replies at 10:48 - That was the postman with the mail ... ;-)
4,118 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/12 09:23:01
Looks like the grass is getting some rain today....we gonna get A LOT when Ike turns back to the Northeast after hitting TX!
4,117 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/12 09:16:16
Suuuuure you do!
4,116 -
United Kingdom - Northampton Northamptonshire 52.250°N 0.883°W "Anonymous" from (cpc2-nthc9-0-0-cust581.nrth.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/09/11 12:57:24
4,115 -
United Kingdom - Northampton Northamptonshire 52.250°N 0.883°W "Anonymous" from (cpc2-nthc9-0-0-cust581.nrth.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/09/11 11:37:10
4,114 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (CPE-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/10 21:05:23
The garbage truck should have held the recycling for ransom... Hows everyone doing?
4,113 -
United States - Champaign Illinois 40.114°N 88.281°W "Anonymous" from (c-98-222-63-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/09/10 08:39:59
Two Garbage Trucks Today!!!
Mr. Grass replies at 09:26 - Good spot - the garbage truck is first with the recycle guys right behind 'em - pretty unusual.
4,112 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.152°N 94.688°W "Kina" from (CPE-24-163-147-247.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/09 17:53:55
Hi everyone. Sorry for being away so long, just a little problem with employment for my hubby. He is back to what he loves, over the road trucking. Hey, Mr. H, how did you get such an adorable little grandbaby? Her momma and grandma must be knockouts. Can't wait till Halloween.
4,111 -
United States - City N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cache-los-ac09.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2008/09/09 09:20:48
This guy is a god!- Bryn Cowton Williams Cumbria Engaland aged 12
4,110 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-112-180.opaltelecom.net.112.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/09/08 15:26:22
Hi Alison, Nope luckily not this time. I live in Derbyshire. We have had a lot of rain but no majors floods not like June 07.
4,109 -
United Kingdom - Trowbridge Wiltshire 51.318°N 2.208°W "Alison S" from (user190.resC129.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/09/08 14:30:21
No problem Mr H. HUG..... Hi Dave, yep wasn't our 24 hours of BST just wonderful, Not to worry only 364 days til the next one. lol Joking aside hope your not in one of the areas affected with all the flooding.
4,108 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/08 13:33:07
i love this,, i wish i had grass to watch grow :(
4,107 -
United Kingdom - Chepstow Monmouthshire 51.637°N 2.676°W "J b***" from (host86-128-35-78.range86-128.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/09/08 10:09:37
its so geeky its not actually geeky its cook yeah
4,106 -
United States - Port Ludlow Washington 47.898°N 122.699°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/09/07 17:54:33
Lot's of activity in the last couple of minutes. The red car left and someone walked up the driveway.
4,105 -
United States - Runnemede New Jersey 39.850°N 75.075°W "Grace" from (pool-70-106-81-12.hag.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/09/07 15:44:16
I like ramen
4,104 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "Anonymous" from (ip70-162-148-243.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/09/06 20:41:22
Girls Gone Wild b***s
4,103 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-144-12.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/09/06 17:14:36
Girls RULe
4,102 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/06 15:37:19
Hi all, Hey Alison, Gill have u enjoyed the great british summer....lol nevermind theres always next year.
4,101 -
United States - Escondido California 33.223°N 117.106°W "H ugger" from (adsl-75-55-37-40.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/09/05 16:59:36
Thanks Ms Alison. I'll pass that hug on to Simone. My Daddy always said "Son, never pass up an opportunity to hug a pretty girl". So, since you're handing out hugs, I'll take one too!
4,100 -
United Kingdom - Northampton Northamptonshire 52.250°N 0.883°W "mega bored" from (cpc2-nthc9-0-0-cust581.nrth.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/09/05 12:20:51
lmao i just saw a truck with kids sitting on the bed with haystacks on fire. i saw the truck for only 1 frame. but that still was the most exciting thing ever for a long time!
4,099 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (user204.resC155.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/09/04 11:17:00
Oh Mr H. Simone is a real sweetie. No wonder your such a proud Granpa. Heres a big English "HUG" for her.
4,098 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/04 08:45:25
Must be trash day! Just saw the truck picking up the garbage....
4,097 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/09/03 19:16:26
hey mr g... you no you save all the images from the grass-cam, have you got some thing set up on your own pc yo your HDD or does it save all the JPG's to your server via FPT?
Mr. Grass replies at 20:23 - The Web Server actually "wget's" the images from the webcam, and yes, they are then saved there for later review and/or time-lapse animation.
4,096 -
United Kingdom - Ashfield York 52.216°N 1.233°E "James" from (5ac89af5.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/09/03 19:12:00
Sprinklers seem to be working OK..
4,095 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (3e70cd10.adsl.enternet.hu) wrote at 2008/09/03 16:13:12
i'm in love with simone. guess i'm not the only one. nice genes, mr h
4,094 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.252°N 80.692°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/03 15:59:21
Hey Mr G, was that you and the boys I just saw on the webcam?
Mr. Grass replies at 17:11 - Yea, just coming back from school in the afternoon mini-van car pool.
4,093 -
United States - San Diego California 32.766°N 117.129°W "H" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/03 15:55:19
Thanks guys for the kind comments on Simone and thanks Mr G for sharing the picture with the WGG Crew. No Mr Dave, thank goodness she doesn't look anything like me (except for that bald head). She gets her looks from her beautiful mother and even more beautiful grandmother. We sure enjoyed having her here for the long weekend and she sure enyoyed Watching Grass Grow.
4,092 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Gill UK" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust171.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/09/03 14:33:14
Thanks Mr G for Halloween blog. Hi Dave, hope your all well.Grandpa H your grandaughter simone is beautiful, thank you for sharing your picture.
4,091 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cites" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/09/03 07:41:55
Brrr! 49 deg F at Mr. G's house today! Starting to get a chill in the air! Gustav has pretty much washed things out here in AR this week :( Looking forward to cooler weather and the Halloween lights!
4,090 -
Canada - Masset British Columbia 54.016°N 132.150°W "johnny last" from (h118.157.34.207.cable.mset.cablerocket.net) wrote at 2008/09/03 01:50:15
this good for killing time
4,089 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (CPE-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/02 21:31:08
aww cute (: P.S. Hello from Google Chrome! anyone else using it/excited?
4,088 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/09/02 19:14:00
Well done Dave! Grandpa H, that is one fine looking grandaughter!
4,087 -
United States - Houston Texas 29.775°N 95.415°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/02 16:40:18
Halloween is just around the corner...I will have my mouse ready to do some serious clicking!
4,086 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/02 11:13:21
I bet your one proud Grandad Mr H. A Picture of beauty......Does she get her looks from her grandad?????
4,085 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/09/02 10:32:31
Yes, the Halloween Blog is now open for commenting and I'll be putting out the Halloween Decorations later this month. In the meantime, check out the awesome "Halloween is Coming" movie ... courtesy of Dave from the UK! ;-)
BTW, "Grandpa H" sent a cute picture of his grandaughter Simone Watching Grass Grow ... imagine what she'll think of the Halloween craziness!
4,084 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/09/02 10:26:13
Hey Gill hope you are well. The Blog is now open for Halloween....Hoorah
4,083 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Gill UK (luke's mum)" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust171.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/09/02 06:17:51
Hey Mr G, Have you started to put up those Halloween decorations yet? Last year the Halloween blog was open on 1st September, it's not open yet :-(
4,082 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (3e70cd10.adsl.enternet.hu) wrote at 2008/09/01 19:31:55
hey clan, how's labour day?
4,081 -
Denmark - City N/A 56.000°N 10.000°E "Anonymous" from (0x573c6db9.espnqu1.dynamic.dsl.tele.dk) wrote at 2008/09/01 15:34:31
f_________ i love this site XD
4,080 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.336°N 80.795°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/09/01 08:56:01
My weekend was great. In-laws have a new pool. And a new grill that my FIL showed off. :)
4,079 -
United States - Coeur D Alene Idaho 47.729°N 116.756°W "Brandon" from (CPE-69-76-4-10.natnow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/31 22:48:14
Hey everyone, Just got back from seattle, we had fun staying with some friends of ours! How was everyone's weekend?
4,078 -
United Kingdom - Dorchester Dorset 50.716°N 2.433°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/31 13:14:34
Wow Mr H. I hope you have the little lady enrolled in Mensa. She is truly gifted, and has such marvelous taste to chose WGG to show her prowess. Marvelous. x
4,077 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/08/31 12:58:27
Hope everything in New Orleans turns out OK....just looked at some live webcams from there....eerie! That place is a ghost town! The interstates are totally empty :(
4,076 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.336°N 80.795°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/31 08:18:47
better wake up and get your newspaper Mr G!
4,075 -
Argentina - Rosario Santa Fe 32.951°S 60.666°W "Sounnikoura" from (host25.190-31-23.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/08/31 07:21:09
She better not say "mower". That mower icon is the worst part of the site :S
4,074 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/30 21:53:34
And she made her first post!
4,073 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.336°N 80.795°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/30 20:32:02
Yea Simone! Now if she could only say "mower"... :)
4,072 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "grandpa H" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/30 14:28:21
OH MY GOSH!! She said her first word!!
4,071 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "Simone" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/30 13:56:41
goo goo gaa gaa gra grass...
4,070 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "grandpa H" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/30 12:03:03
Oh, I forgot to tell ya. We're babysitting Simone this weekend. It's her Mama and Daddy's anniversary. They're off in some fancy hotel doing whatever it is that people do in hotels on their anniversary. It's going to be her first overnighter here with us. Should be interesting. I'll bring her here later and see what she thinks of the grass.
4,069 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H oliday" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/30 11:28:57
Three day weekend! Yahooooo! Hope all my WGG family enjoys it. Have fun at the lake Ms Kina. Is that the one with the nudist colony that you were telling me about?
4,068 -
United States - Orlando Florida 28.503°N 81.330°W "Anonymous" from (overload.ocfl.net) wrote at 2008/08/30 10:26:12
4,067 -
United States - Grafton Massachusetts 42.202°N 71.681°W "Juji" from (68-116-172-119.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) wrote at 2008/08/30 08:01:43
It does, doesn't it?
4,066 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "WallFlower" from (79-68-209-28.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/08/30 07:35:11
The grass looks particularly green today...
4,065 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.152°N 94.688°W "Wild and Crazy Kina" from (CPE-24-163-147-247.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/29 21:23:33
Hey all. Mr. H, Mr. Piper, Mr. G, Gill, Luke, Brandon, and anyone this old lady forgot, have a great holiday weekend. Hope nobody is working. I'm going to the lake and RELAXING!!!
4,064 -
Sweden - Stockholm Stockholms Lan 59.333°N 18.050°E "LobbyZ" from (c83-251-23-111.bredband.comhem.se) wrote at 2008/08/29 13:42:29
Just got this link from a irc server and wow.. This is pretty good :P
4,063 -
United States - Weatherford Texas 32.754°N 97.787°W "The same grass starer that made a comment earlier." from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/29 13:06:36
Im not kidding.I love this site.
4,062 -
United States - Weatherford Texas 32.754°N 97.787°W "Grass Starer" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/29 12:41:04
This site is freaking awesome.
4,061 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/08/28 07:05:46
You got it Sounikoura! Actually I didn't mean for that to sound like a riddle. What should have been a Why. That's what I get for posting before coffee. Good morning all, the weekend is almost here. It's a 3-day holiday weekend for us in the States!
4,060 -
United States - Mount Pleasant Michigan 43.614°N 84.792°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-144-12.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/08/28 06:16:08
Goood Morning
4,059 -
Argentina - San Nicolas Buenos Aires 33.330°S 60.226°W "Sounnikoura" from (host28.190-31-227.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/08/27 20:05:14
@ 4042, the car, of course!
4,058 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/08/27 07:42:22
mr grass who is your favourate wgg person? Mr. Grass replies at 10:25 - you as long as you vote for hulk :-)
4,057 -
United States - Lake Wales Florida 27.870°N 81.531°W "Lin" from (pool-71-101-41-88.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/08/26 23:07:44
What time of the day can you see the most stuff?
Mr. Grass replies at 07:25 - Exciting stuff can happen at any time on WGG ... but Wednesday is trash day as you can see with the Big Blue Bin out there ... and we even have a school bus that you can just about set your clock to every weekday morning.
4,056 -
China - Beijing 39.928°N 116.388°E "name" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/26 19:15:33
4,055 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "WallFlower" from (79-67-145-31.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/08/26 10:51:45
One word: LOLZ. ... I love this site.
4,054 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-75-21-87-238.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/26 06:49:03
Did three dogs just walk past or was the last one a cat?
Mr. Grass replies at 15:52 - That's the neighbors three doors down - it's a cat.
4,053 -
China - Beijing 39.928°N 116.388°E "Frantybar" from ( wrote at 2008/08/25 17:50:58
ball impost, notional. ___/ color
4,052 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/08/25 17:17:58
Dude on a green bike @ 17:14:40!!!!!! My life is now complete....
4,051 -
United Kingdom - Northampton Northamptonshire 52.250°N 0.883°W "mega bored" from (cpc2-nthc9-0-0-cust581.nrth.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/08/25 13:09:56
Hello when is your next big event? could it be possible to make a list on your website showing when you are doing stuff like mowing the lawn. Because then i would be able to plan in advance when something really exciting happens.
4,050 -
United States - Parker Ford Pennsylvania 40.205°N 75.592°W "grassy gradd" from (c-68-82-43-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/08/25 11:10:56
(Weedy comment) omg this is fun I LOVE watching the grass grow its mahh hobby ooh yeah :DD
4,049 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-27-133.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/24 15:15:19
Hey everyone, I haven't been here in a while... I missed the grass cutting and such :( Mr G, about the live chat thing, I think WyldRyde would be a good choice hmm? just me two cents, have a good day everyone!
4,048 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.233°W "H ungry" from (adsl-75-55-36-32.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/24 13:58:23
Virtually there, yes. But we didn't get a taste of that groovy lookin' pig. Did you at least save us some leftovers?
4,047 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/08/24 13:26:13
Sorry you guys missed the "Red, White, and Blue BBQ Party" ... but hey, you were virtually there via the grass cam! We had close to a 100 people come by, although neither Obama or Clinton made it even though they are coming to Denver for the Democratic National Convention. Maybe it's because they know I support the Green Party - HULK for President!
Highlight of the BBQ Party was a Pig - pretty groovy, eh?!? ;-)
4,046 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.233°W "H eartbroken" from (adsl-75-55-36-32.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/24 12:50:44
What? A party and we didn't get invited. Sniff sniff.
4,045 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.336°N 80.795°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/24 12:16:14
big white truck just drove past...
4,044 -
Canada - Keswick Ontario 44.250°N 79.466°W "Joe" from (CPE00195bd6246d-CM001ac35cbff0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2008/08/24 10:33:25
You should put in a live chat so we can talk to each other while watching grass grow
4,043 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (53d83ad9.adsl.enternet.hu) wrote at 2008/08/24 10:07:39
ooo, hungary beat the states in waterpolo today. hope it didn't hurt anyone's itty bitty feelings. lots of celebration next week.
4,042 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/08/24 08:48:39
Hmmm, looks like somebody moved the camera. We're seeing less grass and more driveway. BTW, what do we park in the driveway and drive on the parkway? Good morning WGG'ers!
Mr. Grass replies at 11:59 - Ooops ... camera got bumped - HEY, there was a party last night! BTW, Great riddle!
4,041 -
Trinidad and Tobago - Tacarigua Saint George 10.633°N 61.366°W "Anonymous" from (cuscon108942.tstt.net.tt) wrote at 2008/08/24 07:49:15
dis is the bbest website ever
4,040 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (220-253-51-114.VIC.netspace.net.au) wrote at 2008/08/24 03:25:41
This is quite possibly the best website on the internet
4,039 -
United Kingdom - Northampton Northamptonshire 52.250°N 0.883°W "im just too bored" from (cpc2-nthc9-0-0-cust581.nrth.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/08/24 00:52:38
I'm not entirely sure how or why 20 people are watching total darkness. I dont even know why I am either...
4,038 -
United States - Grafton Massachusetts 42.202°N 71.681°W "Juji" from (68-116-172-119.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) wrote at 2008/08/23 18:50:26
There's a lot of action at the Grass household tonight. Looks like a party!
4,037 -
United States - San Diego California 32.737°N 117.088°W "H iilarious!" from (adsl-75-55-39-42.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/22 16:23:54
Oh my gosh Mr Dave, that's classic!!! I recently got a new truck and was planning on getting personalized plates but couldn't decide what to put on them. Well, now I know. I LOVE that! Thanks.
4,036 -
United States - San Diego California 32.737°N 117.088°W "kina's H usband" from (adsl-75-55-39-42.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/22 16:02:00
I wish! I wish!
4,035 -
United Kingdom - Altrincham Cheshire 53.383°N 2.350°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-121-66.opaltelecom.net.121.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/08/22 15:55:56
hey H what about H2 OLD
4,034 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Crazy KC Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/08/22 15:27:23
4,033 -
United States - San Diego California 32.737°N 117.088°W "H elp" from (adsl-75-55-39-42.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/22 14:32:06
Ah, excuse me Sir, would you happen to have a name you could spare for a Viet Nam veteran?
4,032 -
United States - Chesapeake Virginia 36.755°N 76.292°W "That One Person" from (ip68-99-164-53.hr.hr.cox.net) wrote at 2008/08/22 12:08:20
Oh boy! I've been waiting all day!!!
4,031 -
United Kingdom - Northampton Northamptonshire 52.250°N 0.883°W "mega bored" from (cpc2-nthc9-0-0-cust581.nrth.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/08/22 12:06:52
omg!! THIS IS THE HAPPIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE!!! the lawn is GONNA GET CUT!! All these weeks of watching grass grow and now... IT GETTING CUT!!! wow this is exciting.
4,030 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "Anonymous" from (203-173-15-65.dyn.iinet.net.au) wrote at 2008/08/22 11:16:33
I see a lawn care truck parked in front of the lawn and a couple of workers. Is Mr. Grass getting lazy and letting other people cut his grass?
Mr. Grass replies at 11:36 - Those guys (closeup) do the neighbor's lawns - I do my own as can be seen by the shiny red toro lawn mower ready for action. I usually let the clippings just drop, but note that I have the bagger on today - I'll be out there at Noon.
4,029 -
United States - Chesapeake Virginia 36.755°N 76.292°W "That One Person" from (ip68-99-164-53.hr.hr.cox.net) wrote at 2008/08/22 09:04:40
Man! I can't wait till you mow your lawn! This is going to be the most exciting thing happening this week! T.T
4,028 -
United Kingdom - Northampton Northamptonshire 52.250°N 0.883°W "mega bored" from (cpc2-nthc9-0-0-cust581.nrth.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/08/22 08:57:24
because it must get really exciting when the bin men come round to take your trash
4,027 -
United Kingdom - Northampton Northamptonshire 52.250°N 0.883°W "mega bored" from (cpc2-nthc9-0-0-cust581.nrth.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/08/22 08:45:21
hey what time do you put your bins out?
4,026 -
United States - Chesapeake Virginia 36.755°N 76.292°W "That One Person" from (ip68-99-164-53.hr.hr.cox.net) wrote at 2008/08/22 08:04:40
Whee! Car drive by!!!
4,025 -
United States - San Diego California 32.708°N 117.231°W "H ulk" from (adsl-76-212-144-149.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/21 16:57:05
Nope. Can't use that. Darn it, all the cool names are taken!
4,024 -
Russian Federation - Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg City 59.894°N 30.264°E "devidblein" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/21 14:45:11
4,023 -
Argentina - Buenos Aires Distrito Federal 34.587°S 58.672°W "Sounnikoura" from (host164.190-225-9.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/08/21 10:45:21
What the h*** is that octogonal white thingy near the rocks? Wondering that since a long time ago.
Mr. Grass replies at 11:53 - Nice spot - that's the ADT Security Sign that's part of the alarm system ... so police are automatically summoned in case anyone messes with the grass! ;-)
4,022 -
United States - Long Beach California 33.773°N 118.186°W "eso" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/20 21:01:55
Wow... never saw that one coming. H, you've been owned by Mr. Grass! That's gotta hurt... But I've gotta give some props to Mr Grass for calmly sniping the #4000... Who's site is it anyway? Well H, you've just got to be diligent and get 5000... and Grandpa H is pretty good in the meantime.
4,021 -
United States - Temple Texas 31.101°N 97.332°W "Optional - we" from (tx-71-48-171-119.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/08/20 19:31:10
it looks short
4,020 -
United States - San Diego California 32.995°N 117.075°W "grandpa H" from (adsl-76-212-152-2.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/20 17:30:32
Simone suggested that one.
4,019 -
United States - San Diego California 32.995°N 117.075°W "H ippy" from (adsl-76-212-152-2.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/20 16:58:24
Now that's a pretty "Far Out" name. Maybe. Peace.
4,018 -
United States - San Diego California 32.995°N 117.075°W "H andsome" from (adsl-76-212-152-2.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/20 16:50:51
Hmmmm, that one describes me pretty well. Possibility.
4,017 -
United States - San Diego California 32.995°N 117.075°W "H aggard" from (adsl-76-212-152-2.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/20 15:12:41
Actually, I'm still pondering it. Any suggestions?
4,016 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (3e70dd1b.adsl.enternet.hu) wrote at 2008/08/20 04:47:53
just when i was sure he's hugh hefner. bummer.
4,015 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-27-133.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/19 23:04:30
so that's your name huh? I figured you would still go by H3000.
4,014 -
Argentina - Buenos Aires Distrito Federal 34.587°S 58.672°W "Sounnikoura" from (host86.190-137-122.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/08/19 22:22:28
I think the grass just grew. Maybe.
4,013 -
United States - San Diego California 32.986°N 117.081°W "Herb" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/19 18:22:25
Smooth move Mr G4000. You blindsided everyone. Couldn't have done it beter myself. Sure am happy that I am not the only one who can stir up a controversy around here. Ahhhh, I feel great! I've been carrying around that thousand thing for two years now. I'm finally free to be me, yipp**e!
4,012 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.304°N 80.726°W "Anonymous" from (sedgecom-pc.uncc.edu) wrote at 2008/08/19 14:00:16
there was a bug crawling on the cam. cool...
4,011 -
United Kingdom - Altrincham Cheshire 53.383°N 2.350°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-120-111.opaltelecom.net.120.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/08/19 11:53:08
Congratulations Mr G. Heres to another 1000.
4,010 -
United States - Chesapeake Virginia 36.755°N 76.292°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-99-164-53.hr.hr.cox.net) wrote at 2008/08/19 10:06:56
I've added this to my favorites list! thanks for the most exciting 5 minutes of my life!!! Lol!!!
4,009 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (3e70dd1b.adsl.enternet.hu) wrote at 2008/08/19 08:27:25
i suspected that i won't win but that was just cruel, mr g.
4,008 -
Argentina - Federal Entre Rios 30.950°S 58.800°W "Sounnikoura" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/18 16:25:16
Buuuuuuuuuuuuumping for 5000.
4,007 -
Argentina - Federal Entre Rios 30.950°S 58.800°W "Sounnikoura" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/18 16:19:50
What a letdown :( This is like the post 1000...
4,006 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-27-133.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/18 15:27:09
I call 4500!
4,005 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-27-133.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/18 15:22:08
awww cheater!!!!! :(
4,004 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/08/18 15:06:43
After I saw post #3999, I did wait a couple of minutes to be fair, but since nobody chimed in, I said what the heck and did post #4000 ... but HEY, keep watching the grass and see if you'll be the one to make post #5000!
4,003 -
United Kingdom - Oxford Oxfordshire 51.750°N 1.250°W "James" from (5ac89a37.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/08/18 14:57:24
It's like loosing an item on eBay at the last second!
4,002 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (user163.resC88.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/08/18 14:50:54
I turn my back for 2 seconds and Mr G goes and shatters my dreams. Sigh.....
4,001 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/08/18 14:47:53
OMG!!!!!! thats not fair, your not allowed....fix
4,000 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/08/18 14:43:58
And here is post #4000 ... and yes, my sister-in-law did back over the grass again ... although I did "set her up" as seen in the video ! ;-)
3,999 -
Belgium - Brussels Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest 50.833°N 4.333°E "Anonymous" from (138.25-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) wrote at 2008/08/18 14:41:47
One more to 4K
3,998 -
Anonymous Proxy - City N/A 0.000°N 0.000°E "Anonymous" from (mail23.anonymouse.org) wrote at 2008/08/18 14:31:50
OOOOPS, did you do that on purpose, the poor grass...quick post that image, 41 tuned in to see it!!!!!!
3,997 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (owa.co.jefferson.wa.us) wrote at 2008/08/18 14:31:03
I can't tell if it's real work or just playing around going on in the yard!
3,996 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "katie" from (5acc9a97.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/08/18 13:50:34
Hey i really hope i get 4000!
3,995 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (user100.resC132.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/08/18 13:29:19
So where is everyone? So few post to go to the elusive 4000, and hardly a poster in sight. Shall I post rubbish to get the title, hmm decisions decisions. lol Where are you Mr H, fancy a race :-)
3,994 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (user100.resC132.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/08/18 12:33:48
Theres some interesting looking old planes at the site Piobaireachd. Thanks for telling us about it, and Mr G thanks for putting up the link. Maybe make it the mainland one day Dave, then use your recommendation. Who knows we might even bump into each other. :-)
3,993 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/08/18 10:49:39
A bus station is where a bus stops A train station is where a train stops On my desk I have a work station.....
3,992 -
Argentina - Rosario Santa Fe 32.951°S 60.666°W "Sounnikoura" from (host124.190-31-59.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/08/18 10:39:39
2008/8/18 10:38:30 Two people walking, yay!
3,991 -
Anonymous Proxy - City N/A 0.000°N 0.000°E "Anonymous" from (mail167.anonymouse.org) wrote at 2008/08/18 10:05:23
what time does she leave and we will keep an eye out.
Mr. Grass replies at 10:28 - She'll be leaving around 2:30 ... 4 hours from now.
3,990 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (owa.co.jefferson.wa.us) wrote at 2008/08/18 08:54:16
LOL, we will never let your Sister-in-Law forget it either!
3,989 -
Argentina - Rosario Santa Fe 32.951°S 60.666°W "Sounnikoura" from (host124.190-31-59.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/08/18 07:44:39
CAR! Now I can die in peace.
3,988 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/08/18 07:22:50
Newspapers are here!
3,987 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Comfort" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/18 05:53:42
Take some time out off your busy lives and just watch the grass grow....we all miss so many of the beautiful little things in life these days. What an extraordinarlily eccentric site ...love it x
3,986 -
Anonymous Proxy - City N/A 0.000°N 0.000°E "Anonymous" from (mail23.anonymouse.org) wrote at 2008/08/18 05:31:08
maby that person who drove over the grass in a different car
Mr. Grass replies at 08:03 - Good memory ... and it actually is my sister-in-law who is visiting and yes, she did run over the lawn as seen below ... but did a better job the next time!
3,985 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Optional" from (.) wrote at 2008/08/18 05:23:53
looks like an overnight visitor with that car on the drive....??
3,984 -
United States - Dublin California 37.718°N 121.916°W "garrett" from (c-67-169-13-6.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/08/17 23:10:19
does anyone filter these posts some of them aren't that family friendly
3,983 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-75-21-87-238.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/17 23:02:51
Air and Water Show was great! Formation flight never ceases to amaze me. And the B-2 popping up over the skyline unexpectedly as I was running errands yesterday made for a great mental photo!
3,982 -
Argentina - Rosario Santa Fe 32.951°S 60.666°W "Sounnikoura" from (host124.190-31-59.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/08/17 20:33:50
Oooooh I get it now. Hulkville. That's why you have so many Hulk stuff.
3,981 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/08/17 20:16:48
Hey aviation fans. I'm doing some volunteer work at a little air museum that is being built near me. I'm installing their computer network at the Port Townsend Aero Museum. We should be open by early September. Please stop by if you're in the area.
Mr. Grass replies at 08:01 - Cool site (I link'ed it for 'ya) ... and ironically, I just got back from a trip to Seattle which include a couple day loop around the Olympic Pennisula, so I was quite close to there!
3,980 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.336°N 80.795°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/17 19:55:14
Hi Mr Grass, who's that in your driveway?
3,979 -
United Kingdom - Altrincham Cheshire 53.383°N 2.350°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-117-80.opaltelecom.net.117.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/08/17 15:49:30
When I was small I used to go to RAF finningley b****is has now ben turned into Doncaster Airport..b*ut i definatly recommend Waddington it was a great day even though it rained in the morning.
3,978 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/17 15:40:53
Lucky you Dave. :-) I've loved most all WW2 aircraft since I was little but I do have my favourites. I'd love to go to one of the big UK air shows. Ours is rather tiny in comparison.
3,977 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-27-133.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/17 14:45:53
Watch out Noel, I'm coming up on your left like a bullet!
3,976 -
Hungary - Balatonboglar Somogy 46.766°N 17.666°E "noel" from (3e44b940.adsl.enternet.hu) wrote at 2008/08/17 13:32:21
the red bull air race is coming to town this wednesday, i live about 300 ft away from where it's gonna take place, just above the danube. quite spectacular show that is. and also, now there's only 25 comments left until i take #4000. i can see the finish line but where's that naughty grampa? hmm
3,975 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.336°N 80.795°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/17 13:32:14
car just pulled into the driveway across the street...
3,974 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/17 13:01:17
Alison I was lucky enough to see the Vulcan Bomber do a flypast with the Lancaster bomber....breathtaking sight
3,973 -
China - Shenyang Liaoning 41.792°N 123.432°E "srtjhdjnh" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/17 06:08:09
sybian a***
3,972 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.336°N 80.795°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/16 15:04:34
The family day cruise on the "Rosie". Four planes did a pop-up over the island just as they went super-sonic. WAY cool.
3,971 -
United Kingdom - Trowbridge Wiltshire 51.318°N 2.208°W "Alison S" from (user195.resC155.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/08/16 14:15:56
Memorial flight does it for me at our "battle of Britain" air display. Just love the Lancaster, Hurricane and Spitfire. Roll on next month :-)
3,970 -
United Kingdom - Chorley Lancashire 53.650°N 2.616°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/16 05:37:56
I was at the RAF Waddinton Airshow this year and nothing compares to the roar of the rolls royce engines on the Vulcan Bomber when it takes off......
3,969 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-75-21-87-238.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/15 22:56:54
Piobaireachd, that's why I've been enjoying it so much! I was at Whiteman Air Force Base years ago for the unveiling of the B-2 and have loved the sonic booms ever since! It's one thing to have the planes buzzing your city it's another to be up close and personal with them on a military base.
3,968 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd (USN-Retired)" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/08/15 22:14:39
Grace, just tell them that it isn't noise, it's the sound of freedom.
Mr. Grass replies at 09:43 - Jet Noise IS the Sound of Freedom - here's a picture of an F-16 at a recent airshow at the Rocky Mountain Airport.
3,967 -
Argentina - Federal Entre Rios 30.950°S 58.800°W "Anonymous" from (host8.200-117-42.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/08/15 21:12:05
Woohoo, only 1033 comments for 5000!
3,966 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-75-21-87-238.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/15 15:55:47
CAR! The Blue Angels have been buzzing my neighborhood all week in preparation for the Chicago Air and Water Show this weekend. A lot of people have been complaining about the noise, but I've just been smiling and enjoying it.
3,965 -
United Kingdom - Chorley Lancashire 53.650°N 2.616°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/15 14:59:33
Hi Gill, nice to hear from you again, I hope your dusting off those christmas lights...not long now...
3,964 -
United States - Grafton Massachusetts 42.202°N 71.681°W "Juji" from (68-116-172-119.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) wrote at 2008/08/15 11:15:41
I see we are getting some rain today. The lawn is looking exceptionally nice, Mr. G.
3,963 -
United Kingdom - Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "Gill UK (luke's mum)" from (cpc4-derb3-0-0-cust570.leic.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/08/15 08:29:12
Hi everyone,Luke's mum here, after a very long time.I see the grass is getting some rain, grass is not looking quite as green as it normaly looks.Been to Cyprus, very hot, I couldn't live in that heat.Hi to Alek and family, hope you are all well.Gill :-)
3,962 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl5402D639.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/08/15 07:29:17
mr h is much more silent than usual. is suspect something.
3,961 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/08/15 07:08:31
Woohoo! It's Friday! Happy weekend all!
3,960 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-27-133.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/14 22:37:47
Hey! don't be rude! I see this page every time I open firefox so watch out everyone!
3,959 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Anonymous" from (.) wrote at 2008/08/14 20:52:47
Mr. Grass, are you also Mr. Ugly ??
3,958 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.336°N 80.795°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/14 16:17:04
ooo, 'nother car
3,957 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "matt & will" from (81-86-245-237.dsl.pipex.com) wrote at 2008/08/14 07:07:44
awesome grass
3,956 -
United Kingdom - Sutton In Ashfield Nottinghamshire 53.116°N 1.266°W "will998" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/14 04:05:34
wot a mint site waheyy i lv it will
3,955 -
United States - Long Beach California 33.773°N 118.186°W "eso" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/13 21:11:14
3,955... only 45 more posts to go H3000...
3,954 -
Anonymous Proxy - City N/A 0.000°N 0.000°E "Anonymous" from (mail167.anonymouse.org) wrote at 2008/08/13 17:37:15
I hate the lawnmower mouse icon-- It's annoying :S
3,953 -
Argentina - Lujan Buenos Aires 33.050°S 68.866°W "Sounnikoura" from (host175.190-225-129.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/08/13 17:06:22
4000th comment is coming soon!
3,952 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-27-133.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/13 16:24:49
I have this set as my homepage now... 48....
3,951 -
Canada - Saskatoon Saskatchewan 52.133°N 106.666°W "Kata" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/13 15:22:11
I can't wait until the day I finally see a car go past...
3,950 -
United States - Pueblo Colorado 38.346°N 104.776°W "Mandi" from (70-56-235-116.clsp.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/08/13 12:08:46
50 more to go!!!
3,949 -
N-A - City N/A N-A N-A "donaKnorame" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/12 23:37:46
In the engagement missive, the FDA conversant with the fund (Astellas) that it has completed its rea****s of the Kynapid NDA and that the relevancy is approvable. quondam to in view of approval
3,948 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.336°N 80.795°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/12 19:13:13
oooo, car! :)
3,947 -
United Kingdom - Trowbridge Wiltshire 51.318°N 2.208°W "Alison S" from (user126.resC150.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/08/12 18:11:36
Was it my perfume or something. I arrive and the G automobile leaves. Sigh! Bye!
3,946 -
United Kingdom - Trowbridge Wiltshire 51.318°N 2.208°W "Alison S" from (user126.resC150.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/08/12 18:06:19
Yes Mr H you do sound THE most proud Grandpa. She sounds absolutely adorable though, so you have every right to be proud. :-))) It doesn't seem possible she's doing so much already, surely it was just the other month she arrived. Time sure does fly. :-)))
3,945 -
United Kingdom - Altrincham Cheshire 53.383°N 2.350°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-114-187.opaltelecom.net.114.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/08/12 15:26:53
Since the lawn of time when H3000 was just a little H1.....
3,944 -
United States - Glendale Arizona 33.716°N 112.174°W "SillySALLY" from (ip70-190-63-204.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/08/12 13:54:37
wow....... people watch this!!!!!!!! how long has this been going on?
3,943 -
United States - Pueblo Colorado 38.346°N 104.776°W "Dancing queen" from (70-56-235-116.clsp.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/08/12 12:02:59
3,942 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-27-133.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/11 21:45:59
yeeeees... change the topic... then I cna sneak in and take 4000 bwahahaha
3,941 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-159-246.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/11 19:57:44
You shouldn't ask me about her Ms Alison cuz I could go on and on all day bragging about her. She's pushing seven months old now and more beautiful than ever! Dark brown eyes, fuzzy little head. She's crawling and pulling herself up on things. Lots of personality now and she has a laugh that just melts me! I love her soooo much!! Do I sound like a proud Grandpa? Well...I am!!
3,940 -
United Kingdom - Trowbridge Wiltshire 51.318°N 2.208°W "Alison S" from (user80.resC150.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/08/11 16:25:45
Any updates on Grandaughter Mr H?
3,939 -
United States - Grafton Massachusetts 42.202°N 71.681°W "Juji" from (68-116-172-119.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) wrote at 2008/08/11 14:31:12
The grass is looking pretty green today, Mr. Grass. I'm impressed.
3,938 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/08/11 12:57:21
There's the mailman!
3,937 -
United States - Lake Wales Florida 27.870°N 81.531°W "Mei-Lin" from (pool-71-122-136-99.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/08/10 21:07:19
Yay for grass.
3,936 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "kieron lmao" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/10 14:36:28
omg i just saw a silver car go past it was very exciting i was like omg omg omg lmfaooooooooo
3,935 -
United States - San Diego California 32.737°N 117.088°W "H3000" from (adsl-75-55-39-160.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/08/10 11:52:46
Ahhh, it was a good day here in San Diego yesterday. Beautiful weather, good surf, ocean water temp 72, the Chargers won their first game of the season and the Padres beat the, let's see, what was that teams name, oh yea, the ROCKIES!
3,934 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.336°N 80.795°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/09 20:17:26
ooo, multiple people out enjoying th eevening...
3,933 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-27-133.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/09 15:05:51
Well I'm using my computer for now, it just shuts off randomly...
3,932 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (user136.resC105.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/08/09 12:10:17
No good practising the elusive title is coming my way anyway. lol
3,931 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.471°N 96.597°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008/08/09 11:03:52
sixty nine more..idk i like the sound of Kynitekia4000. Sounds like some Robocop knock off
3,930 -
United States - Grafton Massachusetts 42.202°N 71.681°W "Juji" from (68-116-172-119.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) wrote at 2008/08/09 10:49:27
I guess some people can't appreciate the beauty of grass growing. Kids these days.
3,929 -
United Kingdom - Kidderminster Worcestershire 52.383°N 2.250°W "luke A from WALES!!" from (host86-132-149-147.range86-132.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/08/09 10:34:54
this is so stupid im only 14 and ive got more of a life than u lot noobs
3,928 -
United Kingdom - Preston Lancashire 53.766°N 2.716°W "chris" from (79-77-94-195.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/08/09 03:44:14
d***, thats good grass
3,927 -
United States - Pasadena Texas 29.669°N 95.161°W "Cottonball" from (c-98-200-133-223.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/08/08 22:01:43
hello hello hello hello
3,926 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.336°N 80.795°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/07 19:45:59
hey, someone just walked past the driveway
3,925 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.336°N 80.795°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-071-199-037.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/07 19:40:59
Woot! I saw a car!
3,924 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "brandon" from (CPE-76-178-27-133.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/07 19:39:46
ahahahahha 74 more and my computer dies.... powersupply bad
3,923 -
United Kingdom - Brackley Northamptonshire 52.033°N 1.150°W "Anonymous" from (93-96-81-172.zone4.bethere.co.uk) wrote at 2008/08/07 18:37:53
is this what you do with your life all day
3,922 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (78-131-66-61.pool.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/08/07 17:58:58
hiya wgg clan. it's just a courtesy comment to take us closer to 4000. 78 left now, i'm so excited.
3,921 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/07 15:40:14
Couldn't have said it better myself.
3,920 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Pargulutt" from (.) wrote at 2008/08/07 15:18:39
Cialis? The erectile dysfunction drug? Whatever does being prepare when the bcoupling is revenge enjoy to do with socialism or socialists, patently another in a few s inadvertently banned from this site? One could enterprising an wrangle for some unwell of ojin between the two: for an dreadfully wish unceasingly a before you can say 'Jack Robninson', socialism has been waiting and prepare for the b*oin that has someway in no way from head to toe draw near (and yet has seemed to socialists to be on its way), the bcoupling that at one's desire turn out before you can sasy 'Jack Robinson' and for all that socialism is the classier method of continual a country.
3,919 -
United Kingdom - Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/07 14:20:41
You are quite welcome to the 4000th post KC Kina, I think that if I got it DUK 4000 sounds like a robotic pond animal so i think ill stick to Dave UK for now....lol
3,918 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Crazy KC Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/08/07 12:57:31
EIGHTY TWO AND IT'S ALL MINE. BEWARE MR. H, MR. PIPER, KY AND DAVE AND THE REST OF THE WGG CLAN. BTW, thanks Mr. H but flattery will get you nowhere, I will be K4000 soon.
3,917 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/08/07 06:51:09
I think we need a "4,000th post" pool. When will we hit the number?
3,916 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-27-133.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/06 23:55:44
Agreed Dave, we better keep and extra close eye on H3 :)
3,915 -
Australia - Woronora New South Wales 34.016°S 151.033°E "Anonymous" from (d122-104-186-204.riv9.nsw.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/08/06 23:55:34
Woahh this guy really likes star FM. I'm from Sydney and prefer Today FM
3,914 -
Australia - Woronora New South Wales 34.016°S 151.033°E "J.B." from (d122-104-186-204.riv9.nsw.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/08/06 23:48:06
Boringly exciting!!! I've never seen a website so weird!!!
3,913 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.471°N 96.597°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008/08/06 18:24:21
hmm. maybe 4k will be mine...
3,912 -
United Kingdom - Chorley Lancashire 53.650°N 2.616°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/06 17:06:52
Im sure that there is life in the old dog yet H3000 and me thinks you are throwing the competition a "Curve Ball" as you americans say.....lol
3,911 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/06 16:34:37
Not gonna happen Mr Dave. I've disqualified myself and choose not to compete. The last three times have been so controversial, I just want to distance myself from it this time. I'm a Grandpa now, so it's time I retire the crown and enjoy time with the family. So, good luck and may the best person win. Oh, and by the way, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale if anybody is interested.
3,910 -
United Kingdom - Chorley Lancashire 53.650°N 2.616°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/06 12:36:53
Get ready H3000 dont let them take of you what is already yours.......lol. It cant be an end of an era....
3,909 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/06 12:36:44
Hi everyone, we made it home safely (barely): MAJOR thunderstorm in Illinois (i think), rain so hard you cant see and it was hte middle of a constructin zone, lightning flashing all the time and then the town we were by suddenly went black. so yeah it was crazy, then farther down there was an overturned semi... so it was not fun
3,908 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/08/06 10:46:15
Ahhhh....72 degrees at 10:45 a.m.....must be nice to live in that cool mountain air.....been over 100 degrees the last 2 weeks here!
3,907 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (78-131-66-61.pool.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/08/05 20:24:20
is there really something glowing on the grass?
3,906 -
United States - Pueblo Colorado 38.346°N 104.776°W "Mandi" from (70-56-235-116.clsp.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/08/05 12:45:15
Dude thats mean!
3,905 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "Anonymous" from (.) wrote at 2008/08/04 22:02:48
Mr. Grass, are you also Mr. Ugly ??
3,904 -
United States - City N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/04 18:02:10
Yes Ms Kina, I'm watching. Watching and waiting and ready to pounce! And yes, I care....about you.
3,903 -
United States - Pueblo Colorado 38.346°N 104.776°W "Mandi" from (70-56-235-116.clsp.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/08/04 16:10:31
Haha its kinda funny, you get all freaked out when something happenes! I love your site!!
3,902 -
United States - Palmyra Michigan 41.869°N 83.929°W "Brandon" from (45-203-112-64.dsl.tc3net.com) wrote at 2008/08/04 07:56:42
hi everyone! we are about to leave Michigan... :( be home soon so dont post much because 4000 is mine :D
3,901 -
United Kingdom - Belvedere Kent 51.483°N 0.150°E "James" from (5acceb86.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/08/03 21:02:59
4 1/2 ghosts on the grass/drive?
Mr. Grass replies at 21:36 - Yea, that does look kinda spooky - it's actually the garage lights that I left on - thanks for noticing and pointing it out - I turned 'em off! ;-)
3,900 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.183°N 80.642°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-071-068-076-231.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/08/03 20:42:34
I did see a car go by, maybe even two. Enjoyed your site! Thanks
3,899 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Crazy KC Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/08/03 19:52:54
Well, Mr. H. Only 101 posts left. Are you watching? Do you care? Could this possibly be my year? I have to go and lay down now I am tired! :-)
3,898 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "RICK" from (ns.cg.catholic.edu.au) wrote at 2008/08/03 17:34:02
3,897 -
Thailand - City N/A 15.000°N 100.000°E "jQVb*VjsjCkbAee" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/03 08:27:32
3,896 -
United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.800°N 84.386°W "Allison" from (user-11fapkc.dsl.mindspring.com) wrote at 2008/08/01 23:05:19
This is so amazingly exciting! I saw people yesterday!
3,895 -
United Kingdom - Cambridge Cambridgeshire 52.200°N 0.116°E "Depp-Obsessed" from (host86-152-145-183.range86-152.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/08/01 16:52:55
3,894 -
Australia - Corinda Queensland 27.533°S 152.983°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/08/01 08:46:56
this is possibly THE most exciting web site..on the web!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3,893 -
United Kingdom - Milton Keynes 52.033°N 0.700°W "kitty" from (client-86-31-109-89.popl.adsl.virgin.net) wrote at 2008/08/01 06:43:45
wooh this is SO exciting
3,892 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "katie" from (5acc9a97.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/08/01 04:55:15
yay grass is back
3,891 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Katie" from (5acc9a97.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/08/01 04:28:41
OH NO no more grass! taking a break nooooooo
3,890 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl5402D605.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/07/31 10:39:14
do spammers count in the race for #4k? it would be highly unfair.
3,889 -
India - Patna Bihar 25.600°N 85.116°E "dsrjhdfhyj" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/31 07:28:58
3,888 -
Australia - Chullora New South Wales 33.900°S 151.050°E "Anonymous" from (c220-237-117-204.mirnd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/07/31 01:58:47
woah... there are not many cars that drive past your street. and im in australia to and night time is very boring
3,887 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "PhoneTrace.org" from (ns.cg.catholic.edu.au) wrote at 2008/07/30 22:31:30
im in australia and night time is real boring...
3,886 -
United States - Palmyra Michigan 41.869°N 83.929°W "Brandon" from (45-203-112-64.dsl.tc3net.com) wrote at 2008/07/30 22:16:14
Hi everyone, it's really humid here :/ wedding on the 3rd! CANT WAIT!
3,885 -
United Kingdom - Oxford Oxfordshire 51.750°N 1.250°W "James" from (5ac89af9.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/07/30 20:21:17
Thought it might.
3,884 -
United Kingdom - Oxford Oxfordshire 51.750°N 1.250°W "James" from (5ac89af9.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/07/30 20:16:06
Watching Grass Grow est tr___s int___ressant et je ne peux pas attendre "jusqu'___ l'Halloween. J'aime aussi regarder la peinture s___che, et le b___ton! :-) Just testing my French skills, unless it thinks its spam.
3,883 -
India - City N/A 20.000°N 77.000°E "beigneebulk" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/30 19:30:53
spyware free p2p file sharing programs best anti spyware freeware torrent spyware spyware removal utilities control pest spyware trap free program spyware free spyware adware removal software spyware protection software free free remove spyware software adware computer infected might spyware
3,882 -
Canada - Guelph Ontario 43.550°N 80.250°W "maddy" from (d39-43-111.home1.cgocable.net) wrote at 2008/07/30 17:36:00
i saw a car go buy :) p.s love your sight
3,881 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/07/29 20:01:50
Hey, I have an Obama sticker on my car too. It says "Bringing you Socialism with a smile".
3,880 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "Anonymous" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/07/29 15:06:08
Your grass will like that rain shower...
3,879 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/07/29 14:59:46
Yea, the driver of that Snaab Hatchback needs some parking lessons ... appears to be quite the political activist too! ;-)
3,878 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "Anonymous" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/07/29 14:44:48
What's his tag number?
3,877 -
United Kingdom - Belvedere Kent 51.483°N 0.150°E "James" from (5accebeb.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/07/29 14:38:40
Might have to drive over the corner again to get out.....
3,876 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "Anonymous" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/07/29 14:34:46
Tell the guy in the hatchback to quit blocking your drive!!!
3,875 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/07/29 14:31:59
One Hundred and Twenty Six to go. Still here and still keeping track!! :)
3,874 -
United States - Woodstock Illinois 42.322°N 88.467°W "hi" from (.) wrote at 2008/07/29 13:53:27
What does :-) mean?
3,873 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-76-223-7-231.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/28 22:03:04
Whoa... the house lights shining on the driveway are freaky. They look like headstones. Are you trying something new for Halloween this year?
3,872 -
United States - Houston Texas 29.775°N 95.415°W "Anonymous" from (ip113.park-spring-creek.hou.ygnition.net) wrote at 2008/07/28 14:11:27
How many sites do you run, Mr. G?
3,871 -
United States - Mckinney Texas 33.176°N 96.698°W "Reecer6" from (cpe-76-185-29-92.tx.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/27 17:00:41
While we watch grass grow, we can see how fast shadows change! thanks Mr. Tree!
3,870 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/07/27 16:37:05
A couple of friends are attending Comic Con. They met the guys from Mythbusters yesterday. They said they're having a blast.
3,869 -
United States - San Diego California 32.995°N 117.075°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-152-250.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/27 14:09:27
Comic Con is here in SD this weekend. I went yesterday and man oh man, what a crazy scene. Storm Troopers and Action Heros everywhere. You'll never guess who I ran into... Hulk!!! He was there pushing his new movie. I asked him if he rode down here in the ragtop and how his brother was. I told him I was looking forward to seeing him up on the balcony this Halloween. He just looked at me like I was some kind of wierdo and walked away. Celebrities! Sometimes they're kinda upity.
3,868 -
United States - Franklin Louisiana 29.752°N 91.481°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-226-242-242.lf.br.cox.net) wrote at 2008/07/27 13:14:47
Hey Mr.Grass, your grass is dieing. You know, there's this wonderful new product called Wonder Grass. Please use it before you have to change the name to Watching Grass Die.
3,867 -
United States - Palmyra Michigan 41.869°N 83.929°W "Brandon" from (45-203-112-64.dsl.tc3net.com) wrote at 2008/07/27 08:29:25
Hello from Michigan!! 30+ hours in the car... FUN FUN FUN!
3,866 -
Italy - Napoli Campania 40.833°N 14.250°E "srths" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/26 13:59:16
3,865 -
United States - Dover Florida 27.967°N 82.217°W "Allrgy30" from (pool-71-100-178-62.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/07/26 12:49:26
I have severe grass allergies. Because of this site, I may now enjoy grass without breaking out in hives. Thank you for this grass growing website.
3,864 -
United States - Groton Connecticut 41.353°N 72.038°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/07/26 09:53:53
Guitar Hero TTFATF - 100 Expert FC!!!!!!!!
3,863 -
United States - San Diego California 32.995°N 117.075°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-153-35.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/25 15:21:34
Hey Mr G, I hear that Colorado is having a big problem with beetles killing the pine trees near Beaver Creek. Over a million acres affected. That true?
3,862 -
United States - San Diego California 32.995°N 117.075°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-153-35.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/25 15:16:15
Adios Mr Brandon. Hope you have a fun vacation in Michigan. We'll save the 4000th post for you....NOT!!
3,861 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/25 13:29:12
well, bye everyone! leaving in 5 hours 32 minutes 18seconds!
3,860 -
United States - Swartz Creek Michigan 42.942°N 83.827°W "batman" from (c-68-40-253-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/07/25 09:06:32
3,859 -
United States - City N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/24 16:58:27
Grass will give you joy no matter where you are.
3,858 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Anonymous" from (las-static- wrote at 2008/07/24 16:00:54
wow, didnt know i could get as much joy out of being straight at work as i can being stoned at home
3,857 -
United States - Grafton Massachusetts 42.202°N 71.681°W "Juji" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/24 07:40:05
Why does everyone care so much about the 4,000th comment? I'm here to enjoy grass growing!!
3,856 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/23 18:34:19
Wow Kina, how much coffee you have today? No need to yell! Looks like I might be okay, we might be back before 4,000!
3,855 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.173°N 115.124°W "chris" from (nv-71-53-185-56.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/07/23 18:19:15
i like waching grass grow
3,854 -
Japan - City N/A 36.000°N 138.000°E "rth" from (p6150-ipbfpfx02osakakita.osaka.ocn.ne.jp) wrote at 2008/07/23 15:23:42
best buy v*****
3,853 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/07/23 12:26:32
3,852 -
United States - Dayton Ohio 39.744°N 84.178°W "Anonymous" from (rrcs-24-172-130-156.central.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/22 21:25:54
Silly rabbit, d***s are for chicks!
3,851 -
Sweden - Mjolby Ostergotlands Lan 58.316°N 15.133°E "Rankzerox" from ( wrote at 2008/07/22 19:16:00
Hehe, Mr.Weed :)
3,850 -
United States - Vista California 33.200°N 117.225°W "H3000" from (adsl-75-55-37-121.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/22 18:27:34
Don't blink Ms Alison.
3,849 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (user181.resC105.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/07/22 18:06:24
hencan!...no nothing can compare to the quality of grass viewing on this site. Mr H I have my beedy little eye on you. lol
3,848 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.173°N 115.124°W "chris" from (nv-71-53-185-56.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/07/22 13:08:08
whats up waching grass grow this is chris
3,847 -
United States - Fountain Hills Arizona 33.604°N 111.742°W "Tammie" from (ip72-208-164-171.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/07/22 07:20:12
Hey Neil!!! How's the girls? Are you here already?
3,846 -
United Kingdom - Barnsley 53.550°N 1.483°W "Neil" from (host-82-47-247-163.static.telewest.net) wrote at 2008/07/22 06:46:04
hencam . co . uk looks positively eggciting compared to this!
3,845 -
United Kingdom - Barnsley 53.550°N 1.483°W "LINK DELETED - where chickens meet webcams!" from (host-82-47-247-163.static.telewest.net) wrote at 2008/07/22 06:41:02
Wow you made LINK DELETED look interesting :)
3,844 -
United States - Groton Connecticut 41.353°N 72.038°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/07/22 06:04:58
Im a goofy goober ROCK!
3,843 -
Canada - Nanaimo British Columbia 49.150°N 123.916°W "Anonymous" from (S0106001731243ee4.no.shawcable.net) wrote at 2008/07/22 04:09:09
There can only be one to get the 4000th post and it will be me for I am a warrior!
3,842 -
United States - Long Beach California 33.773°N 118.186°W "eso" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/21 19:56:01
wow... so much angst over the 4000th post... and suspense too... Oooh a snake, it's a snake oooh... 3ws dot badgerbadgerbadger dot com...
3,841 -
United States - Houston Texas 29.775°N 95.415°W "Anonymous" from (ip113.park-spring-creek.hou.ygnition.net) wrote at 2008/07/21 18:34:05
I claim 3841!!!
3,840 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/21 14:19:39
No way! I am! I'm awake now and yes i meant 4000
3,839 -
United States - Groton Connecticut 41.353°N 72.038°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/07/21 13:40:58
Uh, nope. I'm getting the 4000th post!
3,838 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Crazy KC Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/07/21 13:38:21
Hi, everyone. Having a good summer? OKAY MR. H, I AM OFFICIALLY TRYING TO GET 4000. GET READY IT'S GONNA BE A ROCKY RIDE. :)
3,837 -
United Kingdom - Chorley Lancashire 53.650°N 2.616°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/21 06:39:13
well looks like your gonna be mad then as 400 was about 2 1/2 years ago.....lol
3,836 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/21 00:18:20
oh come ON! we leave for michigan on saturday.... if i miss 400 i will be mad......... ignor spelling / capitalization /grammatical errors, im tired. have a good night ya'll
3,835 -
United States - Fort Worth Texas 32.670°N 97.415°W "Laura" from (ip113.coventry-cityview.dfw.ygnition.net) wrote at 2008/07/20 21:37:23
Found your info on a simple google search. We have had house finch babies hatch in our hanging boston fern. The kids and I just looked in on them this afternoon. We will definitely be on the look out for blue jays, but as you say it is the law of nature. Thanks so much for the info. It was a real joy!
3,834 -
United States - Dover Florida 27.967°N 82.217°W "Strange1" from (pool-71-100-178-62.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/07/20 18:33:05
I haven't been on this site in three days! I missed it :)
3,833 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-159-251.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/20 17:17:14
You're absolutely right Ms Alison. I have gotten the last three 1000 posts and should share. It's time for one of my WGG brothers or sisters to feel that glory. So I hereby remove myself from the "Race for 4000" and won't compete this time. Time to pass the torch. (But then again, you all know what a liar and cheat I am....trust me?)
3,832 -
United States - Groton Connecticut 41.353°N 72.038°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/07/20 13:08:35
My 4000th post!!! Mwahahahahaha NOTE: You have blogged 4 times in the last 24 hours, 6 in the last week, 6 in the last month, and 6 total. Remember, quality over quantity please ...
3,831 -
United Kingdom - Chorley Lancashire 53.650°N 2.616°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/20 12:17:16
Only 1 1/2 months to go before the Halloween blog opens and then Xmas so perhaps 4000 wont be such a big deal by then......here's hoping...lol
3,830 -
United Kingdom - Dorchester Dorset 50.716°N 2.433°W "Alison s" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/20 11:35:22
As much as we all love you Mr H. You've won three times play nice and share lol
3,829 -
United States - Groton Connecticut 41.353°N 72.038°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/07/19 20:04:20
NOTE: You have blogged 3 times in the last 24 hours, 5 in the last week, 5 in the last month, and 5 total. Remember, quality over quantity please ...
3,828 -
United States - Houston Texas 29.775°N 95.415°W "Anonymous" from (ip113.park-spring-creek.hou.ygnition.net) wrote at 2008/07/19 19:59:35
Dead grass :(
3,827 -
United States - Groton Connecticut 41.353°N 72.038°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/07/19 19:57:51
Type cvggbgdffdnfdfg
3,826 -
United States - Groton Connecticut 41.353°N 72.038°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/07/19 19:52:43
3,825 -
United States - San Diego California 32.708°N 117.231°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-144-120.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/19 19:19:31
This whole 4000 thing is getting way out of hand. All this competition is tearing us apart. I think you should all go away for a couple of months to cool down, let me have the 4000th post as is the tradition here, then when it's all over, we can all kiss and make up and get on with watching the grass. Just trying to keep the peace here.
3,824 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/07/19 17:54:54
No way, 4000 is staying here in the land of the free, home of the McDonald's quarter pounder with cheese!
3,823 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (user106.resC105.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/07/19 15:18:31
4000th post is going to the UK :-)
3,822 -
United States - Groton Connecticut 41.353°N 72.038°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/07/19 14:07:00
Bump imma git 4000! MWAHAHA
3,821 -
United States - Long Beach California 33.773°N 118.186°W "eso" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/19 12:10:37
Wow, 179 comments to go and there's a challenge to get to 4000... the plot thickens.... bwahahaha...
3,820 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-76-223-7-231.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/19 11:40:28
LOL! I just pulled up the site and a car backed out of the garage. Nice minivan. Where were you headed to?
Mr. Grass replies at 19:11 - It was a 100°F that day ... so I was taking my boys to see The Incredible HULK (believe it or not!) at a cool movie theatre - we gave it 3 stars ... but liked WALL-E better.
3,819 -
Netherlands - Heerlen Limburg 50.900°N 5.983°E "toyplay" from (ip116-10-209-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl) wrote at 2008/07/19 07:23:14
this site is so boring, but at a strange way fun
3,818 -
United States - Groton Connecticut 41.353°N 72.038°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/07/18 16:11:04
OMG a bicyclist fell!! LOFL!!
3,817 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (3e44a56c.adsl.enternet.hu) wrote at 2008/07/18 12:12:52
#3814 you missed an 's' there.
3,816 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/18 11:17:11
Get some water! :( and only a few hundred more!
3,815 -
United States - New York 40.761°N 73.976°W "Ricardo Mateban" from (rrcs-24-97-200-178.nys.biz.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/18 06:17:26
3,814 -
United States - Orlando Florida 28.398°N 81.337°W "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2008/07/18 01:17:46
This site is intense, i think my head might asplode from the epic.
3,813 -
Australia - Perth Western Australia 31.933°S 115.833°E "Aaron" from (124-169-46-136.dyn.iinet.net.au) wrote at 2008/07/17 21:18:40
3,812 -
United States - Franklin Louisiana 29.752°N 91.481°W "_______" from (ip68-226-242-242.lf.br.cox.net) wrote at 2008/07/17 20:57:44
D: Grass is dieing???
3,811 -
United States - Groton Connecticut 41.353°N 72.038°W "Max P." from (host163-163.defiant.tvcconnect.net) wrote at 2008/07/17 18:30:16
Looks like the grass is starting to die! D:
3,810 -
United States - Grand Rapids Michigan 42.938°N 85.643°W "Anonymous" from (c-71-205-61-219.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/07/17 08:39:48
8:39:18 SQUIRREL!!! I sooo saw one
Mr. Grass replies at 18:03 - It's hard to tell for sure ... but I think you are right ... here's an overlay of three images that show *something* scurry'ing across the sidewalk - it's moving right to left.
3,809 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/16 19:44:17
oh wow.... the name box didnt clear :(
3,808 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Optional - Your NamBrandone - Displayed Publically" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/16 19:39:16
ahhhhh but I will be the 4000! im watching this closer :D
3,807 -
United States - San Diego California 32.755°N 117.070°W "H4000" from (adsl-76-244-162-56.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/16 18:07:21
Just trying it on for size.
3,806 -
Mexico - Mexico Distrito Federal 19.434°N 99.138°W "Sher" from (customer-201-141-155-197.cablevision.net.mx) wrote at 2008/07/16 17:39:36
omg a car! this is awesome (:! keep it up!
3,805 -
United Kingdom - Stowmarket Suffolk 52.183°N 0.983°E "lewis garner" from (5ace5be9.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/07/16 13:35:51
this is good site. what u mean its a good thing
3,804 -
United States - Grafton Massachusetts 42.202°N 71.681°W "Juji" from (68-116-172-119.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) wrote at 2008/07/16 09:35:23
I see the spots in the driveway have begun to fade. That's always a good thing.
3,803 -
Moldova, Republic of - Chisinau 47.005°N 28.857°E "sucskzzz" from (host-static-86-106-227-194.moldtelecom.md) wrote at 2008/07/16 05:41:05
direct student loans federal
3,802 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.867°N 87.674°W "Grace" from (adsl-76-223-7-231.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/16 00:24:19
I think the music should include a version of the Popcorn Song. Or really any of the music from the old video game "Lemmings". That would be truly awesome. Only 108 days until Halloween! And 163 until Christmas!
3,801 -
United Kingdom - Macclesfield Cheshire 53.250°N 2.116°W "sinkaduck" from (88-104-179-19.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/07/15 18:21:15
This Site Deserves An Emmy. The Music Is Proper GrassGrowing Watching Music.
3,800 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel3800" from (dsl51B69A4B.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/07/15 13:52:28
only 200 left! get set
3,799 -
Latvia - Riga 56.950°N 24.100°E "smissisuavoix" from (c194.187.103.113.interlain.lv) wrote at 2008/07/15 13:48:29
Best web site! Great! :)
3,798 -
United Kingdom - Oxford Oxfordshire 51.750°N 1.250°W "James" from (5ac89aa0.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/07/15 13:47:23
I think your right Mr. H3000 thats defiantly not me @ #3,788.
3,797 -
United Kingdom - Colchester Essex 51.883°N 0.900°E "Anonymous" from (cpc1-ipsw5-0-0-cust635.colc.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/07/15 09:08:45
3,796 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Grass and Soad forever!" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/15 02:30:56
My god this is so exciting!!!! I spend all my It lessons watching its so fascinating!!!
3,795 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-245-120-167.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/14 17:31:40
I'm not sure Mr Isaac. Gonna have to ponder it. Maybe "Wild and Crazy H from SD".
3,794 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-245-120-167.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/14 17:20:36
Looks like we've got an identity thief in our midst.
3,793 -
Serbia - Belgrade 44.818°N 20.468°E "Wjzzihkw" from (public1.medf.kg.ac.yu) wrote at 2008/07/14 09:54:30
Cool site goodluck :)
3,792 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "Brandon" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/14 09:10:52
i also like blogging here. in the night
3,791 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/14 08:48:58
i love watching the grass grow along with my friends here in this blog
3,790 -
Brazil - Sao Caetano Do Sul Sao Paulo 23.600°S 46.566°W "aeysrth" from (200-140-235-208.ctame705.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br) wrote at 2008/07/14 08:22:45
best buy v*****
3,789 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "Anonymous" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/07/14 06:37:14
Are the neighbors moving in or out across the street? Looks like a U-haul trailer (or lawn mowing service)...
3,788 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "James" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/14 04:53:44
I love Cara and Keron
3,787 -
United Kingdom - Nottingham 52.966°N 1.166°W "Aaron Halsworth" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/14 04:48:36
Adam Fillingham Sutton in Ashfield Notts is really stupid but great in bed
3,786 -
United States - Ridgefield Washington 45.798°N 122.693°W "isaac" from (71-214-70-55.ptld.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/07/14 01:20:20
aaaand we're one post closer to 4k comments. H what would you call yourself if someone else was post 4000? H4003?
3,785 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "Anonymous" from (ip72-201-26-30.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/07/13 19:11:10
This website is amazing...
3,784 -
United States - Emporia Kansas 38.427°N 96.210°W "Cris LINK DELETED" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/13 17:01:27
Thanks for the info. We have the THIRD nest with eggs in hanging baskets on our porch. I never saw the 1st (5 eggs)ones leave the nest, but did see the 2nd (4 eggs)ones leave the nest. Just when I thought I could have my hanging baskets back...there is another nest (3 eggs so far). I didn't even know what kind of bird they were till I researched on the web.
3,783 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (78-131-66-61.pool.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/07/13 13:46:27
bad news. stain still on driveway. water didn't do the trick. how's mrs g's temper?
3,782 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/07/12 14:38:34
Yeah, I keep wondering who the old guy is in the mirror...
3,781 -
United States - San Diego California 32.995°N 117.075°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-152-239.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/12 12:16:12
Glad your procedure was a success Mr Piper. Now you'll be seeing everything in HD. The only drawback for me was when I looked in the mirror you can finally see how many wrinkles and grey hairs you have.
3,780 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (owa.co.jefferson.wa.us) wrote at 2008/07/11 20:31:07
Wow, I know it's still healing and all, but what a life changing procedure! Thanks for the good wishes everyone!
3,779 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/11 17:55:26
Hi everyone! good luck Pio!
3,778 -
United States - San Diego California 32.755°N 117.070°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-244-162-16.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/11 15:36:35
After my lasik surgery I noticed the suit I was wearing was cheap-looking and ugly. "I think" explained the surgeon gently, "that means your operation was a success."
3,777 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/07/11 15:00:49
Good Luck Mr. Piper. We'll be SEEING YOU later. :)
3,776 -
United Kingdom - Jarrow Durham 54.980°N 1.450°W "Pauhe Gunor" from (82-39-169-47.cable.ubr01.newy.blueyonder.co.uk) wrote at 2008/07/11 13:46:54
Woot a fly.....
3,775 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/07/11 07:01:23
Happy Friday everyone! I'm getting LASIK surgery today. Good-bye gla****!
Mr. Grass replies at 07:09 - WOW - good luck with this ... and HEY, you'll be able to see the grass even better afterwards! ;-)
3,774 -
United States - Rochester New York 43.257°N 77.668°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-67-240-230-252.rochester.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/10 15:32:29
omg a car
3,773 -
United Kingdom - Marlborough Wiltshire 51.416°N 1.716°W "Blippie" from (raf-ipcop.wdit.co.uk) wrote at 2008/07/10 11:05:33
Keeping a weather eye on this site was almost compulsary in the 2007 Royal International Air Tattoo emergency control room last year ... We're back and glad to see you are still here... LINK DELETED
3,772 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl51B69A4B.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/07/10 05:32:59
#3770, you'll soon find out how much fun it is to chase joggers down the street with the shiny red toro mower. and then you'll realize you're an addict. happens all the time.
3,771 -
India - City N/A 20.000°N 77.000°E "rarlhaump" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/09 18:34:53
have a nice day!
3,770 -
United States - Wappingers Falls New York 41.586°N 73.883°W "Anonymous" from (ool-43569a8a.dyn.optonline.net) wrote at 2008/07/09 16:04:37
i love it when a car drives by or some thing like that happens
3,769 -
United Kingdom - Trowbridge Wiltshire 51.318°N 2.208°W "Alison S" from (user15.resC151.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/07/09 15:17:23
Hey everyone. Cant believe I missed all the July 4th celebrations. Been ill with bronchitis. So like to wish everyone a belated happy 4th. x
3,768 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "Anonymous" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/07/09 12:42:03
Loved the Air Show Pics you added! Our local Air Guard unit used to have F-16s, but now are A-10s. Those are pretty awesome in their own right, but not as fast or as sleek as the '16s....
3,767 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl51B69A4B.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/07/09 09:54:10
trash day! yaaaay!
3,766 -
United States - Grafton Massachusetts 42.202°N 71.681°W "Juji" from (68-116-172-119.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) wrote at 2008/07/09 08:02:14
All I can say is that this website pretty much owns my life.
3,765 -
United States - Lawrenceville Georgia 33.918°N 84.067°W "Ali" from (c-24-131-60-147.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/07/08 09:21:47
After coming to this website and viewing the most incredibly groundbreaking video, I now know what true greatness is. I am humbled.
3,764 -
United States - Hershey Pennsylvania 40.266°N 76.638°W "yourf***ingmother" from (pool-71-173-192-8.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/07/08 07:53:14
f*** Yeah This is bloody intense!
3,763 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/07/07 06:49:51
die spammers die!
3,762 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl51B6AB6C.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/07/07 03:00:45
you're on an ooops-streak mr g. is everything alright?
3,761 -
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh Ar Riyad 24.640°N 46.772°E "osher" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/07 01:05:20
free nude pics and videos
3,760 -
India - Madras Tamil Nadu 13.083°N 80.283°E "rth" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/06 12:57:30
Buy v***** lawsuit here
3,759 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/07/06 11:23:53
I was wondering the same thing. I'm guessing it's over spray from wheel dressing when Mr. G was getting the ragtop ready for the parade.
Mr. Grass replies at 11:44 - YEP - I said "OOOPS!" when I saw those - Mrs. "G" isn't too happy about it - need a nice rain to wash 'em away.
3,758 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "Anonymous" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/07/06 10:00:07
Are those wet spots on the concrete? They do not go away!
3,757 -
United States - Acworth Georgia 34.103°N 84.637°W "Intense" from (c-24-99-250-193.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/07/06 04:25:47
This is so intense.
3,756 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/05 21:09:44
so are we closer to 4000? :D and I had a good fourth, hanging out at the park with 200+/- Germans! all I have to say the day after: ow!
3,755 -
United States - Columbia South Carolina 34.045°N 80.838°W "Anonymous" from (user-10lf0rt.cable.mindspring.com) wrote at 2008/07/05 13:28:40
holy cheese, a kid just walked on the lawn
3,754 -
United States - Fresno California 36.769°N 119.795°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/05 13:05:11
You talkin' to me Mr G?
3,753 -
United States - Garden City Louisiana 29.765°N 91.467°W "Anonymous" from (ip68-226-242-242.lf.br.cox.net) wrote at 2008/07/05 12:31:05
Haha! Look, if you put thr cursor on the page just right, it looks like the lawn mower is jumping out of the bushes and attacking the grass! Grr! -attacks- Omnomnom!
3,752 -
Bahrain - Muharraq Al Muharraq 26.257°N 50.611°E "shlank" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/05 11:22:40
HpxA5f sdbgh83kdf0umfn3fdhzp
3,751 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/07/05 10:39:17
Did the post numbering get changed? We seemed to have jumped about 250.
Mr. Grass replies at 10:44 - Ooops ... I was archiving the previous two months (so the blog would load fast) and goofed on the numbering - this if fixed - thanks! And remember, quality over quantity when it comes to posting ... especially as get get closer to Post #4000!
3,750 -
United States - Fresno California 36.769°N 119.795°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/05 10:22:34
"Brokeback Hulk", now that's funny Mr G. So whataya saying, your 4th of July Parade turned into a Pride Parade?
3,749 -
United States - East Walpole Massachusetts 42.154°N 71.215°W "Katherine" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/05 09:46:44
Mr.Grass i just watched the video and let me just say that was a terrible parade, it was just people walking up and down the road i mean i can look out my window every day and see people walking by, i must say i had a better 4th of July than you, but despite that im still going to watch the grass grow.........every single day.
3,748 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl51B6AB6C.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/07/05 07:19:22
i think it's the first time i'm not sad i missed something huge here though it sure looks like it was fun. we went to a nearby lake to celebrate, one of our friends' wife gave birth to their first son thursday morning, local time. don't ask me details.
3,747 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/07/04 18:42:36
For those that missed the parade, here's a video of 100 or so bikes/strollers/wagons/etc. going by ... along with the Hulk in the convertible. It actually takes me longer to "pimp" the car than the parade lasts ... plus since it starts down at the neighborhood clubhouse, everyone spreads apart by time they come around to the house. While the kids thought two Hulks was a bonus, it may have been a bit much since there were some "Brokeback Hulk" comments about my two Big Green Buddies! ;-)
3,746 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-53-185-56.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/07/04 17:03:49
I cant wait till i can light off fire works!!!
3,745 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "mark g" from (host-92-9-45-67.as43234.net) wrote at 2008/07/04 16:18:22
wow this is amazing i think this is the best site ever you see loads of things go past just 5minutes ago i saw a CAR :)
3,744 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-53-185-56.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/07/04 15:27:15
this is reposting katherines' comment: Mr.Grass was there even a parade? i sat here for hours, you really know how to make someone depressed. Please respond Mr. Grass.
3,743 -
United Kingdom - Dartford Kent 51.450°N 0.216°E "Rosie" from (host86-156-216-157.range86-156.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/07/04 15:22:30
I never thought watching grass grow would be so awesome :p What a a website :p Whats with the hulk? x
3,742 -
United States - East Walpole Massachusetts 42.154°N 71.215°W "Katherine" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/04 12:27:59
Mr.Grass was there even a parade? i sat here for hours, you really know how to make someone depressed
3,741 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-53-185-56.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/07/04 12:07:28
Happy 4th of July! Hope you spend lots of time with friends and family and friends!And be safe but have fun with fireworks if you can!!
3,740 -
United States - Fountain Hills Arizona 33.604°N 111.742°W "Tammie" from (ip72-208-164-171.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/07/04 11:50:58
Maybe they are all home watching on the net?
3,739 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Sam" from (i-195-137-13-220.freedom2surf.net) wrote at 2008/07/04 11:47:40
woo loads of people going past on bikes and the hulk
3,738 -
United States - Fountain Hills Arizona 33.604°N 111.742°W "Anonymous" from (ip72-208-164-171.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/07/04 11:44:22
Hey kittycat.
3,737 -
United States - Westborough Massachusetts 42.265°N 71.610°W "Juji" from (68-116-172-119.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com) wrote at 2008/07/04 11:43:43
Has the parade started yet? I've been looking forward to this all week and I've been watching for the past hour...hmmmm...
3,736 -
United Kingdom - City N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Sam" from (i-195-137-13-220.freedom2surf.net) wrote at 2008/07/04 11:42:34
What a site missed the parade but saw someone on a bike go past :-)
3,735 -
United States - Fountain Hills Arizona 33.604°N 111.742°W "Tammie" from (ip72-208-164-171.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/07/04 11:36:31
Did I miss the parade??? (The 4th of July parade that is!) =
3,734 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "eso" from (71-93-195-78.static.lsan.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008/07/04 10:41:19
Uh... typo... I LOVE the dueling Hulks...
3,733 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "eso" from (71-93-195-78.static.lsan.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008/07/04 10:12:41
Happy 4th to all of my fellow countrypersons... and happy Friday to the rest of you... I loce the duelling hulks Mr. Grass!
3,732 -
United States - East Walpole Massachusetts 42.154°N 71.215°W "Katherine" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/04 09:42:03
If this site doesn't entertain people of all ages I dont know what will, from trash day to watching the neighbors pull in and out of the driveway its entertainment the whole family can enjoy. Thank you for letting us watch the grass grow Mr. Grass
3,731 -
United States - Encinitas California 33.050°N 117.252°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-155-241.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/04 09:29:51
Happy Independence Day everyone! I got here early so I could get a front row seat for the parade. Got my cooler with lots of good munchies and a couple of PBRs. I'm ready. Enjoy!
3,730 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/07/03 19:28:12
Yes, the parade is supposed to start at 11:00AM MDT tomorrow ... and about a 100 people (plus the HULK in the Convertible) will pass in front of the house. Several folks commented yesterday about the "bins" - those are actually for the garbage truck - they come on Wednesday. And for those of you that enjoy the animated cursor, here's some more pictures of the Lawn Mower! ;-)
3,729 -
Netherlands - Hilversum Noord-Holland 52.233°N 5.183°E "Ralph" from (d128144.upc-d.chello.nl) wrote at 2008/07/03 18:33:06
Wow dude! I totally freaked out when i saw the car coming up the driveway!
3,728 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-53-185-56.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/07/03 18:30:13
this is so cool !!!!
3,727 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/03 17:43:20
getting closer and closer.... 274... oh and h3, your uhh cousin called, you need to go to Antarctica ASAP!!! : D
3,726 -
United States - Fontana California 34.095°N 117.462°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/03 17:34:14
Yes Ms Kina, the race is on and it looks like heartaches, and the winner looses all. I didn't know that you were a Dead Head.
3,725 -
Canada - Halifax Nova Scotia 44.650°N 63.600°W "Figgy" from (blk-222-178-166.eastlink.ca) wrote at 2008/07/03 16:23:36
3,724 -
United Kingdom - Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "James" from (5acceb01.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/07/03 15:24:23
"Katie" I believe it starts at 11.am, which I think is 6pm here.
3,723 -
United Kingdom - Watford Hertford 51.666°N 0.400°W "Katie" from (5acc9a97.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/07/03 14:42:46
Hey, what time does the prade start because i might be at school when it starts
3,722 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "David" from (nv-71-53-185-56.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/07/03 13:51:37
My brother chris showed me this website what day is ti down there
3,721 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Wild and Crazy Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/07/03 13:46:16
Mr. H and Brandon, 280 more to go. "AND THE RACE IS ON AND HERE COMES PRIDE IN THE BACK STRETCH" anyone know this song??
3,720 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris....Again" from (nv-71-53-185-56.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/07/03 10:18:42
Im still the first to comment Mr. Grassy 3 questions. 1.Will you have fireworks at night so we can see them? 2.Why do you do the webcam? 3.How do you keep your grass green? Please reply
Mr. Grass replies at 11:23 - No fireworks at my place tonight. The webcam is there so I can watch the grass grow. The grass is greener these days because my wife insisted we have a lawn service fertilize it ... in fact, he came by today ... and appears to like the Convertible that I'm cleaning/waxing up for the neighborhood parade tomorrow morning! ;-)
3,719 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Chris" from (nv-71-53-185-56.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/07/03 10:09:02
I just saw him outside with his car ... awesome
3,718 -
United States - Fountain Hills Arizona 33.604°N 111.742°W "Tammie" from (ip72-208-164-171.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/07/03 08:31:32
the lawnmower is there for you to mow the lawn. It is meant to enhance the quality of your grass watching. You simply place the mower on the grass and enjoy!!!
3,717 -
Australia - Parkdale Victoria 37.995°S 145.069°E "Commander FP Dwemar" from (c58-109-64-95.brasd2.vic.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/07/03 08:15:28
I agree, the lawnmower needs to leave. It's interrupting my grassy experience.
3,716 -
United Kingdom - Norwich Norfolk 52.633°N 1.300°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/03 07:48:52
hiiiiiiiiiii :) :) :) :) :) :)
3,715 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/07/02 21:59:29
For the FP'ers...you gotta come back for Halloween and Christmas!
3,714 -
Australia - Adelaide South Australia 34.933°S 138.600°E "FP MuTAnT" from (ppp59-167-145-85.lns4.mel6.internode.on.net) wrote at 2008/07/02 19:50:05
I missed the bins being taken out?! Argh I was watching for a whole hour for that before I had to sleep! What time do the bins usually get picked up?
3,713 -
United States - Falls Church Virginia 38.871°N 77.172°W "Mr. FP" from (pool-71-191-20-155.washdc.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/07/02 17:45:48
Get rid of that lawnmower cursor, it's getting in the way of the grass!
3,712 -
United States - Dallas Texas 32.809°N 96.799°W "Facepunch" from (adsl-75-9-43-178.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/02 15:33:56
Bring back the Hulk!
Mr. Grass replies at 15:52 - The HULK will be making an appearance on the 4th of July - this Friday morning.
3,711 -
United States - Springfield Tennessee 36.508°N 86.856°W "Hobbesy" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/02 15:18:46
Is that a piece of trash on your lawn?
3,710 -
United Kingdom - London 51.500°N 0.116°W "FP Publicity" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/02 12:26:04
You have no idea how far this goes. For more information please search FacePunchStudios LINK DELETED) for
3,709 -
United States - Old Lyme Connecticut 41.358°N 72.339°W "Anonymous" from (c-76-23-134-223.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/07/02 11:37:42
I just saw the garbage truck go by.... how intriguing
3,708 -
Canada - Toronto Ontario 43.666°N 79.416°W "Anonymous" from (CPE001346a426f1-CM0019474824a0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2008/07/02 09:25:21
This is pretty epic, keep up the grass growth.
3,707 -
Australia - Adelaide South Australia 34.933°S 138.600°E "Anonymous" from (ppp59-167-145-85.lns4.mel6.internode.on.net) wrote at 2008/07/02 05:40:51
It's kind of obvious we're all from facepunch if we talk about facepunch here. Not that hard to google. Nice lawn btw, mine's full of weeds and no grass because of the drought.
3,706 -
United States - Springfield Tennessee 36.508°N 86.856°W "Hobbesy" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/02 02:03:21
How did you find out about Facepunch? I smell a conspiracy! D:
3,705 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "eso" from (71-93-195-78.static.lsan.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008/07/01 22:19:10
Darn it! I for got to sign that last message... That last one was from me...
3,704 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "Anonymous" from (71-93-195-78.static.lsan.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008/07/01 22:11:26
Haven't been by for a while... It is so comforting to know that the grass is growing. I will sleep better tonight...
3,703 -
New Zealand - Auckland 36.866°S 174.766°E "Anonymous" from (222-154-255-15.adsl.xtra.co.nz) wrote at 2008/07/01 20:40:18
chris hymers man of love lover of men
3,702 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/07/01 17:50:37
we're on you mr h like stink on cheese.
3,701 -
United States - San Diego California 32.736°N 117.127°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-150-97.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/07/01 16:17:14
I love you too Ms Kina. 299 coments to go Mr Brandon. You paying attention this time?
3,700 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/07/01 15:56:43
If you say so Kina... but I wnat to beat him at the thousand just once! :P and Mr. G, have you ever thought about making a WGG forum?
3,699 -
United Kingdom - Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "James" from (5ac89aea.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/07/01 10:53:47
Hi every one. I haven't left a comment in over 100 posts so I thought I would now. BTW Mr. G, what happened to the house sparrows?
3,698 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Crazy KC Girl (okay old lady) :(" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/07/01 10:32:33
Hi guys. Noel, get well soon and I just love working while I'm sick too. Fun, fun, fun!!! Brandon, stay away from Mr. H, you know he's a bad influence. Mr. H, if anyone is in Mr. G's PBR, it would be you if you could reach it. :)
3,697 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.882°N 87.630°W "bob_da_builda" from (server.gumm.org) wrote at 2008/07/01 09:34:13
:o i LIE PIE!!!
3,696 -
United States - Marion North Carolina 35.738°N 82.054°W "cybergeek2021" from (247.sub-70-222-229.myvzw.com) wrote at 2008/07/01 09:32:16
3,695 -
Hungary - Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl4E5CDD20.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/07/01 08:36:24
hey ms kina, i got the flu. yes, yes, mid-summer. working sick is so awesome, i can't even describe. how you been?
3,694 -
United States - City N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/07/01 01:17:15
The is the best thing on the internet.
3,693 -
United States - Decatur Illinois 39.843°N 88.951°W "KOOLTON97" from (c-98-214-246-147.hsd1.il.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/06/30 20:48:33
3,692 -
Canada - Montreal Quebec 45.500°N 73.583°W "Anonymous" from (bas9-montreal02-1096615877.dsl.bell.ca) wrote at 2008/06/30 19:46:38
I love this!
3,691 -
Turkey - Istanbul Istanbul 41.018°N 28.964°E "Anonymous" from (dsl88-233-52373.ttnet.net.tr) wrote at 2008/06/30 17:27:50
Hulk is back, yay!
3,690 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 17:01:52
I'm good Kina, just bored :/
3,689 -
United States - Murrieta California 33.542°N 117.339°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-76-170-224-215.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 17:01:50
GRass is frigggen awewesome
3,688 -
Thailand - Bangkok Krung Thep 13.750°N 100.516°E "MisterJom" from ( wrote at 2008/06/30 16:58:50
3,687 -
United States - Fontana California 34.095°N 117.462°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/30 16:40:49
Oj jeez, Hulk is passed out on the grass again. Looks like he fell off the wagon and got into Mr G's PBR again.
3,686 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Crazy KC Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/06/30 16:16:54
227 People in our little cyber corner of the world. AMAZING!!!! How are all the regular WGG fans today? The sun is shining and the grass is growing and I hope you are all happy (or drunk). Did I say that out loud? :)
3,685 -
United States - Cedar Springs Michigan 43.233°N 85.523°W "Anonymous" from (75-135-147-180.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 16:16:01
3,684 -
United Kingdom - Lancing West Sussex 50.816°N 0.333°W "Wiggles" from (cpc3-lanc4-0-0-cust924.brig.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 15:40:13
This site has made life worth living. Keep on growing!
3,683 -
United States - Manchester Georgia 32.881°N 84.603°W "Bredirish123" from (adsl-223-103-116.aep.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008/06/30 15:26:06
Lol, Everyone on Facepunch Loves This. Who Knew Watching Grass Grow Would be this Interesting.
3,682 -
United States - Knoxville Tennessee 35.918°N 84.003°W "Guniv" from (c-71-236-61-134.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/06/30 15:25:49
Howd you find Facepunch?
Mr. Grass replies at 15:32 - I saw a lot of inbound traffic from this pretty hilarious FacePunch thread - and one guy (1-800-dialaki) even made a "poster" of the Hulk! ;-)
3,681 -
United States - Joplin Missouri 37.120°N 94.497°W "Anonymous" from (68-89-215-42.ded.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/06/30 14:39:51
Poor Hulk.
3,680 -
United Kingdom - Chertsey Surrey 51.383°N 0.500°W "Neil" from (host81-158-107-151.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 14:14:24
Hulk undergoing more surgery? I take it he's sprung another leak!
Mr. Grass replies at 14:19 - Yea, he has a slight leak on his right shoulder - easier place to patch than when my bro' fixed a leak under his arm.
3,679 -
United Kingdom - London London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Anonymous" from (cpc1-lamb2-0-0-cust500.bmly.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 13:39:22
It doesn't grow much, does it???
3,678 -
United States - Cedar Springs Michigan 43.233°N 85.523°W "Anonymous" from (75-135-147-180.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 13:24:39
3,677 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 12:21:44
bring on the hundreds of blog comments now :/ but, that means we'll get to 4,000 faster h3 :3
3,676 -
Finland - Rovaniemi Lapland 66.500°N 25.716°E "farkeg" from (dsl-roibrasgw1-fe90fb00-244.dhcp.inet.fi) wrote at 2008/06/30 11:40:30
It's amazing to detect the one hundred nanometres every second to grow up! Thank you, Mr. Grass, for giving me a lesson.
3,675 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "BadUgly101" from (5ac1cec7.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 11:33:07
3,674 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 11:31:05
271 people watching grass grow - HOLY MOLEY! thats alot...
3,673 -
Sweden - Stockholm Stockholms Lan 59.333°N 18.050°E "Anonymous" from (c-9955e155.343-1-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se) wrote at 2008/06/30 11:08:31
Im anon lol
3,672 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 10:45:24
Congrats on getting on FP Mr. Grass!
3,671 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "Anonymous" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 10:31:09
Never mind.....you already answered my question several posts ago ;P
3,670 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "Anonymous" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 10:26:01
Da Hulk is on the lawn!! Wooooot!!!! Getting ready for the 4th?
3,669 -
Canada - Toronto Ontario 43.666°N 79.416°W "Anonymous" from (CPE00195b4c74c8-CM00152fc6262e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 10:21:18
I watched grass grow.
Mr. Grass replies at 10:26 - Congratulations ... but are you sure you are old enough to do that?!? ;-)
3,668 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "Anonymous" from (92-232-244-61.cable.ubr08.shef.blueyonder.co.uk) wrote at 2008/06/30 10:17:51
I hate Garry Newman
3,667 -
Turkey - Antalya Antalya 36.912°N 30.689°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/30 10:01:42
Good work, Mr. Grass I like everything about this site
3,666 -
Turkey - Istanbul Istanbul 41.018°N 28.964°E "Anonymous" from (dsl88-233-32918.ttnet.net.tr) wrote at 2008/06/30 09:58:18
I can't stop watching! :D
3,665 -
United States - Oaklyn New Jersey 39.907°N 75.081°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-248-239-158.cmdnnj.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/06/30 09:35:59
WGG dude has turned into the Hulk.
Mr. Grass replies at 09:39 - Just pumping up the HULK to get him ready for the July 4th Neighborhood Parade at 11:00AM MDT this Friday.
3,664 -
Sweden - Solna Stockholms Lan 59.366°N 18.016°E "Anonymous" from (81-229-67-30-no54.tbcn.telia.com) wrote at 2008/06/30 09:04:49
you should sell some weed
Mr. Grass replies at 09:07 - Here's a picture of my father-in-law (really!) with some fine looking weed in the backyard for 'ya ... ;-)
3,663 -
United Kingdom - Chatham Kent 51.383°N 0.516°E "Elliott Radford" from (outbound1a.medway.gov.uk) wrote at 2008/06/30 09:02:11
Lol this site is brilliant, Me and my friend phill spend the whole gegrpahy lesson watching it haha This lesson we saw a women walking a dog, 5 cars, and someone reversing of the drive! Brilliant site, keep it up! Elliott
3,662 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/06/29 13:12:10
The Hotel Colorado?
3,661 -
United States - Fresno California 36.769°N 119.795°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-245-120-115.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/06/29 12:15:55
You can check out anytime you like... but you can never leave.
3,660 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "AnnoyedBrowser" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/29 11:15:47
How do I get off the home page It's not closing?
3,659 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/06/28 15:59:31
Love Barcelona (haven't been back in a long time), but Benidorm is probably my favorite. Love the Costa Blanca and Costa Azul
3,658 -
Germany - Frankfurt Am Main Hessen 50.116°N 8.683°E "richard bown" from (streitmacht.org) wrote at 2008/06/28 01:14:09
Where do you go during the summer vacation? I go to Barcelona. Who goes to Barcelona yet?
3,657 -
United States - Portland Oregon 45.518°N 122.655°W "Anonymous" from (71-222-28-211.ptld.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/06/27 17:02:02
Lego Indiana Jones will live FOREVER!!!
3,656 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl54009EE9.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/06/27 07:43:08
aww. poor birdie.
3,655 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/06/27 06:22:44
It's Friday! WooHoo! Welcome to the weekend everyone!
3,654 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/06/26 22:05:46
To Richard M. Hailstone: Yes, but they promised us flying cars. I want my flying car darn it! They told us it would be like The Jetson's. I don't want the entire Bladerunner experience, just the flying cars. That is all.
3,653 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/26 07:29:31
First, several folks have said this is definitely a House Sparrow - thanks. While I never saw the baby sparrows on the webcam, they made a lot of noise and here's a video of 'em poking a stick out. But I'm pretty certain they have left the roof nest as I have only seen the Dad come by a few times a day, and he mostly just chirps on the outside - wondering where Mom is? I also saw a dead baby house sparrow on the ground nearby ... so at least one didn't make it. Finally, here's a single frame I found from earlier this week ... so maybe a bigger (Hawk?) bird came by and grabbed 'em?
3,652 -
United Kingdom - Farnborough Hampshire 51.266°N 0.733°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/26 07:17:32
Jaimie Enjoys Blogging on the grass blog
3,651 -
United Kingdom - Reading Reading 51.433°N 1.000°W "Richard M Hailstone" from (host86-161-119-164.range86-161.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/06/25 19:56:52
Since 1989 I've been following paint dry on the amateur nets and then the Internet - across the sea from the UK - Now I can actually watch GRASS GROW - This is JUST LIKE the tech programmes on TV from the 1970's told me it would be like when I watched as a kid! Many thanks for this inspirational site!
3,650 -
United States - West Linn Oregon 45.342°N 122.663°W "ME" from (71-222-2-178.ptld.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/06/25 17:59:45
Nifty, bye
3,649 -
United States - Greenville South Carolina 34.860°N 82.246°W "lexy" from ( wrote at 2008/06/25 17:01:04
Hey!! i remeber when i was in school watching the baby birds they were sooo cute!!
3,648 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl54009EE9.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/06/25 11:42:47
...which could be any day now.
3,647 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/06/24 22:54:30
Although it does appear that you have some roof repair to do before the snow falls...
3,646 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (c211-28-240-180.thoms1.vic.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/06/24 18:36:24
Quite the contraption - any more good birdie pictures.
Mr. Grass replies at 19:32 - OK - I was out of town last weekend (so the webcam wasn't up), but here's a few more from last week including a flyaway and even a wasp - too bad the webcam image quality isn't better. But it does allow
nifty time-lapse videos.
One thing I'm concerned about is I haven't seen much action on the webcam
yesterday or today ... kinda wondering if the babies have flown the coop ... although I'm seeing at least the Dad come by periodically.
Dad brings something to the nest while Momma Bird looks on
Camera Flash lights up the bird nest as Dad is about to head out
3,645 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/24 14:37:32
Where is the webcam at?
Mr. Grass replies at 15:54 - It's all setup in my backyard ... although the setup is a bit more Rube-Golberg'ish than it was for the house finches. First picture is the webcam and second one is when I was shooting some pictures with the DSLR via the wireless remote. Third picture is the last image before I disconnected it - note my son in my office who was watching real time.
3,644 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/23 15:49:54
About a week ago, I noticed some birds hanging out on my roof ... and then "disappearing" inside of it. I got a few pictures using a Canon 40D DSLR and 55-250 telephoto lens ... but also setup a webcam to watch the action. It doesn't lend itself to 7x24 operation since it's not protected from the elements ... plus the light is only good in the afternoon/evening.
Here's an
hour of time-lapse footage (cool moving clouds, 'eh?) with some slower,
more detailed footage of the parents stopping by
They usually just quickly flutter in-n-out, but
Mom stuck around a bit in this visit. I have not see the babies show up on the webcam yet ... but they make a lot of noise and are certainly there.
Dad brings a piece of grass for the nest
Mom with some sort of bug in her mouth for the chicks
3,643 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/23 15:25:22
oops... HTML doesn't work eh? oh well.
3,642 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/23 14:40:09
Hi everyone!___br___ how was your weekend?___br___ mine was good___i___ish___/______br___ oh well!___br___ Have a good day!___br___
3,641 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "errrrrm" from (dsl54009EE9.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/06/23 13:48:11
i'm afraid you forgot to type yer name ms kina.
3,640 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/06/23 13:00:16
Hey WGG Clan, how ya doin? All is good here in the center of our wonderful country. Got away this weekend, got some swimming in and got alot of sun and I'm feelin good. Happy Summer to all of you.
3,639 -
Faroe Islands - Torshavn Region N/A 62.016°N 6.766°W "Svanna" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/23 12:28:07
3,638 -
United Kingdom - Chatham Kent 51.383°N 0.516°E "grassman" from (outbound1a.medway.gov.uk) wrote at 2008/06/23 02:35:13
I looove da pie & teh gr of the a**
3,637 -
New Zealand - Auckland Region N/A 36.866°S 174.766°E "Anonymous" from (222-154-255-15.adsl.xtra.co.nz) wrote at 2008/06/22 20:50:18
oh my god i saw 4 cars two people a dog and a random green dot i love you mr g i love grass chris hymers touched me
3,636 -
Canada - Vancouver British Columbia 49.250°N 123.133°W "Matthew H." from (d154-5-47-196.bchsia.telus.net) wrote at 2008/06/22 18:14:36
Hey, I just found WGG and I just have to say, excellent idea! I've seen grass grow, but not nearly in the same manner as yours! Have you ever considered some other potentially exciting Live Web Cam activities, such as Watching Paint Dry or Watching Leaves Change Colour?
Mr. Grass linkif'ied that first one for 'ya! ;-)
3,635 -
United Kingdom - Fareham Hampshire 50.850°N 1.183°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/22 17:44:38
Just read what happened about the Blue Jay. Serves him right, what goes around comes around. I just hope I do't come back in the next life at the bottom of the chain of life.
3,634 -
Chile - Santiago Region Metropolitana 33.450°S 70.666°W "Benjamin Cuevas" from (pc-195-157-45-190.cm.vtr.net) wrote at 2008/06/22 16:32:34
Hey guys, i really love this site, i hope that it will improve during the next years. Cheers for everything, perhaps i will use some of the informatin to do my tesis
3,633 -
United States - Davenport Florida 28.240°N 81.645°W "Randy" from (pool-71-101-152-231.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/06/22 13:59:11
What a great website! Vote for this on pointlesssite.com people!
3,632 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/21 16:52:57
GUESS WHAT?! We were going to garage sales and we met these people who do what you do (minus the webcam) and I get to go help set up!!!! I'm so happy :D
3,631 -
United Kingdom - Ripe East Sussex 50.850°N 0.133°E "Katie" from (5ac005f5.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/06/21 06:22:57
I so cant wait for the controlable lights I love your hose its amaving and your links about to go on my allfiates ( I hope thats how you spell it lol)
3,630 -
United Kingdom - Reading Reading 51.433°N 1.000°W "Craggs" from ( wrote at 2008/06/20 16:45:03
WGG is the shizzle!!!! who needs tv/other websites/friends when u have this!!! it is like all the good in the world put into 1 site, such suspence, such drama, such fun, WGG has it all I luv u WGG!!
3,629 -
United States - Lakeland Florida 28.061°N 81.961°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-122-139-241.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/06/20 16:38:55
WGG gives me something to do now :)
3,628 -
United States - San Diego California 32.824°N 117.198°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-244-160-90.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/06/20 16:17:52
Happy first day of Summer everyone. Time to slather on some sunscreen and eat peaches on the beaches!...only 373 comments till 4000!
3,627 -
United Kingdom - Sheffield Sheffield 53.366°N 1.500°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-125-11.opaltelecom.net.125.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008/06/20 13:56:58
Love the presentation Mr G. Had a Bill Gates feel about it. Hope all Grass fines are alright and enjoying the Summer.....only 187 days till christmas..
3,626 -
United States - San Diego California 32.796°N 117.069°W "H3000" from (adsl-75-55-37-213.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/06/19 17:40:07
I voted for ya Mr G even though I don't happen to agree that watching the grass is "Completely Pointless". There are some other sites over there that really ARE pointless! WGG is in second place now. C'mon guys, we gonna settle for second? VOTE!!
3,625 -
United States - Las Vegas Nevada 36.151°N 115.204°W "Christopher Dale Jones" from (nv-71-53-185-56.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/06/19 15:07:51
This is awesome to bad we dont se like kids playing live
3,624 -
United Kingdom - Ripe East Sussex 50.850°N 0.133°E "Katie" from (5ac0055e.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/06/19 14:00:15
Every time i come on there are always 70-80 people watching your grass I have to addmit it is pretty fantasic grass!!lol!
Mr. Grass replies at 14:27 - There has been an increase in visitors with the summer grass growing season ... plus WGG has been nominated as "pointless web site" - click Vote! over here to help out WGG - 4th one down.
3,623 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl51B69E61.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/06/19 06:21:01
wow. left to transylvania for a few days and when i come back here it is, the wgg movie - bigger, longer & uncut. looks brilliant.
3,622 -
New Zealand - Auckland Region N/A 36.866°S 174.766°E "Anonymous" from (222-154-255-15.adsl.xtra.co.nz) wrote at 2008/06/18 20:39:26
daniel walker put his manhood in a roast chicken. then ate ite. the chicken, not his manhood
3,621 -
United States - Portland Oregon 45.518°N 122.655°W "Anonymous" from (71-222-19-118.ptld.qwest.net) wrote at 2008/06/18 18:34:01
This is awesome!!! I fell glad that blue jay got ITS baby taken! HAHA! SUKER!!! but i hope someone/something gats rid of the hawks kids, it sorta deserves it! You the best, Mr.G!
3,620 -
United States - Fresno California 36.769°N 119.795°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/18 17:27:17
Nice presentation Mr G. Also nice to see you wearing long pants and shoes, hair combed, freshly shaved, lookin' all spiffy. Almost didn't recognize you!
3,619 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "flamedemon1137" from (88-109-181-48.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) wrote at 2008/06/18 13:50:04
shetland here lol this rules it seems different everyday cool music too lol i was this everyday but for some reason its blocked at school lol heres watching grass lol my friends think am nuts lol
3,618 -
United Kingdom - Norwich Norfolk 52.633°N 1.300°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/18 07:46:46
thios is sooo cool. im in england :) :) :)
3,617 -
United Kingdom - Harwich Essex 51.950°N 1.300°E "Anonymous" from (5ace5b8f.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/06/17 11:37:25
this is great. and mr.grassy how did u come up witht he idea
3,616 -
United States - Medford Oregon 42.313°N 122.849°W "Anonymous" from (68-186-45-217.static.scrm.or.charter.com) wrote at 2008/06/17 09:15:01
i actually saw it grow after 5 hours O.O
3,615 -
United States - Philadelphia Pennsylvania 39.996°N 75.148°W "Anonymous" from (pool-151-197-49-82.phil.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/06/17 08:40:42
What comes around, goes around - Blue Jay deserved it.
3,614 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/16 20:08:26
So I was hanging out on our back deck this evening ... and all of a sudden, the normal "chirp, chirp, chirp" became much louder and piercing. My wife (who has much better eyes than me) came out as she also wondered what the heck was up. Then we saw a Blue Jay come flying out of a nearby tree. Damn, the Baby-Finch Killer had struck again. But Wait! The racket continued at a feverish pitch ... and then we saw a larger bird (with something in its talons) being chased by ... two Blue Jays. My wife believes it was some sort of small Hawk was flying off with a baby Blue Jay! Once again, this is nature (which can be cruel) ... and a graphic example of why it's good to be on top of the food chain.
3,613 -
Italy - Rome Lazio 41.900°N 12.483°E "theo" from (host22-156-dynamic.40-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) wrote at 2008/06/16 14:07:54
wonderful initiative!
3,612 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Crazy KC Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/06/16 13:29:18
Happy Belated Father's Day to all the dads, granddads and soon to be dads out there. We appreciate everything you do.
3,611 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/16 11:19:55
I hope everyone had a great Father's Day - I had fun time playing baseball & basketball with my kids, plus jumping in the pool. Also, I thought some of you might appreciate seeing WGG on the big screen (remember this saga?) as I gave a presentation about it earlier this month to a couple of hundred people - here's a video of the WGG portion
3,610 -
United Kingdom - Fareham Hampshire 50.850°N 1.183°W "ALison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/15 17:03:54
Happy Fathers Day one and all.
3,609 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Jobob )" from (host-92-11-21-78.as43234.net) wrote at 2008/06/15 16:43:30
This thing is addictive!!!!!!!! haha
3,608 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/15 12:19:29
let me be the first to say it, HAPPY FATHERS DAY EVERYONE!
3,607 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/15 12:18:46
That's one big bag of Crisps sorry Chips (excuse my UK stupidity lol) Mr G.
3,606 -
Canada - Ottawa Ontario 45.416°N 75.700°W "Anonymous" from (bas7-ottawa23-1088823429.dsl.bell.ca) wrote at 2008/06/14 17:59:12
that grass probably came from north india am i correct? because the average climate in the northern area of india you can see that judging from the leaf colouring youll notice that the roots(if the plant is removed from the soil which it grows within) is much brighter and pale coloured. Also because of the sharpness and fineness of the blades of grass i can tell that it is north indian festacious meddow grass.
3,605 -
United Kingdom - Ashtead Surrey 51.300°N 0.300°W "charlotte" from (host81-155-6-198.range81-155.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/06/14 13:40:50
i think all the pictures are great! i like watching the grass grow!
3,604 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/06/13 19:10:16
Woohoo! The weekend has begun! Happy Friday to all...
3,603 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.536°N 96.698°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008/06/13 15:53:57
man Mr.G, you've got some talent at photography. that picture of momma finch should be submitted to something
3,602 -
United Kingdom - Southampton Southampton 50.900°N 1.400°W "elmo!" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/13 11:12:02
omgz, this is a great site. addicting :)
3,601 -
United States - San Diego California 32.708°N 117.231°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-145-104.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/06/12 17:21:15
I stand corrected. I always thought Mr G stood for Mr Grass. Guess it stands for Mr Gentleman.
3,600 -
United States - San Diego California 32.708°N 117.231°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-145-104.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/06/12 15:14:25
Young...yes. Gentleman...hmmmm, questionable. I have yet to see him open the car door for Mrs G.
Mr. Grass replies at 15:21 - Mrs. G will be home shortly from Costco - I'll be helping unload the groceries from the car for her! ;-)
Update: For those that missed it live - Mr. Grass brings in a flat of strawberries and bag of chips!
3,599 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Crazy KC Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/06/12 15:07:51
Mr. G, I've wondered something for awhile now. Is the photo of the guy in gla**** on the website you as a young gentleman?
3,598 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/12 00:06:55
Ditto here Aldyth ... although I accept that nature can be cruel sometimes. Here's a picture of what I believe was the Mom Finch (in a nearby tree) looking mighty concerned when her last baby made its leap to live on the afternoon of June 6th. There were numerous birds just going crazy (pictures here and here) so hopefully they all got the little one to safety. The nest has basically been abandoned as can be seen in the second picture.
3,597 -
United States - Rochester New York 43.286°N 77.684°W "Aldyth" from (static-74-40-169-138.dsl1.chi.il.frontiernet.net) wrote at 2008/06/11 13:02:56
I'm just heartbroken about the baby finches. I dearly hope the one escaped with Mum and Dad and that the wretched jaybird gets salmonella from the bad egg.
3,596 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/11 11:46:36
i saw a leprachaun dancing around the lawn, then he dropped his pants and did a big dump!
3,595 -
Australia - Yarraville Victoria 37.816°S 144.900°E "cruzer323" from (filter-mx3.mailshield.com.au) wrote at 2008/06/10 20:46:06
Watchuing gras grow is fun. it's more fun when a car comes past.
3,594 -
Canada - Penticton British Columbia 49.500°N 119.583°W "Anonymous" from (vicce008.net.gov.bc.ca) wrote at 2008/06/10 12:24:11
In canada west its raining, that makes the grass grow even faster im so happy.
3,593 -
Australia - Gold Coast Queensland 28.000°S 153.433°E "richard&priscilla" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/10 07:56:36
g'day from australia... its been 3 months or more since last time i was here.. its looking great...bye4now
3,592 -
Sweden - Skelleftea Vasterbottens Lan 64.766°N 20.950°E "Anonymous" from (100.net70.skekraft.net) wrote at 2008/06/10 07:46:45
I love this webcam it frigging owns my b*** off
3,591 -
Sweden - Skelleftea Vasterbottens Lan 64.766°N 20.950°E "Anonymous" from (100.net70.skekraft.net) wrote at 2008/06/10 07:33:45
This webcam frigging owns my b*** offff!!!!111111
3,590 -
Argentina - City N/A Region N/A 34.000°S 64.000°W "Sounnikoura" from (host146.190-225-11.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/06/09 18:52:08
You're a hero. It's really cool what you are doing, and the birdcam should be done again. And this is the 35th most exciting website in the world. Pretty good to be a webcam showing grass grow. P.S. Mr -Steller- Blue Jay desserves to die in a fire. Three times.
3,589 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Anonymous" from (user-5440e1b0.wfd80a.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2008/06/09 15:03:31
hello i like grass its so green and old wizardy masks and lettuce
3,588 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.536°N 96.698°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008/06/09 06:31:50
man i leave for a couple days amd yall lose a bird. poor fellow
3,587 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl54009FA0.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/06/09 05:00:03
this is definitely not the blue bird of happiness. stupid, stupid blue jay. i'm really sad for the chicks.
3,586 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/08 23:02:28
Yep - strong consensus that this actually is a Blue Jay, not a Steller ... so I have updated the web page to reflect that.
3,585 -
United States - Sacramento California 38.545°N 121.383°W "Sara" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/08 18:17:29
I believe that is a regular blue jay. Stellar's have a black crested head. Sad to see the demise of most of the chicks that the mom and pop finches spent so much time caring for. If it's any consolation, the jay is native, and the finches are not...
3,584 -
Denmark - Silkeborg Arhus 56.166°N 9.566°E "Bobby G" from (0x50a06b4a.kd4nxx15.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk) wrote at 2008/06/08 12:30:41
Like it very much... Very exiting!
3,583 -
United States - Virginia Beach Virginia 36.837°N 76.146°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-176-35-94.nrflva.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/06/08 11:18:32
Ok i think this is fake
3,582 -
United States - Fountain Hills Arizona 33.604°N 111.742°W "tammie" from (ip72-208-164-171.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/06/07 19:01:36
I'm not liking this too much!
3,581 -
United Kingdom - Welland Worcestershire 52.050°N 2.300°W "Alison S" from (user120.resC135.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/06/07 13:16:12
Oh how sad! Nature is so cruel sometimes. Thank you for putting up the cam Mr G.
3,580 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/07 09:50:18
Remember that there were 5 eggs originally, but only 4 finch chicks ... so one did not hatch. Guess who came back to grab that egg for breakfast this morning? Yep, Mr. Steller Blue Jay - watch the time-lapse video of his 9 second visit and/or watch a more complete segment that add visits from the Finch parents before/after (and me) - so sad.
3,579 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/06 21:07:26
I appreciate all the nice notes of condolence - both here and in Email. The images below show the first and third baby being grabbed by what has been identified as a Steller Blue Jay. The webcam didn't get an image of it grabbing the second one but I'm 99% certain that happened at 11:16AM today. HOWEVER, the last Finch Chick actually jumped/flew off the nest ... with lots of encouragement from Mom & Dad as seen in this facinating time-lapse video. Ironically, my wife was watching in real-time when this happened and called me "the baby jumped off the nest - go check on it!" so you'll see me pop up in the webcam very quickly. I confirmed the baby was gone ... but turned out he was about 20 feet away on the rocks - looking fairly chipper as seen below. Not only were Mom & Dad Finch around, but several others too (extended family?) who were all making a lot of noise. I went inside to grab some gloves, and when I came out, the baby was gone. Based on the racket in a nearby dense tree, I think they may have gone in there - I'll post some of those pictures and more commentary in another day or so.
I had grown pretty fond of these little guys, so this was a major bummer ... but as people have correctly stated, it how nature works.
In the meantime, I'm taking down the birdcam ... and we'll have to go back to boring old growing grass.
3,578 -
United Kingdom - Leicester Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "James" from (5ac89a93.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/06/06 18:22:41
Thats Terible. I hope he does not come back.
3,577 -
United States - Garwood New Jersey 40.650°N 74.323°W "Anonymous" from (pool-96-240-24-31.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/06/06 18:09:53
Yup, looks like a blue jay... :(
3,576 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.759°N 104.968°W "Mark in Park Hill" from (c-71-229-202-217.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/06/06 18:08:16
Sorry, the blank space did not reproduce in the pasted quote from Wikipedia. It means, of course, "1 percent"
3,575 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.759°N 104.968°W "Mark in Park Hill" from (c-71-229-202-217.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/06/06 18:01:27
I got the following quote about blue jays from the Wikipedia source: The Blue Jay has a bad reputation as a raider of other bird's nests, stealing eggs, chicks, and nests. However, this may not be as widespread as is typically thought. A scientific study found only 1 of Blue Jays had evidence of nestlings or eggs in their stomachs I guess this bird was part of the bad 1
3,574 -
United States - Denver Colorado 39.759°N 104.968°W "Anonymous" from (c-71-229-202-217.hsd1.co.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/06/06 17:52:03
It is a sad, sad day indeed. You grow so attached to these creatures. I really feel bad for the parents! I know it is just nature, but still hard to take! Mark in Park Hill
3,573 -
United States - Sterling Heights Michigan 42.582°N 83.034°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/06 17:20:17
omg that is so sad but it is nature
3,572 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (ACA2479E.ipt.aol.com) wrote at 2008/06/06 17:15:28
Sad :( :( :(
3,571 -
Canada - Toronto Ontario 43.666°N 79.416°W "Anonymous" from (bas1-toronto44-1279614338.dsl.bell.ca) wrote at 2008/06/06 16:44:03
Clearly the blue bird found this website and knew exactly where to go to kidnap the babies! This is what happens when man toys with nature.
3,570 -
United States - Alameda California 37.753°N 122.260°W "Anonymous" from (74-95-15-226-SFBA.hfc.comcastbusiness.net) wrote at 2008/06/06 16:37:53
This webcam you've got is really, really compelling. While i'm sad for the baby finch's demise, it's pretty amazing to see bird nesting, hatching, feeding AND predation all from one little spot in the eaves! I wonder if the blue bird is actually a blue jay - i think jays are predatory, whereas blue birds are not. I could be wrong, though.
3,569 -
United Kingdom - London London 51.500°N 0.116°W "ToxicPunk" from ( wrote at 2008/06/06 16:35:11
I saw a dog take a poop!!!
3,568 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/06 16:28:50
OK - I went back through the archival footage ... there's clearly four baby finches here ... but only three appear next time Mom comes by with food. I only got one frame of the blue bird (assume it's the same one - he's quick!), but he came by for a "visit" between those times as seen below ... :-(
3,567 -
United States - Troy Michigan 42.556°N 83.117°W "Anonymous" from (d192-24-85-217.try.wideopenwest.com) wrote at 2008/06/06 16:08:13
wow! thats cool
3,566 -
United States - Springfield Virginia 38.760°N 77.185°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-126-155-130.washdc.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/06/06 16:03:34
Sorry that happened - real world is a b****.
3,565 -
United States - Fontana California 34.095°N 117.462°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/06 15:17:48
Oh my gosh! How sad. It's been so wonderful watching our fine feathered friends. Time for a big ol' WGG group hug.
3,564 -
United States - Randolph Maine 44.235°N 69.746°W "Anonymous" from (pool-64-222-238-186.port.east.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/06/06 15:09:16
3,563 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/06 14:41:38
BAD, BAD, BAD News. So I was puzzled why I haven't seen all four of the babies since yesterday afternoon. Only three of them were popping up for Mom and Dad Finch when they stopped by with food. And this it seemed only two. I did my once/day check of the nest, and while hard to tell when they are sleeping, it appeared there was only two. Now there is only ONE ... but the webcam got a snapshot of the culprit ... and I happened to be watching this on the real-time video feed and it grabbed the baby and flew off. The last one is either in a deep sleep or was pecked hard also. Yea, I know this is nature ... but still makes me darn sad.
3,562 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl51B69E20.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/06/06 12:40:38
hello there mr g. checking out the birds? mrs g will be jealous.
3,561 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl51B69E20.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/06/06 11:17:14
the right choice is definitely the beatles. just look at mr g's post no. 3549. they're singing 'laaaa laaaa laaa ladadadaaaaa ladadadaaaaaa heeey juuuude'
3,560 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Crazy KC Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/06/06 11:02:10
Mr. H, thank for noticing and I vote for the Beatles or the books of the bible. Either way, they are easy to remember when the little ones fly the coop and leave us all. I am sad now :(
3,559 -
Poland - Izabelin Warszawa 52.300°N 20.833°E "Anonymous" from (dos231.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl) wrote at 2008/06/06 09:26:33
Great fun to watch when birdies are eating
3,558 -
United States - Palmetto Georgia 33.547°N 84.720°W "Anonymous" from (24-178-139-51.dhcp.crtn.ga.charter.com) wrote at 2008/06/05 21:11:38
Your photos are stunning! I stumbled upon this site and was amazed.
3,557 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/05 19:10:25
WOW - check out this baby finch testing its wings ... won't be long until they start trying to fly!
3,556 -
United States - Fresno California 36.769°N 119.795°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/05 17:23:54
And yes Mr KY, I know who those names are. Jack O'Neill founded the O'Niell Wetsuit Co in Santa Cruz CA. Samantha was that pretty blond on Bewitched. And wasn't Daniel Jackson one of the members of the Jackson Five? And Teal is the color of Ms Kina's eyes when the light hits them just right. See, I ain't so stupid!
3,555 -
United States - Bothell Washington 47.843°N 122.195°W "TREECEwa" from (pool-72-86-16-45.sttlwa.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/06/05 17:21:38
Hey Alek--here are 3 live bird cams ....my fave is the hummingbird cam. There are 2 babies in the nest [Mr. Grass linkified - awesome stuff!]
3,554 -
United States - Fresno California 36.769°N 119.795°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/05 15:21:14
Hey, I see that Hulk has a movie coming out next week. Wow, we've got a celebrity in our midst! I wonder if his handsome brother Hunk is gonna be in this one? And I hear that the both of them are going to make a personal appearance right here sometime around Halloween! Can't wait!!
3,553 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl51B69E20.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/06/05 10:19:40
dave dee, dozy, beaky, mick and where the h*** is tich?
3,552 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/05 09:51:44
They say "the early bird gets the worm" and here's an early breakfast (chow-down image) - note timestamps. For those wondering, the webcam has a "low-lux" mode that allows one to see the action at night (there are no lights on the nest) ... although the image quality isn't the best.
3,551 -
United States - Bothell Washington 47.843°N 122.195°W "TreeceWA" from (pool-72-86-16-45.sttlwa.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/06/05 09:27:04
Alek I had to come & see what your were doing in the months following Christmas. I just knew you wouldn't be sitting idle. Luv the live finch cam!
3,550 -
United States - Venice California 33.994°N 118.463°W "itwasntme" from (cpe-76-90-123-79.socal.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/05 05:46:33
I love coming here to see the birds doing the same thing I am - working all day to bring up the next generation. Go finch family!
3,549 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/04 22:02:39
I appreciate the name suggestions - as a comic book fan, I kinda like the Fantastic Four. Speaking of which, they are getting bigger and even more demanding when it comes to food as seen in the first picture - some extra pictures here & here. And check out the second picture below - looks like one finch chick is really starting to spread its wings.
3,548 -
United States - Bellevue Washington 47.620°N 122.165°W "Anonymous" from (c-24-16-142-36.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/06/04 21:55:34
The Fantastic Four Finches!
3,547 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.536°N 96.698°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008/06/04 18:26:56
im partial to jack oneill, samantha carter, daniel jackson, and teal'c. H i hope you know what these names are from
3,546 -
United States - Fontana California 34.095°N 117.462°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/04 17:16:52
Still no good ideas for names? How about John, Paul, George and Ringo? Or Matthew, Mark, Luke and John? Maybe Mick, Keith, Charlie and Ron? Or maybe Larry, Moe, Curly and Shemp? Dopey, Sleepy, Grumpy and Bashful? No?...Well then, you come up with a better idea.
3,545 -
Chile - City N/A Region N/A 30.000°S 71.000°W "Anonymous" from (190-95-33-25.bk18-dsl.surnet.cl) wrote at 2008/06/04 15:17:50
Wake up little birdies
Mr. Grass replies at 16:40 - They are really snoozing today - maybe due to some colder weather coming in and snuggling for warmth. They don't seem to be waking up for anything ... except, of course, when Momma or Poppa come by with food! ;-)
3,544 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Crazy KC Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/06/04 13:49:03
Mr. G, I have to be honest with you. The bird cam is much more interesting than the Grass Cam. I am sorry but the baby finches are soooooo cute and your yard does NOTHING for me now. :)
3,543 -
United States - Rochester New York 43.286°N 77.684°W "Aldyth" from (static-74-40-169-138.dsl1.chi.il.frontiernet.net) wrote at 2008/06/04 13:39:05
They are starting to get feathers, aren't they? When they were stretching, I thought I saw feather patterns on the wings of one of the birds. I still like their fluffy mohawks, but I suppose those will disappear soon. I do believe there was a sighting of a human finger and arm, attached to a camera earlier today.
3,542 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/04 10:42:44
The baby finches have been sleeping a lot today ... although they always "stir to action" when Mom or Dad stop by with food ... but then snooze off again as seen in this video. Life is rough for a baby bird! But don't forget the original Watching Grass Grow webcam is providing live coverage of my front yard - my wife was out there Sunday trimming the Junipers while I was playing frisbee - what a great gal!
3,541 -
United States - Burbank California 34.175°N 118.347°W "Miss Poppy Dixon" from (adsl-76-208-171-239.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/06/04 07:06:43
I wish this was a TV channel that I could just have running all day. Ultimate real time reality television. The Grass Channel. Take it to someone, please.
3,540 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl4E5CDD1B.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/06/04 04:55:24
whoa whoa whoa, papa finch came home drunk?
3,539 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/03 23:58:46
On the main
house finch page I've
split off most of the 1st weeks action here. A few last pictures from today include what
appears to be a heated discussion between Mom & Dad,
Mom cleaning out the nest again (watch time-lapse video), a colorful closeup of Pappa Finch
feeding all four chicks, and a final picture showing quite the motly looking crew of chicks! ;-)
3,538 -
United States - Mililani Hawaii 21.470°N 157.963°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-24-165-60-25.hawaii.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/03 23:02:22
Nice setup, but dark and birds are sleeping I guess. Will try in the AM. Mahalo.
3,537 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (host192-185.iraq.centcom.mil) wrote at 2008/06/03 22:35:21
This is great. Haven't seen many finches out here.
3,536 -
Argentina - Buenos Aires Distrito Federal 34.587°S 58.672°W "ana" from (host52.190-30-21.telecom.net.ar) wrote at 2008/06/03 18:20:53
da mucha ternura ver a esa pajarita alimentando a sus pichones!!
3,535 -
United States - Rochester New York 43.286°N 77.684°W "Aldyth" from (static-74-40-169-138.dsl1.chi.il.frontiernet.net) wrote at 2008/06/03 15:23:16
These babies are adorable. They have little feathery mohawks that go so well with their bugged out eyes. Their parents are awesome in their dedication. I'm looking forward to watching them grow up. Thank you for putting up the webcam and letting us watch.
Mr. Grass replies at 16:35 - Glad you enjoy it ... but it won't last long ... I saw the first sign of actual feathers on the baby finches this morning ... so my guess is they will be "flying the coop" in a few weeks.
3,534 -
United States - Sewell New Jersey 39.761°N 75.124°W "JohnS" from (c-69-142-183-49.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/06/03 14:01:06
Mom is cleaning out the nest again. Get her a vacuum cleaner!
3,533 -
France - Haubourdin Nord-Pas-de-Calais 50.600°N 2.983°E "Anonymous" from (gra59-1-82-237-4-194.fbx.proxad.net) wrote at 2008/06/03 13:18:25
That bird doesn't look too happy about his kids.
Mr. Grass replies at 14:05 - HEY - you'd get kinda tired of your kids chirping for food all day long too!
3,532 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/03 10:35:22
Here's a nice picture of the male Finch in front of the webcam listening "patiently" to the chicks - along with a time-lapse video.
3,531 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-153-208.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/06/03 09:20:27
871 people watching! Guess there's more bird lovers than grass lovers out there. This one is gonna be tough to top Mr G.
3,530 -
Germany - Erfurt Thuringen 50.983°N 11.033°E "ediltCido" from (ns.km22558.keymachine.de) wrote at 2008/06/03 09:17:52
While the skills old to change them are certainly arousing, it is the unrevealed organize lower down that transforms the bracelets from pure and elemental jewelry into stories. In this pack, the copper old for the bracelets was indeed the outer jacket of a 155mm artillery upon the remnants of war, unfortunately, that are as much a section of Cambodia's annals as Angkor Wat. What has happened here has a sort of gift to its witless beauty. Etching the patterns of the obsolete last alters the figurative patterns of Cambodia's more just out and unhappy prior into something sure: skills and incomes for victims of genocidal conflict. senks
3,529 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Crazy, Wild, Confused Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/06/03 08:46:25
OMG, Mr. G these photos are amazing and did you see, 783 PEOPLE ARE WATCHING. This is almost as cool as Halloween and Christmas. LOVE THE PIX AND THE BIRD NEST.
3,528 -
United States - Lebanon New Hampshire 43.636°N 72.241°W "scout" from (c-75-69-135-231.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/06/03 08:36:18
Thanks for putting up the webcam of the finch family; as a bird lover with a single (rather over-entitled) parrotlet, it's neat to see a pictorial chronicle of avians in the wild. It occurred to me that you might be interested to know that your video of the mother finch trying to restore order is probably actually her efforts to clean the baby birds. Unfortunately for them, birds don't deal in diapers, so before the chicks are old enough to learn to poop off the side of the nest a fair amount of gunk can build up. The babies chill out when being preened or cleaned because they know they won't get fed during that time. Also, another quick note: in the closeup picture from yesterday, you can actually see the full crop of the bird on the right; it's the big bulge in the neck. You can tell the parents are doing a good job by how much food is stuffed in there! Thanks again for the site!
Mr. Grass replies at 09:33 - I'm not a birder, so I really appreciate the great info - thanks for sharing ... and glad to hear they are eating well.
3,527 -
United Kingdom - Telford Telford and Wrekin 52.633°N 2.500°W "g**s" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/03 04:02:24
I luv this site, its ace. by da way max and davey are g**
3,526 -
United States - New Philadelphia Ohio 40.441°N 81.492°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-76-188-58-91.neo.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/02 20:19:31
this is the s* iest website ive evar seen
3,525 -
Russian Federation - Tarko-sale Yamal-Nenets 64.922°N 77.784°E "Anonymous" from (pppoe-88-205-244-112.purpe.ru) wrote at 2008/06/02 19:40:04
Thank you for providing this wonderful bird webcam.
3,524 -
United States - Fresno California 36.769°N 119.795°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/02 17:50:36
Mr G, this is really cool. There are 581 people watching right now, so apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so. Thanks for this.
3,523 -
United States - Seattle Washington 47.715°N 122.301°W "Anonymous" from (c-76-28-156-237.hsd1.wa.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/06/02 16:12:37
leave the chicks alone!
Mr. Grass replies at 16:29 - Just taking a quick snapshot of the sleeping birds as my Canon DSLR can take better pictures than the webcam. Here's another close-up time-lapse video.
3,522 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/06/02 15:35:56
Dad doesn't seem that thrilled that the baby finches are hungry ... AGAIN! But he did feed 'em lunch and I zoomed in for a closeup of lunch as seen in the time-lapse video.
3,521 -
United States - Miami Florida 25.761°N 80.293°W "Herby" from (adsl-144-136-253.mia.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008/06/02 14:37:39
AWwww How cute !! I caught it during the feeding awesome !! Thanks for the cam.
3,520 -
United Kingdom - Fareham Hampshire 50.850°N 1.183°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/06/02 14:30:36
Absolutely love the closeups, thanks for a great insight into our feathered friends lives Mr G. Much better than wildlife shows on tv.
3,519 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "kitty" from (host81-141-235-217.wlms-broadband.com) wrote at 2008/06/02 13:46:32
WOW! this is so much more exciting than watching big brother! can't wait til watching paint dry is back up :)
3,518 -
United States - Loganville Georgia 33.804°N 83.889°W "Anonymous" from (c-76-97-137-231.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/06/02 13:06:17
Truly the Best . Birdcam . EVAR!!!
3,517 -
United States - Charlotte North Carolina 35.206°N 80.829°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-069-132-134-145.carolina.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/02 12:24:13
Love the closeup and Mom and Chicks are so cute.
3,516 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Anonymous" from (ks-138-210-213-21.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) wrote at 2008/06/02 11:41:11
Babies are sleeping - do they snore?
Mr. Grass replies at 11:53 - They do typically take a nap after the early lunch feeding (video from yesterday) ... and while I can hear 'em chirp via the webcam microphone, I have not heard 'em snore ... yet! ;-)
3,515 -
United States - Wesley Chapel Florida 28.205°N 82.320°W "biologist girl" from (pool-71-251-91-43.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/06/02 11:10:23
At the bottom of the dog/coyote battle page, the second coyote is probably a sister or mother, not a mate. Coyotes generally live in packs of 3-7, centered around the reproductive attempts of a single female assisted primarily by her close female relatives, who forego reproduction. Also, warning the people about the coyote probably caused nothing but harm for the coyote. Seriously, sharp teeth? They aren't going to attack, so don't promote fear!
3,514 -
United States - Springdale Arkansas 36.181°N 94.158°W "Anonymous" from (wsip-24-248-209-212.ks.ks.cox.net) wrote at 2008/06/02 10:58:20
Momma Bird is doing a smackdown on the babies!!!
Mr. Grass replies at 11:44 - Yea, Momma Finch appears to be restoring order in the Finsh Nest - watch time-lapse video.
3,513 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl54007EB2.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/06/02 06:49:59
thanks, mr brandon. i started that site about 3 years ago but had no time to finish it. now i just don't care as i work for a small company and am no more a freelance designer. but my head looks exactly the same. btw, i think the one with the eyes open should be named after mr h. am i right or am i right?
3,512 -
United States - Ben Lomond California 37.108°N 122.089°W "Anonymous" from (c-67-188-7-19.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/06/02 06:49:32
Lovely! I think this is a nice way to make people aware of the animals we share this planet with. Thank you
3,511 -
Netherlands - Hengelo Overijssel 52.266°N 6.800°E "Anonymous" from (cc178681-a.hnglo1.ov.home.nl) wrote at 2008/06/01 20:46:23
Just saw some lightning near the baby birds.
Mr. Grass replies at 21:23 - I was shooting a few picture after sunset, so I used some gentle flash to illuminate 'em which ends up providing a red glow on the webcam image. The second picture is a crop showing all four baby finches - I still have not seen a fifth one and seems like perhaps one egg didn't make it. Note the eyes on at least one chick have opened. I added two pictures from earlier in the day showing all six members of the Finch family ... and Poppa Finch flying the coop! ;-)
3,510 -
United Kingdom - Watford Hertford 51.666°N 0.400°W "Anonymous" from (client-86-25-63-54.brnt.adsl.tesco.net) wrote at 2008/06/01 16:36:24
SWEET Baby Bird Closeup!
3,509 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/06/01 11:13:38
Thanks for making the music not play automatically :)
3,508 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/05/31 22:21:04
Lotsa action today - here's a few pictures and there are more from May 31st on the House Finch page. I continue to see as many as four hungry, demanding baby finches on the webcam, but have not seen five at once. I checked the nest once (try to minimize my disruptions), but they were sleeping, so could not tell if there really are five.
Speaking of sleeping, watch a video of Momma Finch trying to sleep.
And here's another video of a new behavior I saw on a warm day - Mom fanning her wings to keep the baby finches cool.
Poppa Finch wonders "Who signed me up for this?!?"
3,507 -
United Kingdom - Trowbridge Wiltshire 51.318°N 2.208°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/31 15:56:12
OMG!How cool are those pics. Thanks Mr G. Howabout grassy names eg Rye, pampas etc.
3,506 -
United States - Sterling Heights Michigan 42.582°N 83.034°W "Mark" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/30 18:28:52
One of them is pretty big I can actually see it now. Or did u move the webcam up alittle?
3,505 -
United States - San Diego California 32.796°N 117.069°W "H3000" from (adsl-75-55-37-176.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/05/30 17:44:19
Dang, they're cute! I think we should name 'em. Let's see, good bird names, hmmmm.....any ideas?
3,504 -
United Kingdom - Leicester Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "James" from (5ac89a61.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/05/30 17:14:30
Alek, I think the first and second webcam picture is the same one. Or... did you mean to do that.
Mr. Grass fixed at 17:27 - thanks!
3,503 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/30 17:11:40
3,502 -
United Kingdom - Leicester Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "James" from (5ac89a61.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/05/30 13:01:00
I think were in for some more pictures of the nest, or maby a camera lense just floated by. I'm usless at Jokes.
Mr. Grass replies at 16:56 - Yep - that was a camera lens floating by as seen in the first picture below. I saw the first webcam image of four baby finches (second picture) which looks pretty decent ... until you see what a "real" camera can do - see last one. BTW, I'm assuming the fifth finch chick is just taking a nap on the right side of the nest.
3,501 -
Hong Kong - Central District Region N/A 22.283°N 114.150°E "Anonymous" from (cm203-168-233-134.hkcable.com.hk) wrote at 2008/05/30 12:22:37
Please more very nice pictures of baby birds.
3,500 -
United States - Newark New Jersey 40.734°N 74.186°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/30 12:03:07
3,500th post! :)
3,499 -
United States - Loganville Georgia 33.804°N 83.889°W "Anonymous" from (c-76-97-137-231.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/05/30 10:25:53
Best . Birdcam . EVAR!!!
3,498 -
United States - Kansas City Missouri 39.211°N 94.573°W "Kina" from (CPE-24-163-147-247.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/30 05:26:49
Love the bird pix, awesome. They look so tiny and helpless. Cute.
3,497 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/29 16:54:57
interesting site noel.... love the pic of you XD
3,496 -
United Kingdom - Fareham Hampshire 50.850°N 1.183°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/29 15:14:06
Awesome shots. Thanks Mr G.
Mr. Grass replies at 15:16 - Glad you like 'em. BTW, the wireless connectivity is being a bit spotty, so the webcam doesn't always update as well as it should. I have a wireless extender (with +7db attenna) on order to hopefully address this issue.
3,495 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/05/29 15:08:50
Mom & Dad Finch appear to be sharing a private moment in the first picture. They better be quick, since there are several baby finches clamoring for Momma's attention and food!
3,494 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl51B66464.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/05/29 07:03:28
still having fun with the toro. this one seems to enjoy it: http : // noel . mercurial . hu / shave . jpg
3,493 -
Mexico - City N/A Region N/A 23.000°N 102.000°W "Anonymous" from (dsl-189-163-48-92.prod-infinitum.com.mx) wrote at 2008/05/29 06:05:03
The adults are awake this morning, so did the early bird get the worm?
3,492 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/05/28 21:12:06
I mentioned in the previous post that the chicks were unseeable ... welllll ... check out this image - that's one hungry baby finch chick!
3,491 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/05/28 15:29:53
Yea, even though I'm not a birder, the Birdcam has turned out to be pretty cool. The first picture shows Momma & Poppa Finch checking out the still unseeable chicks. But Poppa doesn't stick around for long (unless he is posing for the webcam) as he has to go find food for the Finch Family and flys off as seen in the second picture.
3,490 -
United States - Fresno California 36.769°N 119.795°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-245-120-29.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/05/28 15:15:12
The Bird Cam is cool Mr G. Now if you could just set up a Bee Cam, you could teach us all about the Birds and Bees.
3,489 -
United Kingdom - Manchester Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/28 15:07:31
Final score England 2 USA 0 unlucky
3,488 -
United Kingdom - Manchester Manchester 53.500°N 2.216°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/28 12:37:37
Hi all its the big football (Soccer) match today. England Vs USA should be interesting........
3,487 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "ALison S" from (user198.resC89.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/05/28 07:03:12
We have a nest under our roof edge too. Unfortunately have no clue on how to set a webcam to view on the net. Have to watch these instead :-)
3,486 -
United Kingdom - Leicester Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "James" from (5ac89a61.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/05/27 15:46:39
This is quite interesting, that webcam looks like it's hanging a bit precariously there with that screw.
3,485 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/05/27 13:38:41
#3467 Mr. H, thank you and do you know where that one WWI vet was this holiday season? He was next door to me in Kansas City, Missouri at the World War 1 Memorial. Very important to remember those who have given everything and are still giving (such as my nephey Fabian Michael) to insure our FREEDOM.
3,484 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/05/27 10:24:33
Mr. Grass takes a quick at the baby chicks - hard to tell that is what they are in the still picture, but they are squirming around quite a bit. You can also see the position of the webcam along with the power cords to it and some pre-existing rope light. More misc. commentary on the
House Finch page.
3,483 -
United Kingdom - Leicester Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "James" from (5ac89a61.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/05/27 09:42:07
Is there a wire going into the nest? And what about some Sparrow music. Only joking
3,482 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/05/27 08:55:56
Looks like Mama Bird is cleaning out the nest ... watch time-lapse video ... note that's an egg remnant that has hatched. I just took a quick peek on the ladder and can't see any eggs left ... just quite a "mass" of moving pink, but can't count how many chicks are in there.
3,481 -
United Kingdom - Leicester Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "James" from (5ac89a61.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/05/27 07:46:36
What about a www .watching-birds-eat. com I think it's just as interesting as Watching-Grass-Grow.
3,480 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/05/26 18:22:32
I'm glad that Grass Watchers are enjoying the Bird Cam - I've been told that these are sparrows or house finches. The nest is on top of the rain gutter so I was able to hang the webcam upside down from the overhanging roof eve ... but I can't get it any higher to see down into the nest ... but it's still a bird's eye view! ;-). When I installed the webcam yesterday, there were four eggs and one tiny bird - it's now one less egg and one more baby bird. Mom is there almost all the time, and about every hour or so, Dad will fly in for a minute to drop off some food as visible in the pictures below - watch this time lapse video that also shows her feeding the still unseen chicks.
3,479 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-75-55-38-57.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/05/26 18:05:32
Mr G is giving us the bird!
3,478 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/26 16:21:33
and can we get a faster refresh rate on the bridcam?
3,477 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/26 16:16:33
how is everyone today?
3,476 -
United Kingdom - Warrington Warrington 53.383°N 2.600°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/26 15:05:40
Love the new Cam Mr G or should it Mr B now......Glad you liked the rhym Alison.
3,475 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl51B69E2F.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/05/26 15:05:22
i'm embarrassed. is it cool or cruel to move the shiny red toro over the nest? having fun anyways, just asking.
3,474 -
United States - Fort Smith Arkansas 35.339°N 94.383°W "n10cities" from (zulu.beverlycorp.com) wrote at 2008/05/26 15:05:02
Not yet apparently....Mommy just got back in the nest (or is it Daddy)?
3,473 -
Australia - Hobart Tasmania 42.916°S 147.333°E "Anonymous" from (C-210-10-202-37.hob.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/05/26 09:03:42
I like the new birdcam, but have not seen any babies yet. Have they hatched?
Mr. Grass replies at 11:06 - Here's a picture taken yesterday afternoon - one has hatched - four to go!
3,472 -
New Zealand - Auckland Region N/A 36.866°S 174.766°E "Anonymous" from (222-154-255-15.adsl.xtra.co.nz) wrote at 2008/05/25 20:25:42
chris hymers has s* with ground holes
3,471 -
United Kingdom - London London 51.500°N 0.116°W "Magnus Martin" from (host86-145-231-117.range86-145.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/05/25 16:17:56
hi i have been clicking on this site for ages and i just find it fascinating what you are doing it is simply amazing but i have wondered doesn't it cost alot and do you do any maintenance on the camera?
3,470 -
United Kingdom - Croydon Croydon 51.383°N 0.100°W "Neil (from England)" from (host86-133-112-143.range86-133.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/05/25 12:48:36
I hope those Colorado Twisters didn't get too close to you guys.
3,469 -
United States - Madison Wisconsin 43.071°N 89.393°W "Piobaireachd" from (68-113-144-166.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/05/24 10:02:00
I'm in Wisconsin for the next two weeks visiting family. Happy Memorial Day to all! Please be safe. Thank you to those who gave everything to ensure our freedoms.
3,468 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/23 16:34:08
r.Grass, can you keep the cam aimed like that?
3,467 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-75-55-36-211.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/05/23 16:23:33
Three day weekend!!! Yippp**ee! Happy Memorial Day to you all. While you all are out having BBQs with your family this weekend, take a moment to think about what Memorial Day is all about. Let's remember all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for us. I just read where there is only one American World War One vet still living. One! Anyway, hug and thank a Vet this weekend and be thankful for those who died for us to insure our freedom. Now that I said all of that, time for a Hot Dog and PBR!
3,466 -
United Kingdom - Fareham Hampshire 50.850°N 1.183°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/23 15:58:37
Great photo, thats a really wicked looking sky.
3,465 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/05/22 13:53:28
Mr. H, see what you started. Everyone is rhyming. Love the photo Mr. G.
3,464 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/05/22 13:17:26
this photo is awesome
3,463 -
United States - Los Angeles California 34.041°N 118.298°W "Trojans" from (pub-216-205-224-10.foxinc.com) wrote at 2008/05/22 12:42:08
Hi there! Are you near the Tornado? Be careful!! Hope your safe!
Mr. Grass replies at 12:46 - The tornado touched down about 40 miles North of here ... but we've had some crazy looking weather coming in-n-out today ... note blue & orange'ish sky with white & grey clouds.
3,462 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "____________" from (89-178-37-68.broadband.corbina.ru) wrote at 2008/05/22 09:52:40
you like a halk?
3,461 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/21 20:24:48
the second one was better H3 :)
3,460 -
New Zealand - Auckland Region N/A 36.866°S 174.766°E "Anonymous" from (222-154-255-15.adsl.xtra.co.nz) wrote at 2008/05/20 20:48:04
oh my god i love you mr grass
3,459 -
Latvia - Riga Riga 56.950°N 24.100°E "FuelfSeef" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/20 12:54:55
Hi all! where to buy cheap ___b___" Seroquel"___/b___? Strange name, but Im REALLY need it! Help!!!
3,458 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "PyccKuu" from (h86-62-89-65.ln.rinet.ru) wrote at 2008/05/20 09:38:39
KpyTou CauT!!!
3,457 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "_____________________!!!" from (h86-62-89-65.ln.rinet.ru) wrote at 2008/05/20 09:20:11
__________________ ____________!
3,456 -
New Zealand - Auckland Region N/A 36.866°S 174.766°E "Anonymous" from (222-154-255-15.adsl.xtra.co.nz) wrote at 2008/05/19 20:12:23
i love foursome with a dog
3,455 -
New Zealand - Auckland Region N/A 36.866°S 174.766°E "Benji" from (222-154-255-15.adsl.xtra.co.nz) wrote at 2008/05/19 20:06:03
This is awesome, i love watch grass grow! i can sit at school all day and just watch it grow.
3,454 -
United States - Fresno California 36.769°N 119.795°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-245-120-218.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/05/19 19:36:04
Not funny? Just so so? Let me try again. Alek had a little lamb, he also had some grass. He really loves his Mexican food, but Wendy complains about his gas.
3,453 -
United States - San Diego California 32.708°N 117.231°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-145-58.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/05/19 18:34:20
I'll try Mr Noel. Hmmmm, let's see. OK, how's this....Alek had a little lamb, he also had some grass. He's got a sweet convertable, but can't afford the gas.
3,452 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/19 17:20:13
Dave's was the best :)
3,451 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl54007F0C.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/05/19 10:29:23
alek had a little lamb, he also had some grass... the rest is up to you, mr h.
3,450 -
Australia - Brisbane Queensland 27.500°S 153.016°E "Mister X" from (CPE-60-228-238-108.wa.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/05/19 09:06:04
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... grass
3,449 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/05/18 21:14:10
Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was black as soot. And every where that Mary went a sooty foot he put.
3,448 -
United Kingdom - Trowbridge Wiltshire 51.318°N 2.208°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/18 15:59:51
lmao at Dave
3,447 -
United Kingdom - Warrington Warrington 53.383°N 2.600°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/18 12:03:00
Mary had a little lamb, she tied it to a pylon, a 1000 volts went up its bum and turned its wool to nylon........
3,446 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/05/18 07:25:55
cup of tea.
3,445 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/05/18 07:20:48
mary had a little lamb, she also had a duck, she put them on the mantlepiece to watch them have a
3,444 -
United States - San Diego California 32.824°N 117.198°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-244-161-220.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/05/17 11:46:45
Chair Mr Brandon. Sitting on my chair. Dude, you've got a dirty mind!
3,443 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/05/17 10:48:53
Brandon, don't laugh at him, you only encourage him to be a brat. :)
3,442 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/16 16:47:43
LMAO!! nice rhyme! :)
3,441 -
United States - Fresno California 36.769°N 119.795°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/16 15:50:18
Yep Ms Kina, I can make a rhyme every time. But most of the time I just watch the grass, staring at my computer, sitting on my...!
3,440 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Crazy, Wild, Confused Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/05/16 09:00:14
Mr. H, you're a poet and don't know it. :)
3,439 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/05/15 19:39:49
Thank you everyone! It was a good birthday. The Mrs. and I went out for BBQ.
3,438 -
United States - San Diego California 32.824°N 117.198°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-244-161-174.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/05/15 15:55:34
Hope you had a great birthday Mr Piper. We're over the hill but don't feel sad... This side of the hill ain't all that bad. So give us "five" and then a smile... To us who have been here for awhile.
3,437 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Crazy, Wild, Confused Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/05/15 12:57:54
Noel, I love your outlook and your addition. I am going to be 21 in December. A girl never tells. HAPPY BELATED MR. PIPER. :)
3,436 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl5402D6A4.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/05/15 08:04:34
you're not 50. you're 18 for the 33rd time. look on the bright side, mate.
3,435 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/05/15 06:50:54
Thank you Noel! I just can't believe I'm 50! What happened?
3,434 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/05/14 22:40:25
very happy 50th, mr piper! ok, all together now. fooooooor he's a jolly good fellow, he's a jolly good fellow, he's a jolly good feeeellooooooooow, nobody can deny!
3,433 -
United States - Kansas City Missouri 39.211°N 94.573°W "Kina Marie" from (CPE-24-163-147-247.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/14 21:24:58
Why Mr. H, what was I thinking. I confused you and Mr. Piper or was it Noel or Brandon?? Anyway, all the flirtiest dudes in cyberspace are on the coolest website around, Watching Grass Grow. BTW, thanks for noticing Mr. H. :)
3,432 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/14 21:09:38
aww I want to be on tv.... :(
3,431 -
United States - San Diego California 32.796°N 117.069°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-159-165.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/05/14 16:17:06
"Flirtiest dude on the web" huh? I happen to be a happily married grandfather Ms Kina. I don't know where you get that stuff. By the way, have you done something different with your hair? You look exceptionally beautiful today. And that outfit you have on is gorgeous. It really brings out the color in those pretty eyes of yours.
3,430 -
United Kingdom - Halifax Calderdale 53.716°N 1.850°W "Anonymous" from (host-92-8-239-203.as43234.net) wrote at 2008/05/14 14:39:26
i pretty much love your idea of growing grass. quite original, never thought of before. (: :L
3,429 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-152-197.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/05/13 18:06:02
Well Ms Kina, you can't really see me in the picture. I'm behind the batter, sitting next to Ms Wendy on her left. (Pleeeese don't tell Mr G.)
3,428 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/05/13 14:06:24
Mr. H, which picture are you in? I would love to see what the flirtiest dude on the web looks like! :) Belated Happy Mom's Day to EVERYONE.
3,427 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (owa.co.jefferson.wa.us) wrote at 2008/05/13 13:21:00
Too bad mommy and daddy left their computer unlocked in Columbus, Ohio...
3,426 -
United States - Columbus Ohio 39.996°N 82.988°W "clay richardson" from ( wrote at 2008/05/13 13:08:40
hi my name is clay. and i would like to tell everyone that i like boys. thanks!
3,425 -
United States - Columbus Ohio 39.996°N 82.988°W "ben dover" from ( wrote at 2008/05/13 13:03:40
whats the point of this website? its really lame and if anyone watches it they are dumb... i would take away this website if i had it since its so dumb. but i think its funny that it got this as many reviews as it did ___.___
3,424 -
United States - San Diego California 32.824°N 117.198°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-244-161-208.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/05/12 17:38:20
So happy that Dirk enjoyed his birthday here in "America's Finest City". 10 years old, WOW! Careful Mr G, won't be long until he's gonna be wanting to borrow that ragtop. And thanks for posting that picture of me. I didn't even know that I was on TV. Like my hat?
3,423 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/05/12 14:01:09
I appreciate all the Happy Mother's Day wishes - Wendy and Dirk were actually out in San Diego as a special treat for his 10th birthday. And in a fortunate coincidence, the Colorado Rockies were playing the Padres out there. They were bummed the Rockies lost, but had a great time out there. The first picture is Dirk before the game getting an autograph from Rockies pitcher Ubaldo Jimenez. Dirk asked him how he throws so fast - the response was "I don't know - just throw hard I guess." At the end of the game, they moved closer to the field and even showed up on TV as seen in picture #2. Finally, you gotta like the "groovy" outfits they wear in California as shown in picture #3 ... ;-)
3,422 -
United Kingdom - Haywards Heath West Sussex 50.983°N 0.100°W "Neil Sleeman-Smith" from (host86-151-68-162.range86-151.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008/05/11 11:09:54
Happy Mothers day Wendy, Make Alek, Dirk and Kyle do all the work today, you put your feet up and give the orders.
3,421 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/05/11 10:53:32
Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there! I hope you have a great day!
3,420 -
United States - San Diego California 32.736°N 117.127°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-150-102.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/05/11 10:42:31
Happy Mothers Day and lotsa hugs and kisses to Ms Wendy and all of the other sassy, grassy WGG "Hot Mamas". Thanks for making this crazy old world a better place.
3,419 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/10 16:22:56
ugh is there a way to make the music NOT play when i come to the site? it blasts my headphones even if they are turned WAAAAY down i can hear it for like half a second-- and they aren't even on my head D: and hows everyone's weekend going? i went to a BIG party Friday... it was a girl that i like's birthday. it was epic they had a live band too!!!! but now i feel like im deaf.... -.-
3,418 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/05/10 11:02:09
No problem Noel, I knew what you meant. Cheers!
3,417 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/05/10 10:36:33
oops. mistook mr piper for mr brandon. sorry! xxx
3,416 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/05/10 09:22:49
Oh yeah Ms. Kina, AARP has been sending me stuff for the last five years.
3,415 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl4E5CDD8F.pool.t-online.hu) wrote at 2008/05/09 02:57:32
thank you, you're all too sweet. keep something for mr brandon as well. only 5 days now. mr g, maybe something special grassy for mr b for his 50th?
3,414 -
United States - Columbus Ohio 39.996°N 82.988°W "reagan" from ( wrote at 2008/05/08 12:55:31
lol this is so awsome. one day i want to sit down and watch this all day. lol
3,413 -
United Kingdom - Leicester Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "James" from (5ac89a78.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/05/07 16:40:16
Happy Birthday for 2 days ago Noel.
3,412 -
United Kingdom - Warrington Warrington 53.383°N 2.600°W "Dave Uk" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/07 15:31:22
Belated Birthday wishes to Noel....26 aaahhh i can remember being 26....I wish I was 26 now...lol....
3,411 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/05/07 13:31:31
Noel, Happy Belated Birthday. I didn't sing for all your ears sake. Mr. Piper, I am right there with ya. Has AARP contacted you yet??? :)
3,410 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/06 20:32:12
np noel (:
3,409 -
United States - Montclair New Jersey 40.831°N 74.208°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-187-235-26.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008/05/06 18:06:30
what website do i grow digitl grass on please write back at LINK DELETED
3,408 -
United Kingdom - Royal Leamington Spa Warwickshire 52.300°N 1.533°W "Alison S" from (user62.resC133.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/05/06 16:07:48
Sorry its late but Happy Birthday Noel
3,407 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/05/05 22:49:38
thank you mr brandon, i needed that laugh :)
3,406 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/05 21:36:36
noel, http : / /w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? v = q c U S l t d L 1 p s (remove spaces)___sorry if that bothers you Mr. Grass :)
3,405 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-216-74-168.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/05/05 20:33:24
wagga wagga still loves u garss watching website
3,404 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/05/05 18:12:11
Happy Birthday Noel! I turn 50 on the 14th. Now thats over the hill!
3,403 -
United States - San Diego California 32.708°N 117.231°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-145-202.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/05/05 16:30:48
C'mon guys let's all sing...Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Mr Noel, Happy Birthday to you! Ok now, WGG Group Hug!
3,402 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/05/05 12:42:41
gosh, i turned 26 today. you know what they say, it's better to be over the hill than be buried under it.
3,401 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/05/04 17:46:05
Great Brandon! We finally got some decent weather so I could get my grass cut. My bees are flying around the hives. It's been too cold and wet for them to get out lately.
3,400 -
Russian Federation - Perm Perm' 58.000°N 56.250°E "Lidiusz Sidelski" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/05/04 12:54:10
What a great site and excellent resource you have.
3,399 -
United States - Post Falls Idaho 47.789°N 117.026°W "Bradnon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/05/04 11:50:38
How was everyone's weekend? Mines been ok... I'm testing printers... yay.... I hate those stupid things. the only thing keeping me from destroying them is that I'm going to sell them :D
3,398 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/05/03 13:53:47
uh, hi to you too!
3,397 -
United States - Alpena Michigan 45.065°N 83.455°W "Anonymous" from (24-236-173-12.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008/05/03 11:06:22
3,396 -
United States - Port Townsend Washington 48.035°N 122.814°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/05/03 08:23:39
Newspapers are here!
3,395 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/05/01 10:41:27
wow, you sure have a lovely spring over there, mr g. i'm running around in shirts and tees here.
3,394 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/30 15:19:07
Dang, I leave town for a few days and I miss all the action. First mow, new hydrant. That's it, in the future I'm never going on any more surfaris. Gotta stay glued to WGG at all times.
3,393 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/04/29 17:11:57
Hey All. I missed the first mow too and I am sad too Noel. Mr. H, please be careful in the water. We need you here where it is safe and sound. Mr. G, that was very nice of you to let those working men know they are appreciated. Hats off to all our brave folk at WGG.
3,392 -
United States - Houston Texas 29.775°N 95.415°W "Anonymous" from (pix.ehshouston.org) wrote at 2008/04/29 15:44:42
3,391 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "ad llaall" from (218-214-71-81.people.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/28 21:19:43
rockin webiste
3,390 -
Canada - Oakville Ontario 43.433°N 79.666°W "Anonymous" from (d39-91-138.home1.cgocable.net) wrote at 2008/04/28 19:32:39
lol man I spent an hour watching trying to see if it was just an fixed image XD
3,389 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/04/28 16:47:14
can we get a vid of them fixing and bagging it? :D
3,388 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/04/28 09:36:04
A few weeks ago in post #3167, I posted a picture of the fire hydrant being flushed. Turns out something was wrong with it, so they "bagged" the Hydrant ... but some nice folks were out today fixing it and I went out to thank 'em for doing so. Good to have it working again ... but lets hope I never need it!
3,387 -
Belgium - Brussels Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest 50.833°N 4.333°E "Glwtdqtx" from (mail.coditel.be) wrote at 2008/04/27 16:48:05
Wonderfull great site
3,386 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "James" from (5acceb04.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/04/27 06:36:57
I'm so annoyed with myself, I worked out the time difference wrong and tuned in at 8pm not 7pm and missed all the fun. Could you mow it again pls MR. Grass or when will the next mow be?
3,385 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/04/26 20:34:58
had to go to work today, thus i missed the snow-mow-toro. i'm sad.
3,384 -
United States - Palm Beach Gardens Florida 26.849°N 80.140°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-149-13-184.mia.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008/04/26 12:00:44
HEY it's 12:00 - how come you aren't mowing the lawn yet!
Mr. Grass replies at 12:03 - I'm heading out shortly, sorry to keep you waiting! ;-)
Mr. Grass adds at 12:47 - Here's a "tip of the hat" to Grass Watchers. Note the spots on the driveway - that's snow! A weird weather pattern come through and the temperatures dropped dramatically ... but I said I'd mow the lawn at Noon, so didn't want to let web surfers down! ;-)
3,383 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/04/26 09:08:56
Zombies! Very clever. Ok, who is going to replace my keyboard now that I've spewed coffee through my nose? :)
3,382 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/04/26 08:27:04
The first lawn mow of the season is at Noon MDT today ... and while you are waiting for the exciting live coverage, check the time on the backwards clock - see a time-lapse movie of it in action for an hour and a whole day
3,381 -
Australia - Nelson Bay New South Wales 32.716°S 152.150°E "grass smoker" from (CPE-124-184-82-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/25 19:17:43
how come u covered the screen 2day?
3,380 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-158-238.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/04/25 17:56:34
Shark attack here in San Diego this morning at Fletcher Cove. I just surfed there last weekend and noticed more seals than usual. Could be why the shark showed up. The shark experts from Scripps think that it was a 12 to 17 foot great white. Poor guy, what a way to go. Guess I'll be dry this weekend.
3,379 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/04/25 10:50:18
that's odd. i heard about wagga wagga on wgg.
3,378 -
Australia - Koolewong New South Wales 33.466°S 151.316°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-60-229-33-97.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/25 01:28:44
Nice Grass Man!!! Happy Mowing!! Heard about you on Star FM in WAGGA WAGGA AUSTRALIA
3,377 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "EX VET 1966" from (CPE-58-165-140-22.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/24 22:16:25
i'm watching the rain here in SydneY not the grass happy A.N.Z.A.C day now i'm going to the pub
3,376 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "rock me hard" from (CPE-58-165-140-22.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/24 22:09:45
hello all u in the U.S.A from STAINO in sydneY....101.7 WSFM ROCKS
3,375 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-245-120-11.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/04/24 17:20:35
It's on Mr Brandon. I can't believe those biker kids were littering on the day after Earth Day (but you're right Mr KY, it is funny. BUSTED!!)
3,374 -
United States - Pasadena Texas 29.669°N 95.161°W "Scot S. Guard" from (c-98-200-133-223.hsd1.tx.comcast.net) wrote at 2008/04/24 10:53:02
I hope there is ferterlizer down already
3,373 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.539°N 96.716°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008/04/24 06:30:27
lol that video of the kids is funny.
3,372 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008/04/24 06:28:38
WOW! first mow of the season already? I remember the first mow of last season. Can't break with tradition so you know I'll be watching.
3,371 -
Australia - Tamborine Queensland 27.883°S 153.133°E "star F.M stripper" from (d220-236-235-107.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/23 21:53:15
my milk shake brings all the boys to the yard and there like its better then yours dam right its better then yours i could teach you but ill hav to charge
3,370 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/04/23 19:19:11
oh, come on mr brandon, everybody knows we're no match for mr h
3,369 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/04/23 18:53:03
Hey H3000 I cant wait to fight you for 4000 :P
3,368 -
Australia - Caloundra Queensland 26.800°S 153.133°E "wagga's star bogan" from (d58-108-83-106.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/23 16:28:02
this is the most boring site i have eva been on.... i should start a site of my dog licking him self would b better
3,367 -
Australia - Kiama New South Wales 34.683°S 150.866°E "Josh From WAGGA =P" from (CPE-121-216-80-151.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/23 15:50:14
Its an iteresting site and very amusing and wanna say hi so hi and thank you 93.1 STAR FM and i hope your two kids get better dude
3,366 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "James" from (5ad1b3e8.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/04/23 09:28:42
I think they did that on purpose so they could be mentioned by MR. Grass on the blog.
3,365 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/04/23 09:15:36
Speaking of trash day, I put one of the bins out early last night ... and some neighborhood kids on bikes knocked it over on the front lawn - here's a video of the perps in action!
3,364 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/04/23 09:01:05
i always tune in a few hours early or a couple of minutes late and miss the truck. but i'll make sure to see this season's first mowing. i miss the toro.
3,363 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/04/23 08:27:37
3,362 -
Australia - Forestville New South Wales 33.766°S 151.208°E "P&R=cowra" from (CWPP-p-203-54-241-153.prem.tmns.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/23 05:04:50
hello everyone... G'day from cowra...its almost 9pm and we are still talking about this site... STAR FM ROCKS...all dead grass around here cause of the drought... might be a great idea to have a site watching the grass die huh???....
3,361 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008/04/22 21:48:02
Aussies are always welcome! I spent a bit of time in Perth and Hobart. One of my favorite places in the world.
3,360 -
Australia - Wollongong New South Wales 34.433°S 150.883°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-216-121-132.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/22 20:13:19
3,359 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Megan McGrath" from (mail.wagga.nsw.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/22 17:36:09
wow, the aussies seem to have taken over this site with all these "grassy" blogs.
3,358 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/22 16:33:45
From one little island to one huge island.....G'DAY AUSTRALIA ......
3,357 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "James" from (5ad1b3e8.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008/04/22 14:15:42
Were over 1/3 of the way to 4000 all ready!!
3,356 -
Australia - Wollongong New South Wales 34.433°S 150.883°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-216-23-69.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/22 04:02:58
Thank your star FM, for the link to this amazing web site, so on behalf of wagga wagga i say HI.......
3,355 -
Australia - Belrose New South Wales 33.733°S 151.216°E "Megan" from (optussatellitebintb.22bjipb002.optus.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/22 03:43:43
lol... funny S______t thanks STAR FM for this enlighting experience
3,354 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (C-59-101-17-252.hay.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 23:54:34
u have to be joking poeple watch this s***
3,353 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-140-22.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 23:14:32
3,352 -
Australia - Albury New South Wales 36.083°S 146.916°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-216-168-132.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 21:03:29
I love this site - Hi Wagga - Shepo DPI
3,351 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-244-160-225.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008/04/21 19:20:28
I'd tell you all about it Mr Noel, but what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. And a big Wgg g'day to all our new Australian friends. Welcome.
3,350 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/04/21 18:34:30
Big Hello and Welcome to all of Australia. Nice to hear from you. Come by and check out the mowing too. Good Times.
3,349 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008/04/21 18:29:19
Hello everyone. How was the weekend for all the WGG gang? Mine was excellent with the warm weather and good company (my kids and their families). Hope the week finds everyone happy and healthy.
3,348 -
Australia - Lidcombe New South Wales 33.866°S 151.033°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-184-106-119.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 18:05:06
hi from wagga wagga australia 2650
3,347 -
Australia - Wollongong New South Wales 34.433°S 150.883°E "James" from (CPE-124-184-254-142.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 17:27:19
Hey all from Wagga Wagga Australia. Go Pottsy And Leighton on 93.1 Star FM! I heard about this on the radio and cant stop visiting!
3,346 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (mail.wagga.nsw.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 16:48:03
3,345 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008/04/21 16:26:47
WOW whats with all the Australians? It's awesome XD
3,344 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-216-250-237.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 14:27:09
Good morning all from tuckerbox town
3,343 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/04/21 12:06:53
mr h, i just saw some bits of your 82nd birthday party on the telly. it seemed pretty darn good. you still recovering?
3,342 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-140-22.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 09:31:26
3,341 -
Australia - Bowral New South Wales 34.466°S 150.416°E "grass a**" from (CPE-58-168-24-137.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 07:02:01
wat time do u start work grass man?
3,340 -
Australia - Cockle Creek New South Wales 32.950°S 151.633°E "bobby from tumut" from (C-61-68-26-99.hay.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 06:28:08
hi from Tumut nsw which is near wagga wagga your prob p***ed off with potsy and leighton from star fm for gettin every one to write on your website
3,339 -
Australia - Bowral New South Wales 34.466°S 150.416°E "fitzy" from (CPE-58-168-24-137.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 06:05:18
hey pot and lay bet ya check this as soon as ya get to work ya losers. was a very funny segment on monday ya did. best one yep had 2 c this site wen i finished work its GREAT
3,338 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-216-250-237.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 05:51:00
hey there love the grass growing
3,337 -
Australia - Launceston Tasmania 41.450°S 147.166°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-169-68-199.vic.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 04:48:13
Hey, mum Called me in Launceston Tasmania from Wagga Wagga to watch the grass grow. Keep up the good work you ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO STAR FM
3,336 -
United Kingdom - Telford Telford and Wrekin 52.633°N 2.500°W "ash and max (l)" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/21 04:41:35
we are g** together we alwasys have been and this is a site where we can express our feelings. we botht ake it and we both give it, (head and s* ). we also have a 1 inch p**** between us :) i love all boys especially you max and you ash.
3,335 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/21 04:30:21
hi shaggers my name is dave from wagga wagga nsw AUSTRALIA hows it going there in the great US of A ????
3,334 -
United Kingdom - Telford Telford and Wrekin 52.633°N 2.500°W "davey" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/21 04:23:13
hi, this is davey g 08(xbox live tag). i am writing in reply to hitman howards message. the truth is i take in the bum aswell. ive added your tag, send me a message when you wanna get together and watch sum grass grow
3,333 -
United Kingdom - Telford Telford and Wrekin 52.633°N 2.500°W "lee" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/21 04:08:19
hey this is hitman howard and thats also my gamertag on xbox live im lookin for g** relationship (boy) so add me if you want to get to no me
3,332 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "HRAENMNAAXH" from (CPE-58-165-213-225.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 01:55:17
I feel kinda extremely stupid looking up this website. obviously everyone who listened to star fm this morning and had a spare second today has looked it up and left a comment....... and now im leaving a comment and becoming a statistic... oh well
3,331 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-144-137-122-224.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 01:53:18
haha almost as good as my grass in junee
3,330 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "post 4 fun" from (C-59-101-20-128.hay.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 01:40:38
this site was on the radio in aussie
3,329 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008/04/21 01:14:25
yowza! aussie invasion! what happened?
3,328 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Wagga" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/21 00:54:02
Go star FM Wagga!
3,327 -
Australia - Mulgrave Victoria 37.916°S 145.200°E "junee retravision gang" from ( wrote at 2008/04/21 00:51:10
Nice grass! Go star fm wagga wagga all they need is a lawn mower from junee retravision!!!
3,326 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-217-197-200.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 00:41:00
GO JJJ, Star Fm = s***
3,325 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Wagvale" from ( wrote at 2008/04/21 00:38:15
Only GREEN grass here is the weeds in the so call 'Lake'. Wagga would be happy if you could send some rain. :) Wikipedia will have more info on whats not in Wagga! :)
3,324 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (syd-pow-pr2.tpgi.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/21 00:20:50
3,323 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/21 00:04:07
3,322 -
Australia - Springwood New South Wales 33.700°S 150.550°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-218-132-40.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 23:06:33
LOL-And i thought the internet was for p***. Star FM Wagga.
3,321 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (d58-109-31-121.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 22:46:35
i have been waiting all day to see this web site , and just as i thought ,its like star fm BORING!!!!
3,320 -
Australia - Tempe New South Wales 33.933°S 151.150°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-164-24-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 22:39:31
no sorry different Aunty Bev lol the grss hasnt grown much since this morning
3,319 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-60-229-4-157.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 21:41:51
Is that auntie bev fischer,She my auntie too lol.A very small world, just another listener from star fm , just had to come and look at this craziness
3,318 -
Australia - Mittagong New South Wales 34.450°S 150.450°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/20 20:41:00
its pretty boring watchin grass grow at nite time lol hi to Aunty Bev in tumut nsw and to all star fm fans lol
3,317 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2008/04/20 20:31:11
We dream of green grass in wagga wagga
3,316 -
Australia - Chatswood New South Wales 33.800°S 151.183°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/20 20:30:52
Its amazing how effective radio advertising is in Wagga Wagga Australia with 93.1 star FM. Can you ship out some of the grass. We have run out over hear and turn your sprinklers off. Cheers
3,315 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-183-121-200.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 19:55:12
93.1 star Fm wagga is a great music radio
3,314 -
Australia - Neutral Bay New South Wales 33.838°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2008/04/20 19:41:54
big on star fm wagga
3,313 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (martha.csumain.csu.edu.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 19:32:15
Hey Hey I am adding my bit too Star FM in Wagga rocks.
3,312 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-223-212-20.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 19:16:55
Thought I would add my bit for Star FM, Wagga Wagga, you go guys!!!!
3,311 -
Australia - Waterfall New South Wales 34.133°S 151.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/20 18:48:49
nice look shame about the face
3,310 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "post for fun" from (C-59-101-104-71.syd.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 18:12:56
3,309 -
Australia - Tempe New South Wales 33.933°S 151.150°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-164-24-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 18:08:29
what was that kid about and hi to my mum in cootamundra go star fm wagga
3,308 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Frank Grimes" from (CPE-124-183-0-201.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 18:06:36
hey he still left the door open
3,307 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "post 4 fun" from (C-59-101-104-71.syd.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 18:05:38
can you also say hello to mummy star fm another site you guys might be interested in LINK DELETED
3,306 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (syd-nxg-pr3.tpgi.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 18:04:29
Finally Mr.Hulk - unless you intend to stay inside the car and take care of your car close and lock the door! Thanks for you appearing for us all in Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia.
3,305 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "F.O.Bsessed" from (ppp121-44-17-83.lns10.syd7.internode.on.net) wrote at 2008/04/20 18:00:26
Wow, this is sooooo cool. I should be at Musical Rehersals but this is much cooler. Star Fm ROX!!!!!!!! So does F.O.B
3,304 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008/04/20 18:00:08
We seem to have quite a few Grass Fans from Star FM in Australia ... so THE HULK came out to say hi - sorry 'bout the glare from the sun.
3,303 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-183-0-201.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:59:20
thanks mr grass man
3,302 -
Australia - Wollongong New South Wales 34.433°S 150.883°E "Olie" from (CPE-124-184-16-30.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:58:38
G'day from Tumut Pottsy & Leighton. What a life you guys have. Talking on radio and watching grass grow and getting payed to do it. Keep up the good work.
3,301 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "Anonymous" from (vp49.aph.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:57:57
NO Hairy Panic! I want some. Tina Star FM listener Ganmain NSW (near Wagga Wagga)x
3,300 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "wench" from (mail.wagga.nsw.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:57:37
the pink thing is a nice balloon
3,299 -
Australia - Sans Souci New South Wales 33.983°S 151.133°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-60-229-19-22.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:57:17
3,298 -
Australia - Gatton Queensland 27.550°S 152.283°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-124-186-170-120.qld.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:55:18
Hey guys, thanks for giving me another method of procrastination - this is more fun than trying to write uni a* ignments! Thanks Star FM Wagga Wagga!
3,297 -
Australia - Neutral Bay New South Wales 33.838°S 151.216°E "Wagga" from ( wrote at 2008/04/20 17:53:22
Work..... Whats work????
3,296 -
Australia - Tempe New South Wales 33.933°S 151.150°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-164-24-247.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:53:15
please close the car door and hi to paul at visy tumut love listen to star fm wagga
3,295 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (144-135-1-104.tpips.telstra.com) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:52:51
Star i like the show but this watching the grass mite be more fun if there where a few dogs sh_tting on the lawn Rob
3,294 -
Australia - Sans Souci New South Wales 33.983°S 151.133°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-60-229-19-22.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:52:10
Thank you so much for allowing us to watch your grass grow. It's been an awesome four hours, especially because we had nothing prepared for todays show. Thanks also to our freaky listeners for jumping on the site and blogging. NOW GO AND DO SOME WORK PEOPLE!! Pottsy and Leighton Star FM Wagga Wagga NOW GO CLOSE THE CAR DOOR PLEASE!!!
3,293 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (mail.wagga.nsw.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:49:14
3,292 -
Australia - Neutral Bay New South Wales 33.838°S 151.216°E "Wagga Wagga" from ( wrote at 2008/04/20 17:44:47
Watching the grass actually grow is so much more painful than trying to win the coffee and muffins... Lol.. I wont give up though.. Star Fm all the way..
3,291 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-60-229-58-149.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:43:20
Ive never had a better time in my life since i was 5 :)
3,290 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "post 4 fun" from (C-59-101-104-71.syd.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:42:56
HI star FM can YOU guys say hello to Amber WHO is Listening to the radio right now
3,289 -
Australia - Wollongong New South Wales 34.433°S 150.883°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-216-11-27.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:42:06
hmm.. interesting.. wen does the wbsite abt paint drying come out? n who doesnt shut the car door..? FREE GET AWAY CAR ANYONE? ___STAR FM___ Wagga NSW
3,288 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Stump" from (ip-226-21.primetv.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:40:04
what is that pink thing in the front of the car? Anyone care to guess?
3,287 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (arthur.mit.csu.edu.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:39:31
sing all my CSU internet credit!!!! mel
3,286 -
Australia - Wollongong New South Wales 34.433°S 150.883°E "elly" from (CPE-124-184-30-232.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:38:07
hey potsie and leyton im listening to your radio and wanted to this for myself. im at work and if i get fired for not doing my work i wont be very happy
3,285 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "Anonymous" from (dragnet2034196186.dragnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:37:36
Between locusts & no rain.... can't mow the lawn so might as well listen to Star FM ... go Pottsy & Leighton! Tracy
3,284 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (coolamon-dsl-gw.aspac.customer.alter.net) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:35:56
Megan do some work and stop looking at this
3,283 -
Australia - Kingston Victoria 37.350°S 143.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-217-170-140.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:32:15
theres no locus on your grass go star fm wagga wagga
3,282 -
Australia - Melbourne Victoria 37.816°S 144.966°E "Anonymous" from (coolamon-dsl-gw.aspac.customer.alter.net) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:30:52
This is much better than watching the paint dry
3,281 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "bored worker" from (d211-31-199-192.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:29:38
obviously we in wagga wagga need to get a life
3,280 -
Australia - Lisarow New South Wales 33.383°S 151.366°E "Dolphin" from (CPE-58-168-109-71.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:29:32
d*** I thought I would find a link to watch paint dry.. or is that going to be next weeks website link???
3,279 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:29:29
I think Potsy and Leighton should go over there and do a streak run across the front lawn. Give us something to o***** about LOL
3,278 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "Anonymous" from (defuep05a.defence.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:27:36
go the hulk stand, we need to find the best lawn in wagga and have a lemonade stand on it
3,277 -
Australia - Ebbw Vale Queensland 27.600°S 152.816°E "congratulations people" from (C-61-69-182-206.syd.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:27:09
81 comment by fellow 93.1 star fm fans
3,276 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "waggalife" from (syd-nxg-pr3.tpgi.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:24:23
Import that grass to Wagga. We need it here... And I don't mean the illegal kind!
3,275 -
Australia - Waterfall New South Wales 34.133°S 151.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:23:28
ok ive had enough of the grass grownin need to get a life
3,274 -
Australia - Kingston Victoria 37.350°S 143.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-168-74-42.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:22:51
Hi Wagga! Green grass...awesome!
3,273 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "DA in Wagga Wagga" from (vp49.aph.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:21:45
Wagga Wagga will slowly take over the internet world thanks to Star FM.
3,272 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "Anonymous" from (defuep04a.defence.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:21:00
someone steel the car
3,271 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Wagga Wagga! So good they named it twice!" from (d122-105-34-105.mit4.act.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:20:36
Grass? Never seen it. Must be an American thing...
3,270 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Frank Grimes" from (CPE-124-183-0-201.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:19:50
what i want is to see someone nick the car
3,269 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "Anonymous" from (defuep01a.defence.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:18:18
i'd like to see them leave there car door open that long in sydney
3,268 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "Bring on the Cows" from (defuep02a.defence.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:17:35
Star FM Wagga
3,267 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-144-131-131-102.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:17:09
Seriously Wagga people...you need to get out more...there's a whole world out there at the moment that think we're all freaks!!!! lol
3,266 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "H-o-r-n-y-4-L-a-w-n-y - Wagga" from (d122-105-34-105.mit4.act.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:15:36
Im up to my 3rd o-r-g-a-s-m in 2 minutes! This is a major turn on!
3,265 -
Australia - Waterfall New South Wales 34.133°S 151.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:14:01
Gundagai ROCKS
3,264 -
Australia - Forestville New South Wales 33.766°S 151.208°E "Anonymous" from (203-214-134-96.perm.iinet.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:12:40
hi potsy and leyton how about flying over there to get your faces on the web cam
3,263 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "Anonymous" from (defuep05a.defence.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:11:23
who ever has a hilk doll in wagga needs to have a lemonade stand this weekend
3,262 -
Australia - Tintenbar New South Wales 28.800°S 153.516°E "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2008/04/20 17:11:04
they must be born in a tent..... Go star fm
3,261 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "___Blank___" from (syd-pow-pr6.tpgi.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:10:53
Go Wagga! We so rock this website. Yay Star FM!!
3,260 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "h****4Lawny - Wagga" from (d122-105-34-105.mit4.act.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:10:32
This website is so exciting, I have actually had an o*****!
3,259 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Chownie" from (CPE-124-187-183-173.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:10:02
We wish we had grass like that at Ariah Park because the grass hoppers have ate it all
3,258 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (paullucast-akristophergraydenjewellery.sb3.optus.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:09:30
At least you have green grass, Wagga Wagga strugles in our drought. Your grass is a STAR!!!
3,257 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Bell" from (mail.wagga.nsw.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:09:21
Wagga Wagga Rules and so does Star FM
3,256 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:09:00
Just a shout out from Wagga Wagga.....................YA BLOODY DOOR IS OPEN. HAHAHAHAHA
3,255 -
Australia - Waterfall New South Wales 34.133°S 151.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:07:48
we made it to a 100 wooohoo wagga
3,254 -
Australia - Kingston Victoria 37.350°S 143.966°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-168-74-42.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:07:06
Close the car door!
3,253 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "troy" from (defuep01a.defence.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:06:55
love the lemonade stand, where can i get a hilk doll, kapooka is watching
3,252 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Frank Grimes" from (CPE-124-183-0-201.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:05:28
hey the kids left the bloody car door open
3,251 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-144-131-131-102.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:05:25
3,250 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (syd-pow-pr6.tpgi.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:05:15
STAR FM s****
3,249 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "grassman" from (C-59-101-104-71.syd.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:04:36
i like grass do you like grass star fm dudes woo star fm dude u rock
3,248 -
Australia - Chullora New South Wales 33.900°S 151.050°E "Bryson Lashbrook" from (easyst6.lnk.telstra.net) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:02:23
better than listening to potsy and lleyton!!!
3,247 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "stump" from (ip-226-21.primetv.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:00:37
Ya need a dam! Kingston Landformers - Griffith. Stock it with yabbies and trout - Rod's Custom Rods. Get a Barbie - Barbeques Galore. You need to get to the dam - Landcruiser - Tumut Toyota - do ya have Aeroguard, Vegemite, Spare tyre, recovery gear, surf board, zinc cream, beer, bourbon and board shorts?
3,246 -
Australia - Castlecrag New South Wales 33.800°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-192-71.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:00:20
Hey i heard the BLUES had a good win yesterday against the Tigers 58-14 GO The BLUES!!!
3,245 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (webproxy.agric.NSW.GOV.AU) wrote at 2008/04/20 17:00:09
to the producers of star FM...STOP PLAYING THE SAME MEDIOCRE CRAP!!!!!!!!! if i ever hear another hinder or panic at the disco song while i flick past to TRIPLE J or dare i say it ABC i will cry. GO Richard Fidler!!!!!! LOVING THE GRASS
3,244 -
Australia - Port Macquarie New South Wales 31.433°S 152.916°E "wagga single" from (136-100-14-210.tsninternet.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:57:49
hey wagga my name is dave im 23 tall brown hair n brown eyes im single and love watching grass grow . .
3,243 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Premium Grass Grower" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:57:46
This is awesome! A quick tip for you - a good dose of Roundup from Wagga Wagga and StarFM will really get that grass growing.
3,242 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-144-131-131-102.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:56:08
Well this may be boring as s*** but at least we are getting the chance to look at green grass for a change....not like in Wagga where all is brown and dead...
3,241 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "wagga wagga" from (194-238-43-202.tsninternet.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:55:51
ah what a site to see the green green grass of home.... Love john Denver in Wagga Wagga
3,240 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Frank Grimes" from (CPE-124-183-0-201.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:55:38
hey im a bored yr 12 student from wagga and i should be studying but im not. this is heaps more exciting.
3,239 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "Anonymous" from (webproxy.agric.NSW.GOV.AU) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:54:59
junee near wagga wagga clearly has greener grass...STAR FM
3,238 -
Australia - Perth Western Australia 31.933°S 115.833°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:54:58
Hi Potsie and Leighton, can we please have the coffee and muffins today while we watch the grass grow. 4 chicks at NRMA Wagga Wagga Franchise.
3,237 -
Australia - Canberra Australian Capital Territory 35.283°S 149.216°E "PTE s* ton Kapooka" from (defuep01a.defence.gov.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:54:54
Out Standing That's it I need to take a Pilgrimage to this shrine of heavenly Grass, see you soon. PTE C s* ton 1 RTB Kapooka Wagga Wagga
3,236 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (ppp121-44-10-196.lns10.syd7.internode.on.net) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:53:50
I cannot wait the for the next web site...watching paint dry go Starm FM
Mr. Grass replies at 17:08 - Watching Paint Dry is quite entertaining also! ;-)
3,235 -
Australia - Wollongong New South Wales 34.433°S 150.883°E "Junee John" from (dsl-37-36.nsw1.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:53:36
Dude.... Pottsy and Leighton are much more entertaining than your grass. Now if it was watching the "weed" grow then I might be a little more interested.
3,234 -
Australia - Long Point New South Wales 34.016°S 150.900°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-217-42-215.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:50:59
get over it u sook! dont watch it if your gunna fire up!!
3,233 -
Australia - Waterfall New South Wales 34.133°S 151.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:50:42
i wonder how the Dog on the tuckerbox would like to sit up on that Lawn Hi Gundagai and Wagga
3,232 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Frank Grimes" from (CPE-124-183-0-201.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:50:13
hey im a bored yr 12 student from wagga and i should be studying but im not. this is heaps more exciting.
3,231 -
Australia - City N/A Region N/A 27.000°S 133.000°E "watching my d*** grow (wagga)" from (CPE-121-218-223-26.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:49:41
what a f***ing joke watching grass grow get a life you american piece of s***
3,230 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "wagga wagga dude" from (C-59-101-104-71.syd.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:47:06
93.1 STAR FM can you guys play panama by van halen
3,229 -
Australia - Kogarah New South Wales 33.983°S 151.116°E "Riveting" from (tbmail.safenetbox.biz) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:44:16
Maybe if Wagga's starfm played on the radio there the grass may grow quicker...
3,228 -
Australia - Point Clare New South Wales 33.450°S 151.333°E "Happy Star Wife Temora" from (CPE-121-217-128-239.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:44:10
My husband just left with s* y born for lawns wife!!!! Thay have just past through Temora and are heading for Barmedman. Looking for greener grass. I think they are going the wrong way.
3,227 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "sales team @ tarcoola wagga" from (syd-pow-pr6.tpgi.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:43:06
hope the grass was supplied by tarcoola turf in wagga wagga Aus for more deatils on tarcoola turf phone star fm!!!!
3,226 -
Australia - Port Macquarie New South Wales 31.433°S 152.916°E "wagga camper" from (136-100-14-210.tsninternet.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:41:36
now thats what i call action packed. this web site just put my life in to perspective BLOODY EXCITING woooooot go 93.1 star fm
3,225 -
Australia - Castlecrag New South Wales 33.800°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-192-71.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:37:24
3,224 -
Australia - Ebbw Vale Queensland 27.600°S 152.816°E "hello" from (C-61-69-182-206.syd.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:36:28
mate can u please go outside and wave to all of us in wagga wagga
3,223 -
Australia - Abbotsford New South Wales 33.850°S 151.133°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-144-137-105-149.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:35:27
Gee I thought life was slow in Coolamon. but you yanks bet us hands down. Craig: Coolamon Motors
3,222 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Kate S" from (CPE-124-183-121-134.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:31:20
How exciting I now need to get my heart moniter checked!!!
3,221 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2008/04/20 16:28:05
wheres the hairy panic
3,220 -
Australia - Long Point New South Wales 34.016°S 150.900°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-217-42-215.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:26:02
rock on star fm!!
3,219 -
Australia - Castlecrag New South Wales 33.800°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-58-165-192-71.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:24:11
Tumut Has Beta Grass Then Wagga
3,218 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Anonymous" from (ricele1.lnk.telstra.net) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:23:52
I wish we had green grass like this in Wagga Wagga, Australia!
3,217 -
Australia - West Pymble New South Wales 33.766°S 151.133°E "Kat" from (CPE-58-165-161-233.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:23:49
Maybe the background music could be changed to STAR FM Wagga Wagga??
3,216 -
Australia - Long Point New South Wales 34.016°S 150.900°E "Anonymous" from (CPE-121-217-42-215.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 16:20:38
we love star fm!!!!!!!
3,215 -
Australia - Kingston Victoria 37.350°S 143.966°E "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2008/04/20 16:01:11
go star FM!? this is great, its hilarious and so much fun
3,214 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "waggga wagga dude" from (C-59-101-104-71.syd.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 15:52:05
woo 93.1 star FM rocks you guys rock
3,213 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Wagvale" from ( wrote at 2008/04/20 15:40:48
Beavis & Butt-Head from 93.1 StarFM in some city called Wagga have been plugging ya
3,212 -
Australia - Sans Souci New South Wales 33.983°S 151.133°E "Born for Lawn ," from (CPE-60-229-19-22.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 15:40:14
Thanks Star FM New website! Wow!So i Log on , have a look , and now my missus has left me. Shes sure its Buffalo , i told her it was the new exotic strain of peruvian D145 frost free grass , shes refused to believe me and as of 18 minutes ago she packed her lawnmower , whippersnipper and nitrogen based lawn supplement got on the ride on mower and left me... Thanks alot!!!!!! If anyone sees a s* y looking girl in biege overalls in the lake albert area on a registered victa ride on mower please call me on 0413222772...Its not worth it , i knew they shouldnt have released that strain of grass , it was always going to be trouble.
3,211 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Wagga" from (C-59-101-104-71.syd.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 15:31:24
STAR- hello everyone in wagga
3,210 -
Australia - Sans Souci New South Wales 33.983°S 151.133°E "nude bored girl" from (CPE-60-229-19-22.nsw.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 15:28:40
Thank you Star Fm for putting me onto this site , i have been rivetted to it for 2 and a half hours now. Had i have known this site existed i wouldnt have wasted my time watching the boring geelong cats on the weekend.
3,209 -
Australia - Ebbw Vale Queensland 27.600°S 152.816°E "John Howard" from (C-61-69-182-206.syd.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 15:26:58
Mystery sound time on 2wg. Ring ring Whats your guess today is it someone walking on the grass CORECT. you have won a free grass watching website! YES!@!@@ SWEET WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED
3,208 -
Germany - Erfurt Thuringen 50.983°N 11.033°E "Natayearglot" from (ns.km22558.keymachine.de) wrote at 2008/04/20 15:25:47
Hay take prefer to catch on to with BBcode :( for me does not revolt out to beget references to the attractive pictures and video on the topic. Or regurgitate down affiliation on this topic
3,207 -
Australia - Ebbw Vale Queensland 27.600°S 152.816°E "JOHN HOWARD" from (C-61-69-182-206.syd.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 15:21:14
2wg all the way to the top...... of the grass lololol
3,206 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Wagga grass chick" from (d211-31-201-205.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 15:20:33
"star" grass
3,205 -
Australia - Ebbw Vale Queensland 27.600°S 152.816°E "john howard" from (C-61-69-182-206.syd.connect.net.au) wrote at 2008/04/20 15:12:56
nice grass, but im guessing you cant cut any chick grass
3,204 -
United Kingdom - Havant Hampshire 50.850°N 0.983°W "Alison S" from (user130.resC129.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008/04/19 18:23:44
Oooo maybe I should have knocked before walking in the room. Spanking and such like going on.
3,203 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_18_17:10:05.422:
last time when we were chitchatting about dating triplets, she was kinda prude. now she's about to spank a grampa? when were you hypocritical ms kina? and why do i have the feeling that this blog is getting less and less family friendly?
3,202 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-156-58.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_04_18_15:49:48.552:
Those darn Rockies beat my Padres again. Although, this time it took them 22 innings to do it. TWENTY TWO innings! Can you believe that? Bet the grass grew an inch while that game was being played. And Ms Kina, I'm cute and have an accent too. A SoCal surfer accent Duuuuude. (I think we'd better be careful Mr Noel. Pinching, spanking, sounds like she's kinda feisty.)
Mr. Grass replies at 23:53 - Yea, what was one heck of a game!
3,201 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_18_10:26:24.172:
those quotation marks really did hurt.
3,200 -
United States - Spring Hill Kansas 38.731°N 94.828°W "Wild and Crazy Kina" from (CPE-24-163-147-247.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_04_18_06:59:17.039:
You "boys" are a riot a minute but since you are cute and Noel, you probably have a cute accent too, I will forgive you. Mr. H, you're a brat and probably need spanking. :)
3,199 -
N-A - City N/A Region N/A N-A N-A "brucey" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_18_03:36:07.087:
Hello everybody not nice to see ya to see ya not nice. bruce forsyth here straight from stricktly comedancing i hate you site ya loosers.
3,198 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_17_18:03:29.133:
i bought it.
3,197 -
United States - Oceanside California 33.274°N 117.335°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-152-80.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_04_17_15:58:05.317:
Me? Laugh at you Ms Kina? No way!! I wish you nothing but blue skies and sunshine, green lights, warm hugs, peace, love and happiness. (You think she bought it Mr Noel? That was mighty hard to say with a straight face.)
3,196 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_17_12:28:53.379:
well well well, who lost their sense of homour now? ms kina, i'm half the world away. give mr h the pinches that were meant for me. pretty pretty please?
3,195 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_04_17_08:24:29.407:
Noel, you are not funny. I heard/saw what you said. NO MORE SNOW! Cabin fever here. Mr. H, I know you were laughing too. :)
3,194 -
United States - Seattle Washington 47.610°N 122.334°W "Piobaireachd" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_16_21:13:40.644:
Well, it could be worse. There are fires near Denver. I'll take the snow over wildfires any day!
3,193 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (user234.resC89.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_04_16_19:05:56.637:
What the heck.........snow again......good grief...
3,192 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_16_18:09:16.623:
ooo, i love snowey time. hope these make it to kansas. ifyouknowwhatimean.
3,191 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_04_16_17:20:43.961:
3,190 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-158-163.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_04_16_16:44:22.268:
Jeeeeez, it's snowing AGAIN!
3,189 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Nic" from (cpc3-mfld11-0-0-cust272.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_04_16_15:23:08.260:
Wow this is so interesting, i must watch it untill i fall asleeadsjfhbdfhbdh .... Ooops, must not use the keyboard as a pillow.
3,188 -
United Kingdom - Telford Telford and Wrekin 52.633°N 2.500°W "max" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_16_08:02:50.979:
hey my grass man i jus cin u put out ur trash for da first time and walk around for sum reason
3,187 -
United Kingdom - Telford Telford and Wrekin 52.633°N 2.500°W "ash g" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_16_02:32:04.510:
davey i see ya 2 nite ye, we can watch tha grass grow together then have sum fun time
3,186 -
United Kingdom - Telford Telford and Wrekin 52.633°N 2.500°W "david from tcat" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_16_02:26:32.978:
i love watching the grass grow as much as i like boys
3,185 -
Brazil - Nogueira Sao Paulo 22.183°S 49.300°W "brain" from ( wrote at 2008_04_16_02:22:23.121:
OilbOZ 0f9v37f7d2g9flas5
3,184 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_04_15_16:34:04.326:
Strange folks checking out the grass blog today. The sunshine must be frying their little brains.
3,183 -
France - Lagny Ile-de-France 48.866°N 2.716°E "emanuelleer" from (213245203015.chello.fr) wrote at 2008_04_15_10:02:20.898:
Not much on my mind. Basically not much exciting going on today. Eh.Get my pleasure.
3,182 -
United Kingdom - Telford Telford and Wrekin 52.633°N 2.500°W "ash groc***-" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_15_08:40:17.418:
I really need the toilet now but i don't want to miss anything.
3,181 -
United Kingdom - Telford Telford and Wrekin 52.633°N 2.500°W "Azzlez" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_15_08:04:39.491:
I'd like 7 minutes of my life back please d***** bag HI ECHOSIDE
3,180 -
United Kingdom - Telford Telford and Wrekin 52.633°N 2.500°W "maximus" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_15_07:37:06.323:
did you just see that dude running!!!!!! omg i have to put this in my log book!
3,179 -
United Kingdom - Telford Telford and Wrekin 52.633°N 2.500°W "Echoside" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_15_07:32:05.072:
Hey guys, i'm in the same class as Maximus here, We normally get soo hyped up when we see a car go past! its like rare! lol!! :D awesome site and really original. keep up the good work.
3,178 -
United Kingdom - Telford Telford and Wrekin 52.633°N 2.500°W "Maximus" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_15_07:26:52.863:
hello people, i love this site have been checking it for ages, but this has made me fail me college course cus i cant take my eyes off it something might happen!!!!!
3,177 -
Germany - Erfurt Thuringen 50.983°N 11.033°E "Outsiciot" from (ns.km22558.keymachine.de) wrote at 2008_04_14_08:29:28.980:
Hay take want to catch on to with BBcode :( for me does not refashion out to spawn references to the gripping pictures and video on the topic. Or heave up b abandon down fasten together on this topic
3,176 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_04_13_14:29:57.958:
Not bad Brandon. Firefox is great! It's all I use. I'm getting ready to head out to Seattle. I'll be in a school next week and plan to stay rather than commute. Have a good week everyone!
3,175 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_04_13_14:23:01.631:
Hows is everyone at the end of the weekend? I'm great, I just started to use Firefox!
3,174 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "James" from (5accebcb.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_04_13_09:55:45.330:
I tried puting a mirror up to the screen the other day to read the backwards clock but then the numbers where back-to-front!
3,173 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "Alfagreyus" from (host-77-41-96-124.qwerty.ru) wrote at 2008_04_13_04:50:23.252:
Hi! Without taking into account the issue of establishing a stone by God, which he won't be able to pick up, how do you think, may be something in this world, what can God never see?
3,172 -
United States - Rosemead California 34.061°N 118.081°W "eso" from (71-93-195-78.static.lsan.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008_04_12_17:08:54.935:
You know, the backwards clock would be really easy to read in a mirror... there's got to be a great location to take advantage of that!
3,171 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Riku" from (AC8DC6E8.ipt.aol.com) wrote at 2008_04_11_18:26:30.452:
So simple minded that i find this website so hilarious :L and that video of water evaporating, its so simple its actually TOTAL AMUSING lmao. bookmarked website for sure man.
3,170 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Riku" from (AC8DC6E8.ipt.aol.com) wrote at 2008_04_11_18:21:07.075:
Haha dude this site ownz big style!
3,169 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "KP in KC" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_04_11_16:09:31.342:
Hey all you 32 people watching should join the blog and make a statement. It can be funny or seedy but never vulgar. Enjoy yourselves, we do. The WGG clan.
3,168 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_11_13:37:57.114:
the dogs in the neighbourhood must be really pleased. looks like one of them was about to soil _the grass_
3,167 -
United States - Honolulu Hawaii 21.313°N 157.824°W "Anonymous" from (cpe-24-161-151-8.hawaii.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_04_11_09:48:21.048:
Dudes fixing street - your tax dollars at work!
Mr. Grass replies at 12:23 - Looks like they were flushing the fire hydrant - watch the video
3,166 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in Kansas City" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_04_10_16:52:15.475:
Mr. H, I know you are the only real flake on the Western side of our country. :) As for Mr. G, he is a little backward and sometimes a little upside down too.
3,165 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-244-163-54.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_04_10_15:46:31.439:
I always thought that Mr G was a pretty progressive guy, but judging from the pictures below, I now see that he's kinda backwards.
3,164 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-244-163-54.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_04_10_15:35:50.766:
True, there's already enough flakes east of the Colorado line (sorry Ms Kina, I couldn't resist. Hope you realize by now that I'm a big tease).
3,163 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kina in Kansas City" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_04_10_08:22:39.699:
Pretty Snowflakes that can stay on the west side of the Colorado, Kansas line. Thanks. :)
3,162 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_10_07:56:59.369:
pretty snowflakes, yay!
3,161 -
N-A - City N/A Region N/A N-A N-A "LINK DELETED" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_10_07:48:16.436:
Did you right the HTML code that makes the w wa wat watc watchi thing work in the tab bar alek, its very good..
3,160 -
N-A - City N/A Region N/A N-A N-A "adam" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_10_02:31:28.689:
3,159 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_09_18:07:26.136:
nhl playoffs just started today, mr h. need to calm down between periods. can you imagine a better way to do that than wgg?
3,158 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-148-221.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_04_09_16:16:07.244:
There's a HUGE increase in viewers today. Mighty crowded around here. What's going on? Who let out our secret? Where you all from? Guess maybe word got out that today was trash day or that there was some cuckoo guy showing off his new sdrawkcaB Clock.
3,157 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008_04_09_16:13:14.359:
Here's a time-lapse movie of the backwards clock in action ...
3,156 -
United States - Coupeville Washington 48.185°N 122.668°W "Piobaireachd" from (owa.co.jefferson.wa.us) wrote at 2008_04_09_12:03:32.782:
I have a binary clock on my desk. It drives my non-geek co-workers nuts.
3,155 -
Australia - Adelaide South Australia 34.933°S 138.600°E "Anonymous" from (219-90-136-59.ip.adam.com.au) wrote at 2008_04_09_10:58:57.825:
That's what clocks look like in the Southern Hemisphere Mate!
3,154 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "James" from (5acceb1d.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_04_09_10:35:41.186:
I thought that as well but I diden't like to say. It looks backways up ands going the wrong way!!!!!
Mr. Grass replies at 11:07 - Yep - it is a Backwards Clock - actually keeps accurate time, but does mess with your mind. A time-lapse video would be kinda neat to see.
3,153 -
United States - Boston Massachusetts 42.342°N 71.067°W "Fred" from (c-24-218-2-18.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) wrote at 2008_04_09_10:33:12.099:
Am I drinking way too early this morning or there is something wrong with that clock?
3,152 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "James" from (5acceb1d.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_04_09_10:17:01.514:
747 people watching grass grow - SERVER OVERLOAD!!! + a gaint floating clock just floated down the road! Is frosty and the pirtae and the flaming calron coming out as well!
3,151 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "James" from (5acceb1d.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_04_09_09:15:26.809:
453 people watching grass grow - HOLY MOLEY! Theres a blue bin on the grass too!
Mr. Grass replies at 09:31 - Wednesday is trash day ... which tends to be quite popular (next to mowing the lawn of course - first cut is coming soon!) as web surfers look for the garbage truck to come by - here's a picture for those that missed it.
3,150 -
United Kingdom - Birmingham Birmingham 52.466°N 1.916°W "WOW" from (ict-nat-33-176.aston.ac.uk) wrote at 2008_04_09_02:39:01.669:
It is incredible. I spent around three hours looking at the grass... and it was night!!! I can't wait untill tomorrow, when the sun is shining and I can see in mor detail the whole thing.
3,149 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_08_16:56:07.499:
whoa, ms kina, ain't that a bit too much? i mean anyone who buys lemonade from the kids should be proud to have about 3 minutes of fame while the whole world is watching them on the greatest website ever. maybe they could send a message for free. that'd be great.
3,148 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-245-120-70.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_04_08_16:42:42.407:
Maybe the reason people were staying away from the lemonade stand is because they were afraid of getting run over by the sister in law.
3,147 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Wild Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_04_08_15:16:13.568:
Another suggestion for the Lemonade business, give something else away for free. Let folks take pictures with the Hulk maybe!!! :-)
3,146 -
Netherlands - Amsterdam Noord-Holland 52.350°N 4.916°E "degreef@casema.nl" from (535181F9.cable.casema.nl) wrote at 2008_04_08_12:33:08.433:
Hello Mr Grass, From the other site of the world, the grass is looking very good. Greetings, arnaud de Greef,The Netherlands
3,145 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_08_08:20:58.663:
ok, here's a tip for kyle and dirk to get things running. give away the first lemonade for free and charge five bucks for the second that contains the antidote. health care is a grrrreat business. also, well done for your sis-in-law.
3,144 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_04_08_06:38:42.504:
Well done! Remember, we're always watching!
3,143 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-244-163-187.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_04_07_18:52:10.203:
Tell that to those poor little defenseless blades of grass that she squished. I've been watching them grow all winter, now they're flat as a pancake. I'm thinking that the next time Mr G hears she's coming to town he'd better put out a "Keep off the Grass" sign.
3,142 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kinarie" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_04_07_17:56:08.506:
Mr. H, behave yourself. She tried and that's what counts. :)
3,141 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-244-163-187.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_04_07_17:11:27.409:
Luckily Sis missed the grass with car this time, but it looks like she still managed to smash down a couple of blades with that right foot of hers.
3,140 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kinarie" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_04_07_16:04:59.398:
Good Job sister in law. We are very proud. Jessika, believe only half of what you hear, unless it's about Mr. H aka H3000. That's all true!!! :)
3,139 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008_04_07_13:46:43.116:
Back in post #3097, Piobaireachd said "Hey, that's lawn abuse" as my sister-in-law drove her car over the corner of the lawn - she got a chuckle out of being "busted" by the ever-so-alert grass-watchers. Turns out she was in town again today ... but did a much better job of backing up this time ... and was quite happy about it! ;-)
3,138 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-244-163-187.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_04_07_08:18:39.314:
More of the white stuff! Yesterday it was a lemonade stand... looks like it's gonna have to be a snowcone stand today.
3,137 -
N-A - City N/A Region N/A N-A N-A "josh" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_07_07:49:43.866:
Alek do you have windows or linux. Just wondered cos your screen shots looks like windows but i thuoght i read linux somewhere. Also do you use dreamwever to make this site and does this blog use the front page extention, with fantasico.
3,136 -
China - Hefei Anhui 31.863°N 117.280°E "livdolu" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_07_00:24:54.128:
Hello friends, I wish I had come here earlier as the forums are well organized and I look forward to gaining further knowledge and sharing my experiences. Ive been reading the posts and learning quite a bit from the members.
3,135 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_06_13:09:52.411:
look! look! it's mrs grass and the kids! is that a lemonade stand?
Mr. Grass replies at 22:17 - I was out playing frisbee, but yea, the kids decided a lmeonade stand would be fun ... unfortunately, this was there only customer ... but at least he gave 'em a 50 cent tip on top of the 50 cent large cup of lemonade! ;-)
3,134 -
United Kingdom - Havant Hampshire 50.850°N 0.983°W "Alison S" from (user103.resC128.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_04_06_12:45:07.427:
Its SNOWING on my little island WOO HOO
3,133 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_06_12:06:35.923:
hey ms jessika, i also have to warn you about someone. this twisted minded grampa, mr h, who is beyond doubt hugh hefner in real life and is only here to recruit attractive young women to move in his mansion. we almost lost ms kina to him. how terrible would that be! anywee, how's the kid and the triplets, mr h?
3,132 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_04_06_11:47:31.380:
Hello Jessika nice to meet you. :)
3,131 -
United States - Oceanside California 33.274°N 117.335°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-153-88.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_04_06_08:04:04.229:
Welcome Ms Jessika. Glad you could join us. A piece of advice, keep your boyfriend away from Ms Kina cuz she's the "Wild and Crazy" one around here (but we all love her anyway)! It's Sunday and I'm on my way to church to pray for her right now.
3,130 -
United States - Spring Hill Kansas 38.731°N 94.828°W "Kina Marie in KCK" from (CPE-24-163-147-247.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_04_05_19:36:03.162:
Hello Jessika. Welcome to the WGG clan. Watch out for H3000 he's a scoundrel. :)
3,129 -
Germany - Erfurt Thuringen 50.983°N 11.033°E "Bejersemata" from (ns.km22745.keymachine.de) wrote at 2008_04_05_17:26:45.403:
Hello. Let's get acquainted! My name is Jessika.
3,128 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_05_11:51:29.157:
it's pretty damp here. but hey, it's the best weather for an unsuccesful flashmob.
3,127 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_05_11:19:42.849:
Hey Mr G, guess who's playing here tonight at the House of Blues. Yep, your local band Big Head Todd & the Monsters. Wierd huh, we were just talking about them. I found out about it too late and it sold out. Darn it! Guess your Boulder boys are popular here in SoCal too. Would have like to seen them live. I've got a couple of their CD's and they ROCK!
3,126 -
Germany - Erfurt Thuringen 50.983°N 11.033°E "Boiciemobab" from (ns.km31024.keymachine.de) wrote at 2008_04_05_06:45:37.515:
Hay kindly-behaved sites search google key banana t*** ?
3,125 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_04_04_18:10:24.854:
well I'm depressed... but its nice and sunny here!
3,124 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Wild Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_04_04_14:18:20.848:
How is everyone today. It is sunny and bright and warm here today. It really is beginning to feel like Spring. Mr. H, hello and hugs to the little Princess and hello to all the WGG Clan. Have a good weekend everyone.
3,123 -
N-A - City N/A Region N/A N-A N-A "James/Jamie" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_04_02:10:01.222:
It appears thes another James in here so I will call my self jamie as not to cause confustion.
3,122 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_03_17:01:07.045:
Awww Mr H, sounds like she's growing up just fine. Give her a big British hug from me next time you see her. x
3,121 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_03_16:04:17.365:
Hotstuff is right Ms Kina. More fans of the "Most Exciting/Boring Website in the World" everyday. Little Miss Simone is doing just great Ms Allison, thanks for asking. Not doing any of that fancy sitting up or crawling stuff yet, but she's talking that goo goo gaa gaa talk and smiling and laughing. Some people dread becoming Grandparents because it means that you're getting up there in years. But I'm here to tell ya, it's one of the most wonderful things in life. She just melts my heart everytime I see her.
3,120 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kinarie" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_04_03_07:46:50.660:
Mr. G, more worldly fans. You're getting to be hotstuff in the internet world. I can say I knew you when. I'm so proud!! :)
3,119 -
Australia - Brisbane Queensland 27.500°S 153.016°E "Josh" from (CPE-124-186-36-247.qld.bigpond.net.au) wrote at 2008_04_02_22:49:58.048:
I found this site last night at Aus time also. I love it, i seen a UFO.
3,118 -
Australia - Sydney New South Wales 33.883°S 151.216°E "Kanzai" from (d122-104-227-137.rdl3.qld.optusnet.com.au) wrote at 2008_04_02_20:57:22.713:
I only found out about this last night (Aus Time) i saw the little blue garbage bins out at 8:30 in the morning, the truck came by and took it, then i saw some kids running down the street, i also saw several cars, its addictive!
3,117 -
United States - Suwanee Georgia 34.053°N 84.065°W "Anonymous" from (adsl-34-63-223.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008_04_02_16:31:57.142:
my yeacher got kinda mad, everyone in the class was easily amused by the people unloading the minivan :D
3,116 -
United States - Suwanee Georgia 34.053°N 84.065°W "cory h." from (adsl-34-63-223.asm.bellsouth.net) wrote at 2008_04_02_16:25:16.708:
hello, this sight is amazing, I was at school today, and after i finished my pretest, we watched the people living across from you unload their mini van :D
3,115 -
United Kingdom - Watford Hertford 51.666°N 0.400°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_02_14:51:16.103:
Hey Mr H, hows your little grandaughter doing? Is she sitting or trying to crawl yet?
3,114 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "James" from (5acceba5.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_04_02_12:28:41.991:
Happy April Fools Day, for yesterday, anyone do any good ones.
3,113 -
Germany - Frankfurt Am Main Hessen 50.116°N 8.683°E "Jourgenz" from (217-20-127-121.internetserviceteam.com) wrote at 2008_04_02_08:46:02.567:
It's test. I could't post a message...
3,112 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008_04_01_22:59:15.610:
Croc Headquarters are actually in Niwot, just outside of Boulder... and Big Head Todd is a long-time local band - all sorts of stuff from the Republic of Boulder!
3,111 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_01_18:32:28.059:
AND.. I just found out that Big Head Todd & The Monsters are from Boulder!! Now I'm REALLY impressed!
3,110 -
United Kingdom - Winchester Hampshire 51.016°N 1.316°W "Alison S" from (user246.resC131.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_04_01_18:29:15.875:
Is that you leaving Mr G? Missed seeing who was driving.
3,109 -
United Kingdom - Winchester Hampshire 51.016°N 1.316°W "Alison S" from (user246.resC131.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_04_01_18:23:42.937:
Crocs are the best!!!!
3,108 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_01_18:14:02.739:
Just got myself a new pair of Crocs cuz I want to be just like my hero Mr G. So, I'm checking 'em out and I look at the bottom and guess where they're from... Boulder!! Guess there's more to the Republic than beautiful lawns.
3,107 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_04_01_15:44:07.341:
alek, is there a party across the street or they just stole your idea of renovating the house?
3,106 -
United Kingdom - Sheffield Sheffield 53.366°N 1.500°W "Cara ___--- You're jealous aren't you?" from (host81-158-68-224.range81-158.btcentralplus.com) wrote at 2008_04_01_15:27:31.287:
Hmmm why are so many people interested in watching grass grow? and before you say it I got the link off James I would not come here of my own free will
3,105 -
United Kingdom - Farnborough Hampshire 51.266°N 0.733°W "Adam" from (cpc3-mfld10-0-0-cust197.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_04_01_10:03:14.823:
That was not me it was that james that has put that comment for me i hate this website
3,104 -
N-A - City N/A Region N/A N-A N-A "Adam Fillingham- adam.fillingham @ vir gin-media.net" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_04_01_05:49:31.857:
I do love this website really, sorry for the bad remarks and happy mowing!
3,103 -
United States - Tacoma Washington 47.216°N 122.451°W "Greg Rudebaugh" from (c-24-19-92-187.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) wrote at 2008_03_31_20:51:11.643:
Do you give tips about "maintaining lawns"? Mine is in serious need of help....thanks!
3,102 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kinarie" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_03_31_16:38:35.171:
Hey no more PBR's for the sis-in-law Mr. G. :)
3,101 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_03_31_11:54:49.242:
mlb opening day. everyone in front of the telly yet?
3,100 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "James" from (5acceb26.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_03_31_09:15:09.367:
Even though "adam fillingham" keeps calling this site, he does keep coming back so I think he likes it really. BTW why cant we tell where hes from. Also he seems to change his name often as several comments of his come from the same IP and host!!!
3,099 -
N-A - City N/A Region N/A N-A N-A "adam fillingham" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_31_06:21:50.777:
well lets see now your all a bunch of loooosers
3,098 -
N-A - City N/A Region N/A N-A N-A "shaun humpries" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_31_03:39:26.404:
hi its shaun wot u doin on this adam u sad bd get a life n i grow grass but it takes you to heaven like in the crack kind of way oh if u ant guessed it i grow weed
3,097 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_03_30_13:28:19.710:
Hmmm, little white car having issues backing out of the driveway. Hey, that's lawn abuse!
Mr. Grass replies at 13:36 - My sister-in-law was visiting ... but yea, she kinda took out the corner of the lawn - D'OH! ;-)
3,096 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_03_30_12:17:59.135:
snow again. looks like spring is cancelled due to lack of interest. we had 65 F here today.
3,095 -
Ukraine - Kiev Kyyivs'ka Oblast' 50.433°N 30.516°E "LINK DELETED" from (76-62-113-92.pool.ukrtel.net) wrote at 2008_03_29_01:56:14.327:
Hello, nice site! :)
3,094 -
United States - Centreville Virginia 38.835°N 77.465°W "Anonymous" from (pool-71-163-181-253.washdc.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008_03_28_14:58:41.162:
Ever thought of setting up a croquet set to help give the lawn some variety? Your kids would love to play anyway... :)
3,093 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "James" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_27_20:04:30.713:
ooooo The lights just came on at 20.00. We can see "The Grass" much better now. Are they on X10.
Mr. Grass replies at 23:53 - Yep - gotta use the home automation during the non-holiday periods also! ;-)
3,092 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-151-197.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_27_15:51:47.255:
By the way, don't miss the upcoming issue featuring the Wild and Crazy Girls from Kansas City. They've got some pretty little women there. Hubba Hubba!! Thanks for the offer Mr Noel, I gotta warn you though, those triplets are a handful.
3,091 -
Brazil - Campo Grande Mato Grosso do Sul 20.450°S 54.616°W "Aspexyjub*exy" from (200-199-222-109.cpece300.ipd.brasiltelecom.net.br) wrote at 2008_03_27_15:18:33.165:
Snx for you job! It has very much helped me!
3,090 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "James" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_27_14:53:15.538:
Is it about the time to get the mower out?????
3,089 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Wild Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_03_27_09:01:02.697:
I think that "something" is getting very deep here and it makes great fertilizer for Mr. G's lawn but not good for much else. Later kids. :)
3,088 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_03_27_01:33:29.023:
we're terribly sorry mr h. anyways, i'm about to move to ny next year, maybe i could pop over to cali for a bit and take the weight of dealing with the triplets off your shoulders, so you could concentrate on the real stuff.
3,087 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_26_16:29:26.388:
Don't you guys start giving me grief too. I've got enough on my plate just trying to run an empire, maintain the mansion, pick out the centerfold each month and keep up with my triplet girlfriends. I come here to escape and relax, so please, give me a break.
3,086 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Wild Kina" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_03_26_12:01:41.161:
Hey Noel, where does Hugh really live? Maybe Mr. H is Hef, doesn't he reside in California. Makes ya go hmmmmmmm!!!!!
3,085 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_03_25_23:46:35.563:
yea, he's quite a breeder. hm, makes me think what 'h' stands for, mr h.
3,084 -
United States - Oceanside California 33.274°N 117.335°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-153-93.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_25_19:17:43.161:
Unless your name happens to be Hugh Hefner.
3,083 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_03_25_14:40:31.704:
according to the movie, donnie darko, it's not always good luck talking to a bunny.
3,082 -
Russian Federation - Moscow Moscow City 55.752°N 37.615°E "Cawsteese" from (ppp85-140-53-152.pppoe.mtu-net.ru) wrote at 2008_03_25_07:55:35.421:
Hello nice site
3,081 -
United Kingdom - Healing York 53.566°N 0.166°W "Aaron H" from (client-86-29-198-239.cmbg.adsl.tesco.net) wrote at 2008_03_25_05:49:52.862:
this is a lowed of s*** and James tomlinson you are a g** t*** wasting Ur time on this website . hi chili !
3,080 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_24_19:16:47.749:
Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend. I had a nice long chat with the Easter Bunny yesterday. Told him all my problems. It's nice to have a friend who is all ears. He told me that everyone is entitled to a bad hare day and at my age, some body parts SHOULD be floppy.
3,079 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kinarie" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_03_24_11:22:45.296:
Brandon, you're silly. I have to say a chocolate egg sounds good about now though. :) Love the grass Mr. G, no more snow now though.
3,078 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_23_23:07:17.310:
ugh... sooo... full... oooo hmmm one more wouldnt hurt me.... ___eats it___ URK ___explodes___
3,077 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_03_23_09:57:20.569:
Happy Easter everyone!
3,076 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_23_09:14:24.382:
YAY! time to go eat too much chocolate! HAPPY EASTER!
3,075 -
United States - Farmington Michigan 42.483°N 83.377°W "pie aka mr.nic :D" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_23_06:20:17.046:
h3000 why yes it is nick :D and happy easter
3,074 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK (With real snow)" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_23_05:59:05.633:
WooHoo i woke up this morning and there was actual snow on my own grass. I thought i was dreaming and i was watching the webcam but no it is real.....Happy Easter Everyone.....
3,073 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina Marie" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_22_21:22:31.531:
Happy Easter and Happy First Day of SPRING!!!
3,072 -
United Kingdom - Bracknell Bracknell Forest 51.416°N 0.750°W "ALison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_22_19:08:31.621:
Happy Easter everyone.
3,071 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-150-188.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_22_15:04:33.154:
Mount Hulkmore. Nice! Thanks "Pie".. that you Mr Nick?
3,070 -
United States - Farmington Michigan 42.483°N 83.377°W "pie" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_22_10:31:23.080:
wow i missed a lot since the last time i was on... Congratz h3000
3,069 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.539°N 96.716°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008_03_22_09:03:04.855:
you gotta get the hulk in a picture with the presidents on rushmore. now that. would be good
3,068 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_21_20:25:59.779:
oh wow it blocked the entire message ... wow oh and btw aleck, how did you make th little random what is 123+94 thing?
3,067 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_21_19:58:17.096:
The filter sees
3,066 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-245-120-160.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_21_15:31:44.764:
Since when did p e e ps become a dirty word?
3,065 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-245-120-160.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_21_15:26:15.160:
Thanks Ms Kina. You're a good hugger. I feel better. I'll stop sulking now. Today is the first full day of Spring. YES!! Hope everyone has a great Easter weekend. Don't eat to many p**ps.
3,064 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Wild and Crazy Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_21_06:47:55.601:
Hugs to ya Mr. H. Anybody ready for the Toro run this year? I will have to mow soon, it is getting really nice here and we all know what that means. MOWING TIME!
3,063 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-144-103.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_20_16:59:20.320:
And then top it off with a HUGE photo of the culprits. Talk about "in your face". OUCH! Ms Kina, I need a hug.
3,062 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kinarie" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_03_20_16:49:35.938:
Poor Mr. H. Just remember big guy we still "like" ya!!! :) Go San Diego Padres!!
3,061 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-144-103.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_20_15:28:07.569:
I didn't mention those darn "Colorado Rockies Monster Baseballs" because they are the ones who knocked my home team, the SD Padres, out of the playoffs last season. It's still kind of a sore spot. I was almost over it. But now... Thanks guys for dredging up such a painful memory.
3,060 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_03_20_12:09:39.693:
geez, it moves. it's aliiiive!
3,059 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_03_20_10:46:07.683:
mayday, mayday! somebody left a bucket on the pavement.
3,058 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008_03_19_21:58:32.661:
H3000 mentioned the main bonus attractions of Watching Grass Grow and with baseball season starting in a few weeks, yea James, bring on the Rockies! Kynitekia is correct that Mount Rushmore is pretty impressive - maybe I can come up with some pics from there.
3,057 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.539°N 96.716°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008_03_19_18:53:19.845:
are we bragging about our states? if so...i have mount rushmore =D
3,056 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "James" from (5acceba5.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_03_19_15:59:53.026:
Don't forget the "Colorado Rockies Monster Baseballs"
3,055 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-150-173.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_19_15:27:22.392:
Wait.. there's more. We've got classic cars, Worlds Largest BBQ, wives on hippos, two adorable boys growing up before our eyes, Worlds Longest convertable, the big green guy himself Hulk, and his long lost, now found, handsome brother Hunk. And it's all free (unless, of course, you choose to donate to a very worthy cause). Did I miss anything?
3,054 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kinarie" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_03_19_14:23:30.217:
Mr. H you said a mouth full and all true, so very true. Life would be nothing without Mr. and Mrs. G and our fav Watching Grass Grow. Mr. G, love the yard. Keep all white stuff away now. :)
3,053 -
Netherlands - Houten Utrecht 52.033°N 5.166°E "Anonymous" from (ip24-18-166-62.adsl.versatel.nl) wrote at 2008_03_19_12:29:05.675:
this is cool, oke, its useless, but it aint less funny
3,052 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_03_18_22:38:59.089:
Sorry, moving large amounts of data from one server to another. It's mind numbing...
3,051 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_03_18_20:38:51.582:
Mr. G, any special webcam events planned for this summer? More painting? Installation of a new swimming pool? Roofing? Perhaps I need to get a life? Who keeps asking these questions? Helllllo? Voice in my head? ah, hm, nevermind....
Mr. Grass replies at 21:59 - No special events planned (yet!) for this Spring/Summer planned ... except the grass is going to start growing and getting green soon with the nice weather ... isn't that excitement enough?!? ;-)
3,050 -
United States - Oceanside California 33.274°N 117.335°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-154-78.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_18_18:38:52.839:
There's that yes, but so, so much more. We got mowing, edging, and weed wackin'. Snow, sleet, rain and sunshine. Christmas and Halloween Decorations, house painting, car washes, lemonade stands and trash day. We got WILD women, pipers pipe'n, friends from all corners of the globe. We can watch snow melt and water evaporate. The list just goes on and on. We've got a great host in Mr G, and oh, I almost forgot, the reason we are all here, we can Watch Grass Grow! What more ya need?
3,049 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_18_17:44:38.993:
especially when the comments are close to 000's
3,048 -
United States - Oceanside California 33.274°N 117.335°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-154-78.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_18_17:29:27.778:
Sorry your computer class is soooo boring Mr Anonymous. Lucky for you, you found this site where it is full throttle excitement 24/7!
3,047 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_03_18_09:36:30.331:
i'm concerned. what's gonna happen to the dead bit where the on/off signs were?
Mr. Grass replies at 10:27 - My guess is in another month (when the grass starts growing strong in Spring), you won't even be able to see it.
3,046 -
Canada - Burlington Ontario 43.316°N 79.800°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_18_07:44:12.093:
3,045 -
Canada - Burlington Ontario 43.316°N 79.800°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_18_07:37:04.804:
Mikitzel's class is boring
3,044 -
Canada - Burlington Ontario 43.316°N 79.800°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_18_07:27:54.037:
3,043 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_17_21:47:50.905:
Ah sorry Mr. Grass dont beat me now...
3,042 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_17_16:56:58.713:
Alek (Ed: aka Mr. Grass) made this website.
3,041 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "liza molchanova" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_17_16:01:21.456:
Who made this website
3,040 -
Canada - Burlington Ontario 43.316°N 79.800°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_17_06:39:58.431:
Computer class is boring
3,039 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_03_16_19:06:23.089:
I'd rather talk about something important like grass growing!
3,038 -
United States - Placentia California 33.882°N 117.855°W "XXXLObamaLobby" from ( wrote at 2008_03_16_19:01:04.508:
Klinton vs. Obama. How you think who will win elections?
3,037 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina Marie in KCK" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_16_16:41:29.027:
We got snow here AGAIN!!!!!:( I am so sad, Spring in just a few days and we got sleet today. I hate the weather here. Mr. H, I didn't hurt you that bad, big baby! :) Easter is coming kids, watch for the bunny!
3,036 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_16_14:38:35.126:
3033, I was wondering that too :S
3,035 -
United States - Rosemead California 34.061°N 118.081°W "eso" from (71-93-195-78.static.lsan.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008_03_16_08:55:07.152:
Haven't been by in about 30 posts... How is everybody? SOOOO... it's H3000 now? hmmm...
3,034 -
United Kingdom - Crowthorne Berkshire 51.366°N 0.816°W "evilgenius134" from (customer11853.pool1.Reading-BRK4000-BAS0001.orangehomedsl.co.uk) wrote at 2008_03_16_08:34:48.783:
It that paved over or that still snow? we here in the Uk had about an hours snow and havent really had a good snow period in a long time
3,033 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "james" from (5acceba5.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_03_16_08:25:07.367:
it crossed my mind , do you have an email address
3,032 -
Ukraine - Kiev Kyyivs'ka Oblast' 50.433°N 30.516°E "LINK DELETED" from (83-18-113-92.pool.ukrtel.net) wrote at 2008_03_15_21:08:29.365:
Hello, nice site! :)
3,031 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008_03_15_18:53:46.524:
3,030 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-126-242.opaltelecom.net.126.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008_03_15_15:48:00.891:
It will be our little Secret H3000...I want tell anybody......
3,029 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-147-45.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_15_15:27:06.487:
I kinda think so too Mr Dave. I'm really not all that worried. (And, can you keep a secret?... I'm really not all that sorry.)
3,028 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-127-231.opaltelecom.net.127.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008_03_15_04:55:55.600:
I wouldnt worry too much H3000 because secretly I think they wanted you to win, they just dare not admit it....
3,027 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_03_14_21:04:18.049:
It's time for the happy weekend dance! WooHoo!
3,026 -
United Kingdom - Pinner Greater London 51.583°N 0.383°W "Alison S" from (user114.resC151.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_03_14_18:55:45.986:
Dont worry Kina I've got my eye on Mr H. I know his type. lol
3,025 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.539°N 96.716°W "Anonymous" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008_03_14_17:53:54.101:
lol, ive been watching your exchange. kinda funny. its been a busy year for me, dont have much free time anymore =/ so i pop around when i can
3,024 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-244-160-228.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_14_15:32:04.814:
ow.. Ow.. OW.. ouch.. Ouch.. OUCH!! OK, OK, e'nufs e'nuf Ms Kina. Stop pinching me. That hurts! I get it. I'm sorry I cheated. How am I going to explain all these bruises to my wife? Especially that one and THAT one! Sup Mr KY? Where ya been? You missed all the action. Watch out for that Kina chick, she's brutal!
3,023 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.539°N 96.716°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008_03_14_06:34:05.269:
congrats again H. lol
3,022 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_13_20:38:40.386:
Allison, watch Mr. H. He's a cad. That's an old fashion slang word for sly dude. :0
3,021 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina Marie in KCK" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_13_20:33:24.715:
Mr. H, bend over dude. I have a pair of tongs for your backside. By the way, who told you about the streaking. I thought it was only widely known here in Kansas. :)
3,020 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina in KC" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_13_20:28:20.420:
You go Mr. H. I was napping and got left behind. Mr. G, don't punish him for being on the ball. Great work Mr. H.
3,019 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_13_18:56:57.192:
no way... 4000 is MINE ALL MINE ___insert evil laugh here___ good luck
3,018 -
United Kingdom - Sherfield Hampshire 51.300°N 1.016°W "Alison S" from (user248.resC151.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_03_13_17:51:46.306:
The gauntlet has been thrown down Mr H. We will meet on the eve of 4000. Let all here bear witness. Better hope your not sassified. lol
3,017 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-245-120-81.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_13_17:02:46.819:
Hmmmm, we'll see Ms Alison. I'm warning you way in advance, keep an eye on me cuz I'm not to be trusted. Your US slang word for the day is...Sassified. It means to be intoxicated to the point of sassiness. Example: Ms Kina got sassified last night and went streaking.
3,016 -
United Kingdom - Sherfield Hampshire 51.300°N 1.016°W "Alison S" from (user248.resC151.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_03_13_16:42:10.100:
Let it be known 4000 is mine. You've all had plenty of warning now. :-) Thats if poor old Britain hasn't been blown away. Our Island took a real battering the last few days.
3,015 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "james" from (5accebdd.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_03_13_14:59:18.049:
the ON and OFF lights mark is still there from halloween!!!!
3,014 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "Anonymous" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_03_12_19:52:55.905:
nah, just my sarcasm versus the doormen.
3,013 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-159-134.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_12_15:25:56.579:
Sorry to hear about your concussion Noel. Hope you're feeling better. You drink to much of that cheap French wine again? And one of the reasons that I was so underhanded on post 3000 was because I am HOPING Ms Kina will pinch me.
3,012 -
United States - Minneapolis Minnesota 44.982°N 93.306°W "Dylan Levi" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_12_13:05:29.578:
This is AWSOME!!!! haha i sneek on the computer at schol and watch this thing all the time hahahahah
3,011 -
United Kingdom - Farnborough Hampshire 51.266°N 0.733°W "Adam Fillingham" from (cpc3-mfld10-0-0-cust197.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_03_12_10:01:52.800:
I hate this website. So tell me why do u watch this poop
3,010 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_03_12_02:45:49.925:
i'm in hospital with a concussion and you take #3000, mr h. that's just not fair. at least i'm not the one that's gonna get hurt by ms kina
3,009 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H3000/H2000/H1000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_11_19:24:04.778:
Sorry gang if I was overly agressive. It was just sitting there, two away, staring me in the face. The temptation was great and I was weak. There were 12 people watching at the time, and nobody made a move. It was like...go ahead...green light. Hello...silver platter. I couldn't resist. Besides, any of you that have been around here for awhile should know my rep and past bad behavior. You should have been paying attention. I said it before and I'll say it again, as Ex-Govenor Jesse "The Body" Ventura used to say, "Win if you can, loose if you must, but always cheat". So remove it/leave it, your call. And next time, for goodness sake, keep an eye on me!
3,008 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_11_14:11:14.841:
Congrat's on your victory H2000 or should I say H3000.....lol... I hope you battened down the hatches Alison and Gill as theres more wind on the way here in the UK...hey that rhymes maybe I should become a poet.....
3,007 -
United Kingdom - Oxford Oxfordshire 51.750°N 1.250°W "John" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_11_11:34:57.932:
You need to use some weed and feed matey, it's looking a little grey.....green up
3,006 -
Australia - Castlemaine Victoria 37.066°S 144.216°E "clerh" from ( wrote at 2008_03_11_02:53:24.462:
Wheres his wife?
3,005 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_10_21:48:27.703:
awLINK DELETED a little too late... oh well there is always 4000 and 3500 just leave it
3,004 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008_03_10_19:21:05.465:
Ummmm ... was H2000/H3000 overly agressive in getting post #3000? Should I remove it ... or perhaps since he's changed his handle, maybe leave it as-is?!? ;-)
3,003 -
United Kingdom - Leicester Leicester 52.633°N 1.133°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_10_16:27:50.146:
That it, Not talking to you anymore H3000. lol
3,002 -
United States - Oceanside California 33.274°N 117.335°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-154-212.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_10_16:23:51.541:
I'm a no good cheatin' bum. I feel just awful. I should be banished from WGG forever. Forgive me? Still love me?
3,001 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "james" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_10_16:04:09.517:
well done "darn it" 3001 me
3,000 -
United States - Oceanside California 33.274°N 117.335°W "H3000" from (adsl-76-212-154-212.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_10_16:01:36.730:
THREE THOUSAND!!! 3000!!! MMM!!! 3 Thousand!!! YES!!!
2,999 -
United States - Oceanside California 33.274°N 117.335°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-154-212.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_10_15:55:20.450:
Naw, I'd better not. Everybody's gonna say I cheated, AGAIN! But then again, I did warn everyone they'd better pay attention. Maybe I caught them napping. Aw, what the heck......
2,998 -
United States - Oceanside California 33.274°N 117.335°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-154-212.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_10_15:48:49.407:
Oh my goodness, it's soooo close. Should I or shouldn't I? It is kind of a tradition around here for me to get it. It's mighty tempting to just go for it.
2,997 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "james" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_10_15:41:06.322:
the tentions rising
2,996 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (pool-72-91-120-198.tampfl.fios.verizon.net) wrote at 2008_03_10_14:03:54.147:
Wow.... I've gotta bookmark this page!
2,995 -
Norway - Oslo Oslo 59.916°N 10.750°E "Fish-Grass" from (ti211310a081-1327.bb.online.no) wrote at 2008_03_10_00:51:26.001:
Hehehehe, I've been sitting here in 3 days a row, watching grass grow!!! :D:D
2,994 -
United States - Rosemead California 34.061°N 118.081°W "eso" from (71-93-195-78.static.lsan.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008_03_09_22:49:37.043:
H2000, you ready for the 3000th post? any minute now...
2,993 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (user237.resC88.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_03_09_17:09:54.118:
Thanks for the Lesson on P E E P S. Not sure I'd like them, not a great lover of marshmallow, well not unless its toasted over an open fire. I like the compooter slang. Will have to remember that one. Well better go, off to shop for "FAGS", thats your slang for the day, for cigarettes. :-)
2,992 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-38-98.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_09_16:45:59.090:
So Mr G, how was the ski trip?
2,991 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_09_16:27:53.001:
oh I forgot: are you doing anything for easter Alek?
2,990 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_09_16:20:21.581:
woah little people everywhere!
2,989 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_03_08_14:44:46.295:
Not to confuse the sub*ect, p e e p s is also used as a slang term for people. Although in this case, it's the little colored lump of sugary goodness. I agree, letting them get a little crusty with age makes them better. Nothing like popping one or two in the mid-afternoon to get you to the end of the work day (and hopefully home before the sugar crash occurs). Happy weekend to all.
2,988 -
United States - Nashville Illinois 38.329°N 89.404°W "Kina in KC" from (24-182-137-147.static.stls.mo.charter.com) wrote at 2008_03_07_17:30:10.077:
Thanks Mr. H for letting Alison in on the dealio. I was traveling and couldn't answer Alison. I can take these sugary morsels or leave them but my co-workers get nutty for them.
2,987 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-145-182.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_07_16:35:34.778:
P E E P S are little sugar coated marshmallow bunnies and chicks Ms Alison. A traditional Easter treat here in the US. Been around for ages. My wife loves 'em. They're especially good after about six months when they are good and stale. I like to roast them over the BBQ. YUM! Your US slang word for the day is "Compooter". That's a computer that malfunctions frequently.
2,986 -
United Kingdom - Winchester Hampshire 51.016°N 1.316°W "Alison S" from (user26.resC131.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_03_07_16:12:44.327:
Hey you Mr Man walking down the road, your on cam, DONT GO!!! Wave. lol
2,985 -
United Kingdom - Winchester Hampshire 51.016°N 1.316°W "Alison S" from (user26.resC131.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_03_07_16:05:01.516:
Never heard of P E E P S Kina. Care to elaborate. Only way I can describe P e e ps is a slang version for "people". As in "awright pe eps" Hey that could be a new topic for discussion. US slang versus UK slang.
2,984 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kinarie" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_03_07_12:24:10.371:
Mr. G, what did you do with the snow? Grass looks a little peaked. We got over an inch of snow today and I HATE IT!!! :)
2,983 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Wild and Crazy Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_06_23:26:50.413:
Sorry that is supposed to say, P E E P S.
2,982 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Wild and Crazy Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_06_23:18:24.110:
Hey Everybody. Since we are discussing Spring and Bunnies. Has everyone heard of p**ps? My boss just brought some to work today and some of my co-workers believe they are better dried first. What is your opinion? I like them fresh from the package.
2,981 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Adam" from (cpc2-mfld11-0-0-cust621.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_03_06_10:09:37.426:
I'm a fish i'm a fish i'm a fish Hello James Tomlinson if your there its me Adam and you and the rest of these time wasters should do something with there lives.
2,980 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008_03_05_15:26:06.253:
March is actually the snowiest month in Colorado ... so we'll have some more white stuff ... but we'll also have some 70° sunny days where you'll see plenty of green grass growing! ;-)
2,979 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-245-120-90.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_05_15:20:17.726:
Got here just in time to see the Recycle truck. Now that's pure entertainment!! And this whole white grass/green grass thing is pretty exciting too.
2,978 -
United Kingdom - Sevenoaks Kent 51.266°N 0.200°E "Alison S" from (user34.resC150.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_03_05_15:11:35.276:
Now you see it, now you dont. I quite like the alternating green and white grass. lol
2,977 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_05_09:48:08.029:
Hi All, I see the snow has returned...When exactly does spring start over there. The weather here has been nice today, just like spring didnt see any Chocolate Bunnys yet though Gill.
2,976 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_05_08:41:06.179:
Hello Everyone. Mr. G, where did all that white stuff come from and are you sending it our way. PLEASE DON'T I WANT SPRING. I really don't want to think about Christmas yet but it is nice to think about the Easter Bunny and Spring.:)
2,975 -
United Kingdom - Pinner Greater London 51.583°N 0.383°W "Alison S" from (user108.resC151.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_03_04_15:48:00.065:
Hi Gill, its eerie waking to that sensation isn't it. Alright for those on the West coast who are immune to such things. lol
2,974 -
United Kingdom - Derby Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Gill UK (luke's mum)" from (cpc3-derb3-0-0-cust243.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_03_04_11:39:17.274:
Hi Alek,H2000,Dave and Alison. I know its old news now. Me and Luke got woken first by something, then there was the loud rumbling of the earthquake, exciting stuff! Now theres only 295days until christmas. The Easter Bunny is next, delivering all those eggs, yummy! Gill.
2,973 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Wild and Crazy Kina from Kansas City" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_04_08:36:06.606:
Welcome Lenka. Are you a Mr. or a Ms.? Welcome to the WGG Clan. We love watching grass grow and talking to each other and giving each other grief :). Hope you like us too.
2,972 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_03_17:59:33.456:
ooo i better start checking every day now!
2,971 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-163-146.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_03_17:36:32.873:
I don't know about that 3000th post Mr Dave. I've got some serious competition this time. Everyone is watching it like a hawk. I might have to be satisified with the knowledge that I got the 1000th and 2000th (even though some say I cheated). Maybe it's time I passed the torch and allow someone else the opportunity to feel that thrill. Only 29 to go folks, pay attention.
2,970 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_03_14:13:21.605:
Hope you are all well. U Americans always have to do everything bigger and better even your earthquakes... :0) Ill stick to are one every 30 years, all that shaking makes me feel sick....lol. Good Luck on no. 3000 H2000
2,969 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_03_03_14:07:47.750:
Guess what folks......only 296 days till xmas........Woohoooo
2,968 -
United States - Atlanta Georgia 33.725°N 84.430°W "Lenkapuppia" from (pro.browse-free.com) wrote at 2008_03_02_21:28:45.746:
Hello , im new here, my name is Lenkaa , i have been reading your site for long , a very nice community :)
2,967 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_03_02_20:05:13.790:
Mr. H, very funny. We are getting rain now but they say it will be snow by morning. Bad thing is that it was 73 degrees today and yesterday, I hate Kansas. :(
2,966 -
United Kingdom - Pinner Greater London 51.583°N 0.383°W "Alison S" from (user86.resC151.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_03_02_16:27:39.440:
Were supposed to be getting snow here next week. Would be nice, as long as it doesnt stay too long.
2,965 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-39-193.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_03_02_10:34:27.190:
More snow and 32 degrees. Jeeeeez! Isn't Spring EVER going to get here?
2,964 -
United States - Mesa Arizona 33.425°N 111.727°W "Tammie" from (ip68-104-149-176.ph.ph.cox.net) wrote at 2008_03_01_18:33:14.615:
True Eso, among other things. Happy Weekend to you all.
2,963 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_03_01_11:39:08.208:
Woohoo! Happy weekend everyone!
2,962 -
United States - Rosemead California 34.061°N 118.081°W "eso" from (71-93-195-78.static.lsan.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008_03_01_10:35:38.831:
H2000 is correct. I like morning quakes because they make my omelets fluffier.
2,961 -
United States - Oceanside California 33.274°N 117.335°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-152-197.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_02_29_17:58:45.934:
We have earthquakes here all the time. When they are over we usually run down to the local dairy for a milkshake.
2,960 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_28_18:35:38.605:
I have never felt any quake, big surprise since I have always lived in Kansas City. It seems kind of scary, is it? 40 more to go and I am watching you Noel. :)
2,959 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_28_18:32:02.797:
Hey everyone I'm back, hopefully for good. Had the laptop fixed. :-) Glad to see I'm not too late for the elusive 3000 post. Nice holiday snaps Alex. That water did look so inviting. No Dave never felt the quake here, but it did register on the islands detection stuff. Have felt one here before though, good few years ago now. Was treated to a minor wobble on one of my CA trips too.
2,958 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina Marie in KCK" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_28_18:30:15.890:
Hey everyone. Mr. H, no that was some people on our tour of the island but the water was such a beautiful blue. I love Hawaii and want to go back soon.
2,957 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-245-120-186.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_02_28_15:52:42.369:
A 5.2 quake...hah! Childs play. Those are pretty much daily occurances here in CA. In the event of a quake, I get under something heavy, such as a desk, a table or my wife.
2,956 -
United States - Coupeville Washington 48.185°N 122.668°W "Piobaireachd" from (owa.co.jefferson.wa.us) wrote at 2008_02_28_13:51:29.153:
We were just trying to share the California experience with you folks in the UK. :)
2,955 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (dsl195-38-103-35.pool.tvnet.hu) wrote at 2008_02_28_10:13:11.903:
only 45 to go. ms kina, look for it or i'm gonna take #3000 even if i get pinched to death.
2,954 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_27_20:55:47.069:
at 2,947 uhhh NOW I'm scared.... P.S. getting closer.... I can smell it!
2,953 -
United Kingdom - Chester-le-street Durham 54.850°N 1.566°W "james" from (5ac89ab6.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_02_27_12:29:51.233:
I did, and picked it up on our cctv, looks quite cool to watch and compare to the shakes!!!!
2,952 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_27_10:50:45.888:
Hi Grass Fans, How's Life treating u all. Good I hope. We had a little excitement last night when we were hit by a 5.2 richter scale earthquake. The house shook for only about 5 seconds at 1.00am this morning. did u feel it Lukes Mum or Allson.
2,951 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-245-120-101.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_02_26_17:22:42.523:
See that smile on Mr Kyle's face? That's what we surfers call being totally stoked. Only a surfer knows the feeling. Nice wave Kyle. Cool rash guard too. You look like a real local. And beautiful picture Ms Kina. Is that your family in the photo?
2,950 -
Canada - Hamilton Ontario 43.250°N 79.833°W "Anonymous" from (bas2-hamilton14-1167917924.dsl.bell.ca) wrote at 2008_02_26_12:34:38.854:
2,949 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_02_26_03:31:59.555:
i see snow again. niiice
2,948 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008_02_25_11:32:51.313:
A few weeks ago, Kina from KC sent me a picture from Hawaii and asked if I could post it here. Ironically, I was also recently in Hawaii ... so after her picture, I have added a 180° panorama of the sunrise at the beach, plus a picture of my son Kyle Boogie-Boarding in the water and older brother Dirk also Boogie-boarding ... in snow! ;-)
2,947 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina Marie in KCK" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_25_11:15:31.788:
Mr. Piper, you know I am always a "lady" and wouldn't even know how to "smackdown" anyone. :) But, I would pinch unmentionable parts of the anatomy if I do not get #3000.
2,946 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_24_21:27:02.800:
I'm willing to take her on for a chance at 3000
2,945 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_02_24_20:35:06.911:
Sorry Brandon, but Ms. Kina threatened us with a smackdown if we posted #3000. Since she comes from the land of Garmin, she knows how to find us. Be afraid...
2,944 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_24_20:19:36.996:
we can see grass again! YAY P.S. Almost 3000... I CALL IT! MINE MINE MINE
2,943 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-245-120-216.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_02_23_11:20:54.225:
Ooops, let me give credit where credit is due. Good line Mr Piper. There's three things I've noticed since I've gotten older. The first is that your memory goes. The second is...ahhh...ahhh...darn it, I forgot!
2,942 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-245-120-216.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_02_23_11:04:53.630:
Good line PROFesSoR. I'm gonna use that one!
2,941 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_02_23_10:09:04.018:
"Aaron" kind of makes you wish birth control was retroactive. lol
2,940 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_22_11:50:17.251:
Hi H2000 and all u grass watchers. We had the eclipse of the moon here to but it was at 3.00am - 4.00 am in the morning. Also the dense cloud meant that you really could not see anything. Oh yes it was also -6 degrees......
2,939 -
Canada - Burlington Ontario 43.316°N 79.800°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_22_07:13:16.143:
WoOOOooOOOoooOOO Grass is god!
2,938 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "Aaron" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2008_02_22_02:09:31.570:
This Web site is a load ( mind my spelling ) of crap so delete it lol
2,937 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-144-66.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_02_21_17:00:11.798:
Sorry you missed the eclipse Mr G. It was great viewing from here in SoCal. A beautiful red tint when it was fully covered. ALMOST as exciting as watching your grass grow.
2,936 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "Anonymous" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2008_02_21_05:32:41.348:
do you have to pay for the Apache web server alek
Mr. Grass replies at 09:42 - Yep ... the box and bandwidth from the ISP, plus connectivity to the house and the webcam itself. And don't forget the water for the grass so it can grow! ;-)
2,935 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_20_17:45:44.149:
A total eclipse of the moon tonight across the United States and much of the world. It starts at 6:43 pm Mountain. It will be the last total lunar eclipse until 2010. If you can tear yourselves away from the grass for a few minutes, grab a PBR, go outside and check it out.
Mr. Grass replies at 17:51 - YEP ... unfortunately, mostly cloudy here ... but I'll be taking a look in about an hour to see if the moon is visible ...
Update: I could see the glow of the moon, but that was about it - i.e. don't know for sure if it was an eclipse or a heavier cloud bank the moon went into ... :-(
2,934 -
United Kingdom - Farnborough Hampshire 51.266°N 0.733°W "Anonymous" from (cpc3-mfld9-0-0-cust639.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_20_12:10:44.294:
BTW I was wondering what you thought of these emails in 2002/3 when you new something they didn't "I was going to make your lights "flicker" a bit more... but I noticed that your webcam is returning a bunch of static" And "saw the value spike as i shut off the two big strings" amazing what the power of sugestion can make you think.
2,933 -
United Kingdom - Farnborough Hampshire 51.266°N 0.733°W "Anonymous" from (cpc3-mfld9-0-0-cust639.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_20_11:55:59.231:
hi alek i was reading through the web cam FAQ and noyiced a miss type "Then you have to find a location where you can good a good view of the lights" I wondered how you get the X10 controles from your X10 program to the Perl/CGI script. Sorry if its in the FAQ but I cant find it. Thank You
2,932 -
United Kingdom - Farnborough Hampshire 51.266°N 0.733°W "Anonymous" from (cpc3-mfld9-0-0-cust639.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_18_13:53:59.718:
hi alek is your grass music and halloween music and christmas music free domain?
2,931 -
China - Beijing Beijing 39.928°N 116.388°E "diuffinia" from (hn.kd.ny.adsl) wrote at 2008_02_18_12:19:50.314:
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2,930 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_16_22:28:46.821:
Sorry Mr. H, I was trying to goose Noel. :)
2,929 -
United States - Rosemead California 34.061°N 118.081°W "eso" from (71-93-195-78.static.lsan.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008_02_16_10:09:58.535:
Wow, the snow is melting away. That can't be the end of it for the season! Hi everybody. I've been too busy and haven't been popping in as often as I'd like. It looks like you are all on a roll trying to get to 3,000 posts first. Tune in Wednesdays between 9:30-10:00 am mountain time for the trash truck collecting trash LIVE!
Mr. Grass replies at 10:19 - Actually, March is our snowiest month ... so we should get more white stuff before it's all green. Also, the trash truck has been showing up early - around 8'ish Wednesday morning.
2,928 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-162-34.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_02_15_17:24:37.722:
Let's all gather around here and give Noel a BIG group hug. Ready? Here we go......Ahhhhhhh, that was nice. Ms Kina, was that you who goosed me?
2,927 -
United States - Olathe Kansas 38.868°N 94.834°W "Kinarie" from (adsl-66-136-128-65.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net) wrote at 2008_02_15_16:19:37.022:
Hey kids. How's tricks? Mr. Piper, behave! You're learning bad things from Mr. H. :) Mr. Noel, I feel for ya kid. Anyway, Happy Belated Valentine's Day to everyone. Hi Karen, Allison, Gill and Mr. & Mrs. G too. Spring will come and we will be mowing soon.
2,926 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "james" from (5accebef.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_02_15_07:24:32.791:
alek what about mission impossible for some blue grass music?
Mr. Grass replies at 07:51 - I kinda think "Live and Let Die" is appropriate while Watching Grass Grow ... but if you can find a public domain version of
Mission Impossible theme, I'll at least add it to the grass music page.
12:14 Update - Mission Impossible added - thanks James!
2,925 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_02_15_07:24:02.325:
mr h, it's just that everyone i see is so happy on valentine's and the one i'm supposed to celebrate it with, celebrates with someone else. just not my day. so i went to a bar hoping to drink away my misery then stroll around in the pouring rain and guess what, no drunkenness and a clear sky. i can't catch a break.
2,924 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_02_15_07:05:18.250:
No thanks, my wife won't let me date... lol
2,923 -
United States - Chicago Illinois 41.877°N 87.627°W "samantharob" from (.) wrote at 2008_02_14_22:13:09.370:
Hey guys, Was wondering if any of you are part of any free dating sites? Ive been researching and looking around for all the best free dating sites to join. A lot of free dating sites are free, but you need to verify your age with your credit card which a lot of people aren't comfortable with. Ive found a site that lists all the free dating sites where you dont need credit card at all. Just simply your name.. age.. email.. and your good to go!
2,922 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_14_15:48:47.186:
What's wrong Noel? You still upset because that nasty rum did a trick on you? Well, cheer up, all of us here at WGG love you and wish you a Happy Valentine's Day. XOXOXO to all the WGG Crew.
2,921 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_02_14_08:27:47.196:
looks like it's the perfect weather for a ride in the delta 88. happy valentine's to you all, who love and being loved. i just hate this day.
2,920 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "james" from (5accebf4.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_02_14_06:46:33.172:
thats not fair we havent even had a sprincle of snow boo hoo , could u mail us some please alek
2,919 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_13_15:26:35.401:
Welcome back Noel and thanks for sharing that valuable information with us. And yes Mr Dave, something does smell fishy. Maybe Mr G is trying out a new kind of fertlizer.
2,918 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_13_14:38:36.764:
Well its going to be -5 here on Saturday so im turning the heating up. Theres definatly something very fishy going on around here.........
2,917 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "james" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_13_11:12:28.138:
the christmas tree shape has finaly gone!
2,916 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_02_13_09:30:41.739:
long time no grass, had fun in france though. if you ever go there for a little skiing, don't drink their rum unless you're a massive fan of diarrhoea.
2,915 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_12_21:30:42.072:
I'm sad the snow is melting...
Mr. Grass replies at 07:50 - Yep ... should hit mid-50's today ... but then temperatures should plunge on Thursday with chance for another 6" of snow.
2,914 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_12_17:48:24.720:
The little angel is just wonderful Ms Alison. One month old already and more beautiful than ever. Spring has sprung here in SoCal too. Blue skies and 75 degrees today. About time for Mr G to start sharpening those mower blades!
2,913 -
United Kingdom - Guildford Surrey 51.216°N 0.566°W "Alison S" from (user198.resC154.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_02_12_16:24:11.141:
Hey everyone. I've been computer less for a few days, had the recharge jack broken on my laptop grrrrrrrrr. I sure have missed popping my each day. Nice to see the white stuff looks to be going for good now. Spring is definately in the air. How is H2000 little angel doing this week?
2,912 -
United Kingdom - Derby Derby 52.933°N 1.500°W "Gill UK (luke's mum)" from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust772.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_12_12:07:13.731:
Hi to all the fish lovers. Just letting you all know, I have mowed my lawn today, 1st cut of the year. We also have koi fish in our pond outside, perhaps we should set up a cam. They're just starting to swim, after the cold winter. Hope you are all well. Gill.
2,911 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-39-91.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_02_11_17:56:19.666:
Yep Mr James, I checked it out. But don't tell Mr G. I don't want him to know that we're cheating on him.
2,910 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "james" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_11_17:00:25.410:
H2000 and eso is that u in the fish-cam . co . uk website shout box
2,909 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_10_17:58:35.653:
You're right H2000, Imma get it! ___starts his engine___
2,908 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Red" from (cpc3-warw2-0-0-cust273.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_10_14:16:16.697:
i meen this green:---___ ___---
2,907 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Red" from (cpc3-warw2-0-0-cust273.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_10_13:55:01.824:
Mines this green:
2,906 -
United Kingdom - Nuneaton Warwickshire 52.516°N 1.466°W "Smacktarded" from (cpc1-warw2-0-0-cust753.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_10_08:23:36.726:
HAHA! my grass is greener.
2,905 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-145-135.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_02_09_16:10:15.794:
Hmmmm. Looks like I've got some competiton in the WGG3000 race. Only 95 comments to go. Gentlemen, start your engines.
2,904 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "james" from (5acceb2f.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_02_09_15:12:34.277:
check out this site for some fish tank cams www . fish - cam . co . uk remove the spaces
2,903 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_09_11:58:31.899:
oh no you don't, its MINE ALL MINE ___insert insane laugh here___
2,902 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-145-135.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_02_09_11:01:53.488:
The comic duo of "Bean and Noodle" is a tough act to follow. Life is good Ms Kina. Still no snow here in San Diego. 3K is geting close Mr KY. Best keep your eye on it. I'm about to make a run for it soon.
2,901 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina Marie in KCK" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_09_09:03:37.292:
Hey everybody. How is life treating you? Today is going to be a nice crisp 45 degrees today and I can see grass at my house too, at least until the next snowfall. Happy Saturday to all the WGG Bunch.
2,900 -
United States - Auburn Michigan 43.639°N 84.088°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008_02_09_07:52:58.831:
So far, we have Teams: 1 Dollars Raised: 0.00 Participants: 1 Teams: 1 and there are still 196days until Relay! Alpena MI
2,899 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Red" from (cpc3-warw2-0-0-cust273.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_09_01:45:37.767:
Im still watching it but its a bit dark s i cant really see much.
2,898 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.539°N 96.716°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008_02_08_21:54:27.401:
hey not 3k posts yet!
2,897 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_08_18:27:19.567:
HAHA we have more snow here Alek!
2,896 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Anonymous" from (cpc3-warw2-0-0-cust273.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_08_13:18:16.223:
So they where hot beans... right, im going to leave that covesation there, care to start a new one.
2,895 -
United Kingdom - Nuneaton Warwickshire 52.516°N 1.466°W "Smacktarded" from (cpc1-warw2-0-0-cust753.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_08_13:16:35.599:
Imagine the burns
2,894 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Red" from (cpc3-warw2-0-0-cust273.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_08_13:10:33.589:
Ok i wished i hadnt asked.
2,893 -
United Kingdom - Nuneaton Warwickshire 52.516°N 1.466°W "Smacktarded" from (cpc1-warw2-0-0-cust753.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_08_13:09:02.743:
so many sleepless nights, u dont wanna know
2,892 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Red" from (cpc3-warw2-0-0-cust273.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_08_13:04:07.878:
Baked beans? Mind sharing these stories?
2,891 -
United Kingdom - Nuneaton Warwickshire 52.516°N 1.466°W "Smacktarded" from (cpc1-warw2-0-0-cust753.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_08_13:02:41.074:
noodles float your boat eh? fair enough, I not into the whole fetish thing to be honest. Although i've horrific stories about baked beans
2,890 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Red" from (cpc3-warw2-0-0-cust273.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_08_12:51:40.452:
Grass Grass?, well i think there is probebly some one who has a Grass fetish because though its wierd i have a big noodle fetish.
2,889 -
United Kingdom - Nuneaton Warwickshire 52.516°N 1.466°W "Smacktarded" from (cpc1-warw2-0-0-cust753.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_08_12:49:40.648:
do you reckon some people have a grass grass fetish?
2,888 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_08_12:49:07.967:
ive beeen infront of my computerr for 48 hours strait its so exiting
2,887 -
United Kingdom - Bedworth Warwickshire 52.466°N 1.466°W "Red" from (cpc3-warw2-0-0-cust273.brhm.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_02_08_12:46:26.871:
2,886 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_07_17:28:58.490:
It sure does Mr Dave. They grow faster than Mr G's grass. Doesn't seem so long ago that I was a kid, looking at my Grandpa and thinking what an OLD geezer he was. And now, presto changeo, I m the old geezer! Time flies indeed. Cherish every minute I will.
2,885 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_07_11:08:04.630:
Well cherish the days H2000. I can remember my daughter as a baby and she is nearly 5 now. Time Flys.
2,884 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-163-43.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_02_06_15:27:06.164:
What happened? I head south for a few days on a little "surfari", come back, and the grass is under snow again. Can't turn my back on this place for a minute. Life as a Grandad is just the BEST Mr Dave! Thanks for asking. Ain't nothing like it. I love her more and more everyday.
2,883 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_02_06_12:26:47.446:
Hi All Grass Lovers. Hope nobody was to close to the terrible tornados that have hit the US. Hope you are all well. Hows life as a Grandad H2000...
2,882 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_05_16:18:09.003:
Alek, I need some help... The offline images dont show up so I tried to make my own but do I have to upload them somewhere or what? oh and i updated the site: http : / / h1 . ripway . com / CIA100 / Webcams . html Also, will the music things work?
2,881 -
United Kingdom - Winchester Hampshire 51.016°N 1.316°W "Alison S" from (user10.resC136.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_02_04_17:27:05.879:
Hey Kina you spoke to soon about the green stuff, its gone back into hiding under a fresh white blanket.
2,880 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Wild and Crazy Kina in KC" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_03_08:05:59.842:
Mr. G, I see a little of the green stuff under your snow too. BTW, I see that in a week to 10 days we here in "yellow brick road" country are going to be warming up. What about you? Cannot wait for SPRING!!!
2,879 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_02_20:54:23.645:
Here you go: http : / / h1 . ripway . com / CIA100 / Index . html (just remove the spaces) I still havent dug out the Xmas ones or the Halloween ones. Thanks again Alek. sorry about the two comments in a row...
2,878 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_02_20:45:06.145:
you bet! I already have the wgg thing for my sig on a forum. I wouldnt mind having it there either!
2,877 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_01_21:14:54.719:
Alek, would you mind if I take the HTML code from the WGG xmas and halloween sites and put them all together on my ripway thing (which I hate... but oh well...) so I can see everything at once? would it even work anyway?
Mr. Grass replies at 22:01 - As with most stuff on the Internet, nothing prevents you from scraping the content of the site ... so I can't really say no ... although I do find it a bit annoying when people use someone's else content. Would suggest that at least providing credit/link-back is an appropriate thing to do.
2,876 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_01_18:22:42.546:
Mr. H you are a card. I love it. I, being a beautiful brunette, absolutely love blond jokes anyway. By the way, thanks for thinking of us for your grandprincesses name but those names are precious. I bet she is lovely. Mr. G, we got snowed on again too but it was really light. I can see some of my grass and it has never turned brown this year. It stayed green under the snow, weird!!!
2,875 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_02_01_16:37:14.454:
Ahhhh I see Alek.... To bad I wasn't here to watch that...
2,874 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "josh" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2008_02_01_02:00:04.467:
some ones been taking a short cut acroos the corner of 'the grass' in a car i can see the tyer tracks in the snow.
2,873 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_31_18:23:53.388:
whatever happened to Mr. Custom Home Construction Dude?
Mr. Grass replies at 22:38 - There used to be a webcam at Mr. CHCD's house ... but they finishing building his house.
2,872 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_01_31_18:16:27.286:
i'm off to france for 10 days of skiing. yay! wish me luck, and an avalanche. oh, mr h, great great names.
2,871 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_31_17:17:15.185:
Mr G was mowing the grass when his "Hot" blond neighbor came out of the house and went to the mailbox. She opened it then slammed it shut and stormed back into the house. Later she came out of her house again, went to the mailbox, opened it, and slammed it shut again. Angrily, back into the house she went. As Mr G was getting ready to edge the lawn, she came out again, marched to the mailbox, opened it and then slammed it harder than ever. Puzzled by her actions he asked her, Is something wrong? There certainly is she said! My stupid computer keeps saying, You've got mail!
2,870 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "james" from (5accebac.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_01_31_15:23:15.778:
At last we had the first sprinkling of snow here in the UK but it was not to be, for it only lasted 10 minuits though we can hope.
2,869 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_31_12:37:18.875:
Oh Shucks the grass has gone again. Oh well heres to another 3 weeks of slow melting snow....yip**e. Great names by the way H2000.
2,868 -
United Kingdom - Pinner Greater London 51.583°N 0.383°W "Alison S" from (user70.resC151.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_01_30_16:48:23.714:
A nice choice of names H2000. Personally I like to keep older generation family names alive. My middle name has been included, in various forms, on my mums side of the family for years. Also being a kean genealogist it also helps identify people sometimes. Changing the sub*ect I see we have a fresh spattering of snow. Just as the snow xmas tree was finally disappearing. Is the bad weather just a quick fluttering or a expected storm to stay a while?
Mr. Grass replies at 16:58 - Yea, a bit of a flurry/blizzard moved in quickly this afternoon ... but we are only supposed to get an inch or so overnight ... stay tuned for live coverage! ;-)
2,867 -
United Kingdom - Chester-le-street Durham 54.850°N 1.566°W "james" from (5ac89a51.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_01_30_14:17:03.415:
hi alek i no you have some lighting modules on x10 and you can dimm them but do you use them on transformer lights just as the on off funktion, i ask because iv just got some lighting modules and dont want to break them because when you click ON it dimms them up thanks
Mr. Grass replies at 16:40 - Some of the X10 modules have a "slow/gradual" on/off capability ... so that may be what you are seeing (?)
2,866 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "Anonymous" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2008_01_30_07:58:04.520:
___html___ ___body___ ___p___ HI EVERYONE 'HTML'WONDERED IF IT WORKED. ___p___ ___/body___ ___/html___
2,865 -
Norway - Kolbotn Akershus 59.811°N 10.798°E "Remoron" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_30_07:40:42.472:
i saw you carry out something to the sidewalk :P what was it?:P
2,864 -
United States - Auburn Michigan 43.639°N 84.088°W "Anonymous" from (66-227-136-3.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com) wrote at 2008_01_30_07:23:16.897:
So far, we have Teams: 0 Dollars Raised: 0.00 Participants: 0 Teams: 0 and there are still 200days until Relay! Alpena MI
2,863 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_29_16:22:38.710:
Nobody around here ever takes me seriously. I just don't understand why. OK, OK as for her real name. I really pushed hard for the name Alison Kina, but in the end, her parents named her Simone Makela. Simone is her Great Grandmothers name and Makela is the name of the beach in Maui where her parents got married. So that's it, I'm not kidding this time.
2,862 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_01_29_10:38:53.114:
mr h, i reckon you put wgg on the table namewise. did you go with it? we're excited.
2,861 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Anonymous" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_28_22:57:47.109:
I see grass, little bits of grass. Cannot wait for spring.
2,860 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Wild and Crazy Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_28_22:48:36.692:
Mr. H, you've lost what little mind you had left. What is her REAL first name please? Enjoy, they aren't little forever. Hey Mr. G, whassup??? More snow coming your way too? We had a nice warm weekend, got up to 60 degrees. Havin a heat wave, a tropical heat wave. Everybody Sing. :)
2,859 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_28_14:41:10.239:
ooops sorry, not sure how this happened?
2,858 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_28_14:33:53.323:
2,857 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "josh" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2008_01_28_07:52:54.123:
Mr. Grass has not been in contact with us for over a week, wonder what hes up too, mabey planning halloween. PS, thoose coments bellow with the same host name and IP adress is not me, this is a school conection so it could be anyone.
2,856 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave Uk" from (host-84-13-114-11.opaltelecom.net.114.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008_01_27_15:30:18.102:
Love it. Im sure with such role models the kid will have a bright future......lol
2,855 -
United Kingdom - Winchester Hampshire 51.016°N 1.316°W "Alison S" from (user93.resC131.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_01_27_14:36:16.016:
Lmao at H2000s name choices. Oh stop it hurts. lol Seriously though what have the proud Mum, Dad and Grandad called her?
2,854 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-39-187.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_27_11:34:16.271:
Yep Ms Kina, gorgeous, beautiful, wonderous describe her pretty well. I love her to pieces! And Mr Dave, as for the name, the family thought long and hard about it. We wanted to name her after a positive role model and someone who was a good influence on todays children. We finally settled on Britney Paris Lindsey. Like it?
2,853 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina in KC" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_26_20:12:00.489:
Thanks tons Mr. H. It's nice to be missed. My family was just mad that we didn't let them go too. :) Wow, what a proud, proud grandpa. She must be GORGEOUS, BEAUTIFUL, WONDEROUS. Am I close???
2,852 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_26_13:19:58.658:
Hi all looks like the snow is finally melting but can still see the christmas tree shape......aaaahhh christmas seems so long ago. H2000 what is your new granddaughter called.
2,851 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_25_15:48:53.168:
Thanks Ms Kina. She's an angel (do I sound like a proud Grandpa?). And who you calling a beach bum? I seem to recall someone just spent two weeks lounging on the beach in Hawaii. Welcome back, we missed you. The WGG Crew is incomplete without our Wild & Crazy KC babe!
2,850 -
Canada - Victoria British Columbia 48.433°N 123.350°W "Anonymous" from (vicce008.net.gov.bc.ca) wrote at 2008_01_25_12:29:43.495:
Where is this....
2,849 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "adam" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2008_01_25_03:07:46.864:
what would you do if your neibours started to do this.
2,848 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "adam fillingham from 3 prior close sutton in ashfield" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2008_01_25_02:29:21.489:
who whatches this load off plop
2,847 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "poop" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2008_01_25_02:20:36.594:
mr blobby mr blobby
2,846 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "Aaron" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2008_01_25_02:14:25.575:
hello i think this is a good idea for people who have no lives , Der get rid of it , ppl or being g** over it
2,845 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Kina in KC" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_24_21:09:58.462:
Hello everyone. Sorry for being gone so long but I just heard the most amazing news. Mr. H I got the memo that, even though your just a young stud beach bum, YOU'RE A GRANDPA. Wow! Congrats and kisses to the beautiful princess.
2,844 -
United States - City N/A California 36.159°N 119.800°W "eso" from (75-142-101-152.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008_01_24_18:32:17.463:
Good try H2000, but I suspect you would be comparing apples and oranges.
2,843 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-245-120-166.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_24_16:08:50.696:
I was over visiting my new grandaughter earlier (she's soooo adorable!). Anyway, my wife and daughter-in-law were talking about the pain of child birth and how men don't know what real pain is. Not true I said. I asked if either one of them had ever gotten themselves caught in a zipper.
2,842 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "james" from (5acceb0b.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_01_23_10:45:07.739:
iv just seen an inflatable homer just like the one here on fright catalog, also on there it says 281 days 6 hours 15 minuts 05 seconds untill halloween!
2,841 -
United States - Omaha Nebraska 41.260°N 96.046°W "Becky in Omaha" from (ip72-213-0-242.om.om.cox.net) wrote at 2008_01_23_10:08:29.661:
It's been cold for the last month where I am. We are expecting temps in the 40's by next week. Get out your swimming trunks folks.
2,840 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Alison S" from (user83.resC89.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_01_22_16:22:53.097:
It was almost like a spring day here today. It doesn't seem it was less than a month since Xmas.
2,839 -
United States - Oceanside California 33.274°N 117.335°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-152-92.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_21_13:42:51.409:
Fresh dusting of snow on the grass and 10 degrees F! Burrrrrrr! You best stay inside and snuggle by a warm fire today Mr G.
2,838 -
United Kingdom - Bradfield Shropshire 51.433°N 1.133°W "Anonymous" from (mail.bradfieldcollege.org.uk) wrote at 2008_01_21_13:09:05.282:
watching grass is really interesting.....i have no fiends BTW! you should put a cow on the grass every so ofter to lighten the mood and make it more interesting for the kiddies at home to watch i love pleasuring myself to photos of grass es***ally when there are the odd distractions on them such as sheep or even wild pigs fighting not in the conventional sense! from you ever loving nim-nam-jam von hugendong AKA Sirhackalot, N3m51S, and you face was on my toilet the other day! Cyaz
2,837 -
United Kingdom - Bradfield Shropshire 51.433°N 1.133°W "Anonymous" from (mail.bradfieldcollege.org.uk) wrote at 2008_01_21_13:03:24.609:
Goji Berries
2,836 -
United Kingdom - Bradfield Shropshire 51.433°N 1.133°W "Anonymous" from (mail.bradfieldcollege.org.uk) wrote at 2008_01_21_12:57:14.781:
hey you seem pretty cool ....
2,835 -
United States - Yuma Arizona 32.689°N 114.385°W "Brandon" from (CPE-76-178-28-49.natsow.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_20_14:02:31.705:
and is that a new music thing I see?
2,834 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "james" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_20_09:57:46.849:
we have a new clock/time stamp on the webcam
Mr. Grass replies at 13:29 - Nice spot - yes, I moved the timestamp from the left side to the right side ... and also add a green WGG. You can see both of 'em below.
2,833 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_01_20_09:44:35.213:
either that or it was too early in the morning and you just couldn't walk straight. happens to me all the time :)
2,832 -
United Kingdom - Brighton East Sussex 50.833°N 0.150°W "james" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_20_08:12:11.897:
alek how come your car tracks in the snow bend in ,in the middle about half way down your drive
Mr. Grass replies at 08:30 - Those are actually from show shoveling - I thought I would leave a "pattern" in the driveway snow to puzzle WGG fans! ;-)
2,831 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008_01_20_00:16:27.069:
Congrats H2000 on your grandaughter!!!
2,830 -
United Kingdom - Winchester Hampshire 51.016°N 1.316°W "Alison S" from (user38.resC133.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_01_19_18:33:32.251:
What a shame we cant see the little bundle. Give her plenty of kisses from her WGG family.
2,829 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_01_19_17:05:52.974:
wow, congrats mr h!
2,828 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_19_11:57:37.394:
Thanks guys. I just got back from seeing my new little princess. I gotta tell ya, my WGG family, I'm head over heels in love!! Life is good!
2,827 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_19_11:15:11.427:
Congratulations H2000. Better get some extra sleep now as you wont get any aoon when your on Babysitting duties.
2,826 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_01_19_11:10:00.032:
Congrats H2000!
2,825 -
United Kingdom - Winchester Hampshire 51.016°N 1.316°W "Alison S" from (user38.resC133.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_01_19_09:42:07.792:
Congratulations H2000. What a wonderful excuse to do all things Disney etc.... I cant decide whether I personally like the thought of being a grandparent, another 10 years or so maybe. lol
2,824 -
China - Yunnan Yunnan 25.483°N 100.583°E "lalatroc" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_18_22:58:16.228:
2,823 -
United States - Farmington Michigan 42.483°N 83.377°W "OH2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_18_20:03:57.817:
Hey,"eso" how old are you?
2,822 -
United States - City N/A California 36.159°N 119.800°W "eso" from (75-142-101-152.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008_01_18_19:42:03.248:
Congratulations H2000! IIRC, we're about the same age... You're a Grandpa and I've got an 11 month old son! Wow, you got started earlier, and I definitely took my time...
2,821 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_18_15:41:21.316:
I'm a Grandpa!!! I know, I know, it's hard to believe that someone as handsome and young looking as me could be a Grandpa, but it's true. A 7 lb 7 oz baby girl and man is she beautiful! I now believe in love at first sight. Can't wait to take her to Disneyland!
2,820 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-37-186.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_17_17:47:44.649:
Wow!! Look how tan Ms Kina is!
2,819 -
Pakistan - Karachi Sindh 24.866°N 67.050°E "buy v*****" from ( wrote at 2008_01_17_00:39:43.160:
No no you are right and I am wrong. Ok
2,818 -
United States - City N/A California 36.159°N 119.800°W "eso" from (75-142-101-152.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008_01_16_19:16:18.324:
Yeah, it was an ugly day here too. We were fogged in for an hour or two this morning and only then did it clear up for a typical 68 degrees. It's terrible.
2,817 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-245-120-148.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_16_15:46:50.567:
Sorry Ms Alison. Actually the weather isn't all that nice here. Today it dipped down into the 60s. Burrr!! Had to put on some long pants and couldn't wear my flip-flops. And believe it or not, earlier today, a cloud passed over!
2,816 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "james" from (5acceb02.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_01_16_09:25:29.457:
are the lighs back up! or the camera just offline
Mr. Grass replies at 09:31 - The webcam dropped offline and I still had the "Christmas offline image" - fixed - thanks! And I've reset the webcam so it's back to watching the grass on a cold day - should have a few inches of snow this afternoon.
2,815 -
United Kingdom - Grays Thurrock 51.483°N 0.333°E "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_15_16:37:21.088:
Ok you two Californians. Stop with the west coast chat your making me jealous. lol.
2,814 -
United Kingdom - Loughborough Leicestershire 52.766°N 1.200°W "Anonymous" from (mx1.embc.org.uk) wrote at 2008_01_15_04:08:46.693:
alek why are some links like on the christmas movie page linked (like the word camera) to an online shop
2,813 -
United States - City N/A California 36.159°N 119.800°W "eso" from (75-142-101-152.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008_01_14_17:40:01.908:
"ALMOST feel guility..." Sure you do H2000! That's a big part of why we stay here even though it seems like the rest of the country is moving here to crowd us.
2,812 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-75-55-36-55.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_14_16:32:42.799:
Most times I would agree with you PROFesSoR, but I gotta root for my home town boys right now. Wish I could find some huge light up Charger footballs to put on my front lawn. I did check on the grass during half time though. And yes, weather has been beautiful here in San Diego too. 78 degrees today. ALMOST feel guility.
2,811 -
United States - City N/A California 36.159°N 119.800°W "eso" from (75-142-101-152.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008_01_13_21:07:32.953:
I'm getting cold just looking at the lawn Mr. G! We're having a run of days in the upper 70s here. Stay warm. And H2000, watching grass grow is WAY better than whatever playoffs are happening!
2,810 -
United Kingdom - Thatcham Berkshire 51.400°N 1.266°W "james" from (5acceb94.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_01_12_19:04:00.792:
i know im a few week late but i wondered whether the inflatable iglues next to smaller frosty were part of him or a seperet thing
2,809 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-162-60.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_12_16:26:49.647:
Watch grass grow, or watch the playoffs? It's a hard decision don't you agree Mr Piper? Go Chargers!
2,808 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_01_12_15:52:09.095:
Make cookies, not...er...fried liver and onions! Go Seahawks!
2,807 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.539°N 96.716°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008_01_12_12:48:29.542:
haha i agree with that. interesting little bugger
2,806 -
United States - San Diego California 32.797°N 117.132°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-162-60.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_12_11:14:40.828:
Youtube, yep. You're all over it Mr KY. And what's up with your dog and that pillow? I think the new WGG Dating Service needs to find HIM a girlfriend!
2,805 -
Netherlands - Eindhoven Noord-Brabant 51.450°N 5.466°E "Crydayfaf" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_12_06:01:14.567:
Make peace, not war!
2,804 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.539°N 96.716°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008_01_11_22:20:24.443:
how in the world?...oh youtube. right lol. no no, still have the cougar. albeit ive been driving the mustang more =D.
2,803 -
United Kingdom - Watford Hertford 51.666°N 0.400°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_11_16:28:44.970:
50p says he should go away if he dont like it here
2,802 -
United States - Oceanside California 33.274°N 117.335°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-212-152-130.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_11_15:41:17.410:
Hey Mr KY, I'm a little worried about you. Hanging out in dangerous caves, smashing walls with a sledgehammer, crazy friends stuck upside down in cars. What's going on? You acting out because your Atari broke? Nice camper though. Did you trade your Cougar for it?
2,801 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_01_11_10:18:52.826:
5 quid says he's polish
2,800 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "lee Jhonson/Dudzinski" from (user-5af0d399.wfd94.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2008_01_11_09:39:04.167:
a fellow Brit, hahahah i laught at this country!
2,799 -
United Kingdom - Norwich Norfolk 52.633°N 1.300°E "Guy with a life" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_11_05:58:31.868:
get a life! please...
2,798 -
Germany - Frankfurt Am Main Hessen 50.116°N 8.683°E "static friction and" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_11_00:14:42.849:
fjn4fu39xw4djkp static friction and static friction and
2,797 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.539°N 96.716°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008_01_10_18:53:13.738:
hmmm. a grass dating service. my my, what has this blog come to?
2,796 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-245-120-231.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_10_18:12:59.949:
Man, this is difficult. You have to really pay attention and watch closely now because the grass seems to grow so much slower in the winter. Barely grows at all. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting eye strain and a bit of a headache.
2,795 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_01_10_13:16:36.241:
well, actually it seems like 'your pathetic' was some kind of a signture. so cool to have our own pathetic, innit?
2,794 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (host-84-13-119-220.opaltelecom.net.119.13.84.in-addr.arpa) wrote at 2008_01_10_10:53:01.426:
Could also do with learning how to use the english language to. Nevermind there's still plent of nice people in the UK :0)
2,793 -
United Kingdom - Watford Hertford 51.666°N 0.400°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_09_18:10:12.766:
Dont think my hubby would like me getting a Girlfriend either..... Definate etiquette lessons needed. Shame a fellow Brit has to show us up.
2,792 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-162-176.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_09_17:47:32.552:
Looks like a few of the newbies have yet to learn proper WGG etiquette.
2,791 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_09_13:58:18.969:
I dont think my wife would appreciate me getting a girlfriend......
2,790 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "lee jonson/ dudzinski" from (user-5af0d399.wfd94.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2008_01_09_13:35:47.458:
yer well your all boring dull people, get a girlfriend all of you! your pathetic!
2,789 -
Germany - Karlsruhe Baden-Wurttemberg 49.004°N 8.385°E "lost garden gnome" from (doppler.x1598.at) wrote at 2008_01_09_00:19:45.940:
Grass is awesome, i smoke it all the time.
2,788 -
United States - Everett Washington 47.898°N 122.258°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_08_11:24:13.274:
GRASS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!
2,787 -
United Kingdom - Gillingham Dorset 51.400°N 0.566°E "LewMartin" from (77-96-209-54.cable.ubr01.maid.blueyonder.co.uk) wrote at 2008_01_08_08:57:58.772:
Mr. Grass man ur a d***
2,786 -
United Kingdom - Maidstone Kent 51.266°N 0.516°E "anoymaous person who can not spell!" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_08_02:21:46.891:
id rather watch paint dry!
2,785 -
United States - Barberville Florida 29.188°N 81.418°W "Just Joan" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_07_17:47:26.785:
Alek,have you thought about doing anything for Valentines?I loved your Halloween and Christmas lights!This was the first year I saw them.You and yours have a great new year!
2,784 -
United States - Barberville Florida 29.188°N 81.418°W "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_07_17:39:29.742:
Lee, it may be stupid,but you looked And you posted!
2,783 -
United Kingdom - Dagenham Barking and Dagenham 51.550°N 0.166°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_07_14:32:58.596:
Even pilots have grass in their lives.
2,782 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Lee Jhonson/dudzinski" from (user-5af0d399.wfd94.dsl.pol.co.uk) wrote at 2008_01_07_12:40:25.150:
Hello, i live in devon and think this is the most stupidest thing that the internet has to offer, only you could have come up with this. when im older im gonna be a pilot, thats a real job, not like monitoring grass! woot woot, lee
2,781 -
United Kingdom - Maidstone Kent 51.266°N 0.516°E "cheese" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_07_07:42:54.341:
i saw him pull out in his car whoooooo yay who the greatest
2,780 -
United Kingdom - Maidstone Kent 51.266°N 0.516°E "sean" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_07_05:42:40.729:
Yeah that would be great we can meet uo go round each others houses look on the internet at stuff and we do things withg each other i would really like tat!! NEW BEST FRIEND!! :) xx
2,779 -
United Kingdom - Maidstone Kent 51.266°N 0.516°E "ash" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_07_05:37:16.627:
...ok sean i would love to meet u we in the same area maidstone you live closeto the school nll we should meet up some time have coffe tea dinner we can be best friends :):)
2,778 -
United Kingdom - Maidstone Kent 51.266°N 0.516°E "Sean" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_07_05:31:36.718:
(g** accent)hey my name i sean i like the way people talk about grass! i relli like the sound of this ashley guy because he like to tell everyone he is not g** but infact he! i would love to meet u ashley i live in london if u wanna c** and meet me! xxxx
2,777 -
United Kingdom - Maidstone Kent 51.266°N 0.516°E "cheesemonkey" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_07_05:25:11.881:
sry i will stop posting these comment so evercan enjoy this wonderfull website :)
2,776 -
United Kingdom - Maidstone Kent 51.266°N 0.516°E "cheesemonkey" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_07_05:18:32.695:
it looks like the marc person and this like monkeys and this ashley person it isnt me because my name is ash i think this is an enjoyble website :) can anyone stop him fromposting messeges beacuse i no he going to say one which says im g** he mel how are u do u like the website how are u
2,775 -
United Kingdom - Maidstone Kent 51.266°N 0.516°E "Ashley Scott" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_07_05:11:28.221:
i think the grass monkey had a little accident!
2,774 -
United Kingdom - Maidstone Kent 51.266°N 0.516°E "marc" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_07_05:02:03.656:
attack of the cheese monkey attack the grass it should be green not white
2,773 -
United Kingdom - Maidstone Kent 51.266°N 0.516°E "ash" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_07_04:55:27.991:
the grass is white not green damm u all :)
2,772 -
United Kingdom - Maidstone Kent 51.266°N 0.516°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_07_04:49:39.848:
yay grass woooo it grows
2,771 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.539°N 96.716°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008_01_05_21:03:29.495:
ooo interesting stuff
2,770 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "Anonymous" from (cache-mtc-ah05.proxy.aol.com) wrote at 2008_01_05_11:04:03.276:
Eso, he always has a "hunt" this time of year to get in practice for the approaching Easter egg hunt. This usually involves looking for lost items under the snow, i.e. childrens shoes or maybe a toy of some sort. He usually posts hints of what quadrant of the yard to look in. Chk back daily for when the hunt will begin.
2,769 -
United States - City N/A California 36.159°N 119.800°W "eso" from (75-142-101-152.static.mtpk.ca.charter.com) wrote at 2008_01_05_08:51:34.712:
Happy New Year Grass Watchers! Mr. G, what sort of excitement do you have planned for the lawn between now and the thaw? I'm so curious...
2,768 -
United States - Hulkville in the Republic of Boulder, Colorado Mr. Grass says at 2008_01_05_08:32:43.027:
WOw - looks like we have a lotta Grass Watchers for 2008 - be forewarned that the excitement in the Spring (when the grass is not under a foot of snow and is green and growing) can be overwhelming! ;-)
2,767 -
United Kingdom - Lancaster Lancashire 54.066°N 2.833°W "james" from (5ac89a3e.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_01_04_18:18:54.349:
sorry to be a pain alek but i just wondered what program you used to create those time laps videos
Mr. Grass replies at 08:50 - I use the Linux "convert" comment to produce an mpeg time-lapse movie from a group of jpeg images as taken by the webcam ... there are a variety of programs that will do this for you.
2,766 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.539°N 96.716°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008_01_04_16:21:34.388:
haha sounds good! so how was everyones new years celebration?
2,765 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_04_15:33:46.473:
And the real question Mr James is, how long does it take one man to take down Christmas Decorations with camouflage clogs on?
2,764 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_04_15:28:03.247:
Yep Mr KY, alot of new folks addicted to grass now. They're kinda wierd, but fun. (Lets keep that between ourselves OK?)
2,763 -
United States - Cockeysville Maryland 39.491°N 76.632°W "macey, monroe, wi" from (jfw.sbgnet.com) wrote at 2008_01_04_14:01:50.993:
awww, bye bye holiday decorations..... gonna clear the snow so we can see grass too? :)
2,762 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_01_04_11:34:35.531:
james, believe it or not, i know people that would actually start counting.
2,761 -
United Kingdom - Lancaster Lancashire 54.066°N 2.833°W "james" from (5ac89a46.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_01_03_20:37:52.092:
if it takes 2 men two weeks to walk a fornite ,how long does it take one man to wheel a barow of treeckle with clogs on
2,760 -
United Kingdom - Lancaster Lancashire 54.066°N 2.833°W "Anonymous" from (5ac89a46.bb.sky.com) wrote at 2008_01_03_20:09:08.535:
the garden looks a bit dark
2,759 -
United States - Sioux Falls South Dakota 43.539°N 96.716°W "Kynitekia" from (host-143-62-107-208.midco.net) wrote at 2008_01_03_19:59:04.446:
wow. so H, I guess there have been alot of new comers since i took my leave of absence for a bit?
2,758 -
Hungary - Budapest Budapest 47.500°N 19.083°E "noel" from (82-77-102-194.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu) wrote at 2008_01_03_13:39:25.437:
happy new year wggers!
2,757 -
United Kingdom - Dagenham Barking and Dagenham 51.550°N 0.166°E "Alison S" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_03_11:32:52.531:
Oooo very jealous, we are so overdue a vacation its unreal. I'm thinking of knocking on H2000 door and see if he takes pity on a poor Brit. lol
2,756 -
United States - Kansas City Kansas 39.111°N 94.690°W "Wild and Crazy Kina" from (CPE-69-23-123-41.kc.res.rr.com) wrote at 2008_01_02_18:18:13.441:
2,755 -
United States - City N/A Region N/A 38.000°N 97.000°W "H2000" from (adsl-76-244-160-60.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net) wrote at 2008_01_02_16:12:49.408:
Hail, hail, the gangs all here!
2,754 -
United Kingdom - Salisbury Wiltshire 51.066°N 1.783°W "Alison S" from (user43.resC131.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_01_02_11:44:38.396:
You know you had a good night when the 1st pa**** you by. :-)
2,753 -
United States - Omaha Nebraska 41.260°N 96.046°W "Becky from Omaha" from (ip72-213-0-242.om.om.cox.net) wrote at 2008_01_02_09:11:12.216:
I hope everyone had a good Christmas and Happy New Year. I'm a little depressed that the holiday season is over, but it will come soon enough. Now we can pass the time by watching grass grow and snow melt.
2,752 -
Ethiopia - City N/A Region N/A 8.000°N 38.000°E "Anonymous" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_02_02:05:44.460:
crismass tree and happy new year
2,751 -
United States - Port Hadlock Washington 48.004°N 122.749°W "Piobaireachd" from (c66-235-28-208.sea2.cablespeed.com) wrote at 2008_01_01_19:03:34.600:
Happy New Year everyone! I hope all had an excellent holiday season.
2,750 -
United Kingdom - Heanor Derbyshire 53.000°N 1.300°W "Luke's mum UK." from (cpc1-derb3-0-0-cust772.lei3.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_01_01_18:28:12.908:
Hi Alek,Dave,Alison,H2000,Kina, hope you all had a good new year. I spent nearly all day in bed, I think it was something I ate :-)
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United Kingdom - Salisbury Wiltshire 51.066°N 1.783°W "Alison S" from (user152.resC134.jtibs.net) wrote at 2008_01_01_17:05:07.620:
Ahh here we are back at our pre holiday home. Hello again everyone. Yes Eso, thank you we had a great Christmas and New Year. 358 days til Xmas :-)
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United Kingdom - Chesterfield Derbyshire 53.250°N 1.416°W "JAMES" from (cpc3-mfld9-0-0-cust639.nott.cable.ntl.com) wrote at 2008_01_01_10:35:04.598:
2,747 -
United Kingdom - City N/A Region N/A 54.000°N 2.000°W "Dave UK" from (unresolvable) wrote at 2008_01_01_09:43:48.157:
Well Christmas is over. Happy New Year to you all. I suppose its back to watching Grass Growing for another 10 months. (Or Snow Melting).
Mr. Grass replies at 13:49 - Yea, tonight will be the last night to see the Holiday Display - it all comes down tomorrow ... would help if some snow melted!